Founding Co-Directors:

Prof. Dr. Nima Shokri, Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics
Prof. Dr. Irina Smirnova, Institute of Thermal Separation Processes

On behalf of President of Hamburg University of Technology, the Founding Co-Directors will be responsible to make operational decisions. They will serve as bridge-builders, sharing their resources and expertise to contribute through research, training and capacity building on topics important to UNU Hub on Engineering to Face Climate Change and will be responsible to overview and coordinate the joint efforts between TUHH and UNU-INWEH and will explore the avenues to further expand activities of the UNU Hub. 

Affiliated Institute Members

Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics
Institute of Thermal Separation Processes
Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction
Institute of Metal and Composite Structures
Institute of Technical Biocatalysis
Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology
Institute for Ethics in Technology
Institute for Mechatronics in Mechanics
Resilient and Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management Group

Affiliated Staff

PhD candidates
Senior Scientists and Postdocs
Other Staff

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