CampusLAB on Global Soil Health, Water and Climate

As a part of the “CampusLAB” plan at TUHH, the Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics dedicated 990 m2 land to be used as a living lab and research platform to enhance research and educational opportunities and exchanges between TUHH and UNU-INWEH. Wide range of topics including soil, water, climate, environment, sensing technology, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics-oriented research and teaching activities will be investigated in this CampusLAB.


Prof. Nima Shokri, Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics

Prof. Peter Fröhle, Institute of River and Coastal Engineering

Prof. Thorsten Kern, Institute of Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Kay Smarsly, Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction