Capacity Building

Capacity building involves all the activities that increase the visibility of UNU Hub on Engineering to Face Climate Change and impact on policy and society at the regional, national, and international levels. These activities are very diverse and target different types of audiences. Examples include:

    • CampusLab at TUHH:
       CampusLAB on Globar Soil Health, Water and Climate
       CampusLAB Circular Economy
    • Hosting guest lecturers and visitors
    • Organizing high-level events & inviting impactful speakers to TUHH


A wide range of activities are designed at UNU Hub on Engineering to Face Climate Change aiming at education and capacity building to prepare the students for jobs in the UN system, intergovernmental agencies, industry and non-profit organizations. The training components are offered in different forms, ranging from mandatory short/formal courses to individual/group projects, publication of flagship UNU reports and joint MSc and PhD programs. A few examples are listed below:

  • Joint MSc program on Climate Informed Engineering in partnership with UNU-INWEH – building upon the already existing Resaech Initiative on Climate Informed Engineering at TUHH

  • At least 10 PhD candidates at any given time will be affiliated with the UNU Hub with the application to join the Hub being open to all PhD candidates at TUHH

  • TUHH-UNU joint PhD scholarships for applicants from Global South