
Efficient integration of high shares of renewable energies in technically and economically integrated energy systems

Project description

In the course of the conversion of energy systems to renewable energies, the efficient operation of energy grids has become the focus of attention in recent years. The integration of fluctuating renewable energies leads to a decoupling of supply and demand and thus also to an increased need for storage. One solution to this challenge is to network the electricity, heating and gas sectors more closely. For example, energy can be stored much better in the gas or heating grid than in the electricity grid. The use of power-to-heat plants or electrolysers also leads to an increasing interconnection of the sectors, which makes a coupled consideration of the three sectors necessary.

The aim of this project is to investigate the efficient integration of renewable energies into an integrated energy system. To this end, market designs are to be developed that enable efficient operation of the energy systems and make optimum use of the existing flexibilities of the sectors.

Project partners

The Institute for Technical Thermodynamics, the Institute for Electrical Power Engineering and the Institute for Quantitative Business Research and Information Systems are working on the project for the Hamburg University of Technology. Other project partners are TU Dresden and XRG Simulation GmbH.

Role of the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics
The Institute of Technical Thermodynamics is responsible in particular for the modeling and simulation of heating networks. Using the Modelica modeling language, physical models of large district heating networks are created and dynamics in the network, such as thermal inertia, are simulated.


01.10.2022 until 30.09.2025

Contact person

Jan Westphal
M-21 Technische Thermodynamik
  • Technische Thermodynamik
Office Hours
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Denickestraße 15 (K),
21073 Hamburg
Building K, Room 2543
Phone: +49 40 42878 3973