
The organisation of all lectures and courses are done on the student plattform Stud.IP ! On the institute page Technische Thermodynamik you will find under „Ankündigungen“

  • informations about the exams
  • appointments for
    • exams
    • publication of the results
    • access

Offered Courses

Winter Term:

  • Engineering Thermodynamics II (Lecturer: Prof. Arne Speerforck)
  • Heat Engineering (Lecturer: Prof. Gerhard Schmitz / Prof. Arne Speerforck)
  • Wärmeübertragung (Lecturer: Dr. Andreas Moschallski)
  • System Simulation (Assistant Lecturer: Dr. Johannes Brunnemann)
  • Seminar Energy Technology (Contact: Dr. Andreas Moschallski)

Summer Term:

  • Engineering Thermodynamics I (Lecturer: Prof. Arne Speerforck)
  • Air Conditioning Systems (Lecturer: Prof. Gerhard Schmitz / Prof. Arne Speerforck)
  • Practical Course Energy Technology (Contact: Dr. Andreas Moschallski)
  • Fluid Machinery (Lecturer: Prof. Markus Schatz), Helmut-Schmidt-University
  • Wind Turbines (Assistant Lecturer: Dr. Rudolf Zellermann)