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Interfacing the Real-Time Model Checker Uppaal

Stand-alone facilities for interfacing Uppaal (Stratego) and pre- and postprocessing the XML representation of Uppaal models

Uppaal to C mapping:
Provides the data structures, parsers (from C code to an AST as nested dictionary), modifiers (of the AST dict), and printer (of the AST dict to C code) for the C Code Sections of Uppaal Models
Uppaal to C mapping at GITLab

Uppaal model processing:
Provides the data structures, parsers (from Uppaal model XML file over an intermediate dict form to an actual object representation of the Uppaal model), modifiers (of the Uppaal model object), and printer (from Uppaal model object over an intermediate dict form to a Uppaal model XML file) for Uppaal models 
Uppaal model processing at GITLab

Uppaal Stratego interface:
Provides an interface to the verifyta command line tool (distributed with Uppaal)
Uppaal Stratego interface at GITLab

Components of the strategy synthesizer and their dependencies, including the Uppaal model and verifyta interfaces