EXIST Women für Gründerinnen der TUHH

In 2025, we can also offer an independent programme for female founders as part of EXIST Women funding from the BMWK.

Who can be supported?
Female founders as individual founders or in a team with a joint start-up idea. The programme should be used to further concretise this idea and prepare an EXIST start-up grant application, for example. It is important that you have not yet founded a company and/or have not yet taken part in a start-up support programme. Details on the legal conditions can be found in the guidelines here.

What does the programme include?
Scholarship of 1,000 to a maximum of 3,000 euros per month for up to 3 months (see guidelines for details)
Participation in the newly launched Crew Barcelona including qualification programme, networking opportunities etc. (for more details see above)
2000.- Euro material resources
Additional workshops on special topics related to the promotion of female founders 
Mentoring by experienced female founders
Option of free office space during the programme
Networking with EXIST Women founders from other universities in the metropolitan region
How can I apply?
You must submit written documents and pitch in front of a jury. The following timeline applies:

Submission of the documents by 07.02.2025 
Application pitches between 24.02.2025 and 28.02.2025
Start of Crew Barcelona on 01/04/2025 (in the morning)
Programme start with a joint workshop weekend from 11.04.2025 to 13.04.2025 (all three days full-day) in Steinberghaff (mandatory)
Reflection workshops on 9 July and 5 November (compulsory)
What is expected of you?
We expect a high level of motivation and a full commitment to advancing your own start-up idea. We want the TUHH scholarship holders to become a group in which each individual benefits to the maximum from the close exchange and the time spent together in a similar situation. To this end, we expect participation in the kick-off event, the workshop weekend and the reflection workshops that take place every three to four months. Participation in other workshops at the TUHH or other universities in the ecosystem is voluntary and is intended solely to help you progress.

What documents must be submitted?
Information about yourself
Information about your start-up motivation
Pitch deck (read deck) with questions about your idea
You can find the template here.

If you have any questions, please contact: startupport@tuhh.de