Hamburg University of Technology
Eissendorfer. Str. 40
21073 Hamburg
The TUHH is one of the youngest universities in Germany. Between 1982 and today an attractive architectural ensemble was created on the TUHH campus in the south of Hamburg. The campus, with its modern buildings, fits most naturally into the surrounding parkland. With the combination of beauty and function the university has become a landmark in city planning. The small park-like campus provides a multifaceted environment, inspiring both social and intellectual exchange.
Presentations and lectures during the conference will be held in the Building N, Room N 0.007. The foyer of the building will be used for the reception. Please see the map to find the way to the location.

You can reach TUHH by:
- public transport (S 3; S 31 to station "Harburg-Rathaus")
- train to station "Hamburg-Harburg"
- car, using A1, A7, B 75