
Sec4AI4Sec: Cybersecurity for AI-Augmented Systems

Oct 2023 – Sept 2026

Research and Innovation Action funded by the EU under the Horizon Europe framework.

SecDeRec: Software Agents for Security Debt Recognition


Research project with Ki Reply GmbH.

AssureMOSS: Assurance and Certification in Secure Multi-party Open Software and Services

Oct 2020 – Sept 2023

Research and Innovation Action funded by the EU under the H2020 framework. Prof. Dr-Ing. Riccardo Scandariato was the scientific leader and a workpackage leader. In collaboration with academic and industrial partnenrs we devised innovative techniques (also based on AI) to make modern software projects more secure. The focus is on open, multi-party software. In particular, he was working on reconstructing lightweigh models from code (e.g., micro-services) and on using such models for security analysis.