Experimental investigation and probabilistic analysis of the load carrying capability of cylindrical shells subject to multiaxial loading

The load carrying capability of axially loaded cylindrical shells is mainly driven by deviations from the ideal geometry and load application. Therefore, a multitude of publications suggest probabilistic design approaches in order to account for the stochastic imperfection for the design of cylindrical shells. For other types of loading like torsion and bending the load carrying capability is less sensitive. The distribution of the buckling load for these types of loading and especially for combined loading has not been investigated so far. The objective of the current proposal is the determination of the stochastic distribution of the load carrying capability of cylindrical shells subject to various load combinations. This will be done by buckling experiments and probabilistic simulations. Based on the results, a probabilistic design method for multiaxially loaded cylindrical shells will be developed. The investigations will be carried out for combinations of axial compression and torsion as well as axial compression and bending. In order to investigate influence of slenderness and anisotropy, fiber composite cylinders and stiffened and unstiffened isotropic cylinders will be tested and analyzed.
- Contact: Niklas Reuter
- Duration: 03/2022-02/2025
- Funded by: DFG
- with Prof. Krause, TUHH/PKT