Master of Science "International Management and Engineering"
The master's program in International Management and Engineering (IWI) is specifically targeted toward ambitious engineers who want to acquire business management knowledge and management skills. Graduates are particularly suited to work at the interface between management and technology.
Today, the job of most engineers require, in addition to engineering skills and abilities, management skills in order to successfully cope with professional life's diverse demands. However, most engineering bachelor's and master's programs cover management skills only to a limited extent; as a result, graduates lack the necessary knowledge and may have to acquire it on the job at a later stage.
The IWI at TUHH offers graduates of engineering bachelor's programs the opportunity to acquire these management skills – while simultaneously deepening their engineering qualifications – in a four-semester master's program.
The demand for university-educated engineers with sound economic knowledge as well as management and leadership skills increases constantly. Therefore, the TUHH offers a Master of Science in International Management and Engineering (IWI), designed according to leading international examples. This master's program bases on knowledge from a bachelor's degree in engineering science, which can, for example, also be obtained at the TUHH.
All bachelor degree programs at the TUHH provide first insights into the business and management sciences. The IWI master's program builds on this, as it expands and deepens the study contents in management sciences and technology.
IWI Core Values
At TUHH, graduates of an engineering bachelor's program can either deepen their knowledge and skills in an engineering master's program at the TUHH or be trained as industrial engineers in the IWI program. With this innovative model, the TUHH provides maximum flexibility to its students. To ensure the IWI program's international character, the TUHH offers, in addition to internationally oriented study contents and courses in English, the option of spending a semester abroad at one of the TUHH's partner universities. This option is gladly taken up by many students every year.
The TUHH is one of the few universities in Germany to offer a bachelor's degree in engineering with a technology-oriented master's degree in economics (with an engineering specialization) as an industrial engineering course. The program offers an attractive combination of research-based and application-oriented engineering and business studies, which is in great demand by industry and business, and the graduates can be employed in a wide range of fields. The study program was accredited by the renowned agency ASIIN in 2012 and re-accredited by the Accreditation Council in 2019.
For the complete Q&A (in German) with the head of the study programme Prof. Kathrin Fischer click here.
Contact person
- On the Infothek of the TUHH Student Advisory Service, you can obtain information on all aspects of your studies as well as extensive information material. If you are interested, you can register here for the Prospective Students Round Table or be referred to the department's advisors.
- Student Advisory Service: Stephan Buse, TUHH, Institut für Innovationsmanagement (W-7), E-Mail: stephan.buse(at)tuhh(dot)de