You wish to write your project or thesis with us? Please find here the information of how to proceed. Of course, you may also contact a member of scientific staff in person, e.g. after class, for an informal chat on possible topics.

  1. ​​​​​Prerequisites: Most of the topics we offer require prior security knowledge. Typically we expect that you have attended the following courses (or similar courses elsewhere): 
    • Introduction to Information Security and/or Communication Networks and Internet Security  for a Bachelor's thesis, and

    • Security of Cyber-Physical Systems and/or Applied Cryptography (only after SoSe'24) for a Master's thesis or project.    

  2. Choose a topic: Please find below a link to our current topics for projects, Bachelor's and Master's theses. Moreover, you can propose your own topic or develop a topic jointly with us. For the latter please state your topic or interest as clearly as possible, in at least 5 lines. 

  3. Send an email to "abbreviation of the institute" with the subject "Thesis". Please provide the following information and documents:

    • Whether you wish to write a Bachlor's thesis, Master's thesis or project.

    • When you wish to start on your thesis or project. 

    • Your choice of topic: either from our list of current topics, or as outlined by yourself in at least 5 lines. You can also give several topics, and indicate your order of preference.

    • Which of the above courses or similar courses on security you have attended.

    • Transcript of your records (up to date). If you think that (some of) these marks were affected by adverse circumstances please feel free to add some explanation. 

    • Optional: current CV.  

  4. For the next round, we collect applications until 15th August 2024 and respond to you shortly thereafter.