Our team




Prof. Dr. Martin Kliesch

Email: martin.kliesch (@tuhh.de)

Phone: +49 40 42878 4000





Office Assistant

Email: quantum-office (@tuhh.de)


Postdocs and PhD students


Dr. Christopher Cedzich

 Postdoc at HHU

Email: christopher.cedzich (@hhu.de)
CMV Matrices, Quantum Walks, Spectral Theory, Topological Classification

Dr. Luis Escalera Moreno


Email: luis.escalera.moreno @(tuhh.de)
Fermionic shadows, Shadow spectroscopy

Dr. Nikolai Miklin


Email: nikolai.miklin @(tuhh.de)
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum System Characterization

Dr. Bruno Murta


Email: bruno.murta @(tuhh.de)
Shadow Estimation, Quantum Error Mitigation, Digital Quantum Simulation

Dr. Niklas Rohling


Email: niklas.rohling (@tuhh.de)
Gate Set Tomography, Quantum State Tomography, Quantum-Enhanced Learning, Spintronics

Dr. Maximilian Stahlberg


Email: maximilian.stahlberg (@tuhh.de)
Algorithmic Game Theory, Convex Optimization, Discrete Optimization

Mirko Arienzo

PhD student

Email: mirko.arienzo (@tuhh.de)
Quantum System Characterization, Shadow Estimation, Randomized Benchmarking

Pascal Baßler

PhD student at HHU

Email: bassler (@hhu.de)
Quantum Compiling

Alexander Gresch

PhD student

(and former MSc student)
Email: alexander.gresch (@tuhh.de)
Classical Shadows, Machine Learning for Quantum Physics, Quantum Circuit Readout

Daniel Heineken

PhD student

Email: daniel.heineken (@tuhh.de)
Quantum Error Correction, Tensor Networks

Juan Henning

PhD student

Email: juan.henning (@tuhh.de)
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum System Characterization, Tensor Networks

Michel Krispin

PhD student

Email: michel.krispin (@tuhh.de)
Combinatorial Optimization, Quantum-Inspired Computing

Özgün Kum

PhD student

Email: oezguen.kum (@tuhh.de)
Quantum Advantage, Quantum Compiling

Dáire Scully

PhD student

Email: daire.scully (@tuhh.de)

Salwa Shaglel

PhD student

Email: salwa.shaglel (@tuhh.de)
Combinatorial Optimization, Quantum Error Correction


Matthias Zipper

PhD student

Email: matthias.zipper (@tuhh.de)
Crosstalk, Noise charaterization, Quantum Compiling

External group members

Alessandro Falco

External PhD student

At the Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi
Email: alessandro.falco (@tii.ae)

Emiliano Godinez

External PhD student

At IQM, Germany Office, Munich
Email: emiliano.godinez.grad (@gmail.com)
Error Mitigation, Open Quantum Systems, Quantum System Characterization, Tensor Networks

Emily Haworth

External PhD student

At Covestro Deutschland AG
Email: emily.haworth (@covestro.com)
Quantum circuits and fermionic tensor network states

Sergio López Baños

External PhD student

At the DLR (Institute of Networked Energy Systems), Oldenburg, Germany
Email: sergio.lopezbanos (@dlr.de)
Coupling Quantum and Classical Solvers to Facilitate Energy Transition

Stefano Pisoni

External PhD student

At the Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi
Email: stefano.pisoni (@tii.ae)
Tensor Network Theory and Applications




Abbas Ebadi

Master student

Email: abbas.ebadi (@tuhh.de)

Per Ole Hoyer

Bachelor student

Joint supervision with eleQtron
Email: per.ole.hoyer (@tuhh.de)


Systems administration


Michael Perezowsky

Systems Engineer

Email: perezowsky (@tuhh.de)

Phone: +49 40 42878 3284

Steven Gamaruk

IT systems apprentice

Email: steven.gamaruk (@tuhh.de)

Phone: +49 40 42878 4512