Welcome to the Institute for Metal and Composite Structures!

In the below video from broadcasted by NDR you see an introduction of the innovation NANOLAMINATED PATCH developed and pioneered at the Institute for Metal and Composite Structures at TU Hamburg and intended to protecting our metal infrastructure, such as bridges and offshore wind turbines, against fatigue.  

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Our Mission

The mission of the Institute for Metal and Composite Structures is to explore next-generation sustainable metal and composite material/hybrids and structures with embedded autonomous longevity and durability which ensure the readiness and security of supply of the built infrastructure. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are at the heart of our goals and mission, especially UN SDGs 6, 7, 8, 9, 11.

Our team engages in research,teaching, MINT initative. Some recent impressions from the lab:

Expert Opinion

Our institute team regularly engages in expert activities involving complex engineering issues. In the workshop and laboratories of our institute, extensive, even large-scale constructions can be manufactured, test rigs set up, subjected to multiaxial loads and thoroughly investigated using measurement technology. If required, we are happy to provide an expert opinion. Feel free to contact us:

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Marcus Rutner (Tel: +49 (0)40 42878-3022; marcus.rutner@tuhh.de)

Denickestr. 17
Building L Room 1030
21073 Hamburg