Michaela Grafelmann, M.Sc.

Veröffentlichungen (Auszug)

  • Alieksieiev, Volodymyr and Winter, Jesse-James and von Harlem, Jannick and Grafelmann, Michaela and Jahn, Carlos and Lödding, Hermann (2024). Untersuchung von Doppelspielen eines Portalkrans auf Umschlagterminals. In Thorsten Schmidt (Eds.) 32. Internationale Kranfachtagung 2024, Selbstverlag der Technischen Universität Dresden: 65-73 [Abstract] [www]

  • Grafelmann, Michaela and Alieksieiev, Volodymyr and Lödding, Hermann and Jahn, Carlos (2023). Logistics Objective Conflicts at Intermodal Terminals. In Sören Bergmann, Niclas Feldkamp, Rainer Souren, Steffen Straßburger (Eds.) 20. ASIM Fachtagung Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2023 Universitätsverlag Ilmenau: 313-322 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Grafelmann, Michaela and Nellen, Nicole and Jahn, Carlos (2023). Reinforcement Learning at Container Terminals: A Literature Classification. In Clausen, U. and Dellbrügge, M. (Eds.) Advances in Resilient and Sustainable Transport. ICPLT 2023. Lecture Notes in Logistics Springer, Cham: 147–159 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Krüger, Stephan and Grafelmann, Michaela and Jahn, Carlos (2023). Digital Transformation of Inland Terminals. In Shafik, Mahmoud (Eds.) Advances in Intelligent Traffic and Transportation Systems IOS Press: [Abstract] [doi]

  • Lange, Ann-Kathrin and Nellen, Nicole and Grafelmann, Michaela and Hinckeldeyn, Johannes and Rose, Hendrik (2023). Simulation-Based Cost Modeling to Measure the Effect of Automated Trucks in Inter-Terminal Container Transportation. 2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) IEEE: 1593-1604 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Braun, Philipp and Grafelmann, Michaela and Gill, Felix and Stolz, Hauke and Hinckeldeyn, Johannes and Lange, Ann-Kathrin (2022). Virtual Reality for Immersive Multi-User Firefighter Training Scenarios. Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware. 4. (5), 406-417 [Abstract] [pdf] [doi] [www]

  • Lange, Ann-Kathrin and Grafelmann, Michaela (2022). Digitalization of Maritime Logistics Systems. In Ilin, Igor and Devezas, Tessaleno and Jahn, Carlos (Eds.) Arctic Maritime Logistics Springer International Publishing: 95-116 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • Grasse, Ole and Grafelmann, Michaela and Jahn, Carlos (2021). Comparative Analysis of Inter Terminal Transport System Layouts in the Port of Hamburg. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Abstract]

  • Grafelmann, Michaela and Zlotos, Constantin and Lange, Ann-Kathrin and Jahn, Carlos (2020). Modelling the IT and Business Process Landscapes at Inland Intermodal Terminals. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Data science and innovation in supply chain management : how data transforms the value chain // Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL)/ Data Science in Maritime and City Logistics epubli: Berlin 159-179 [Abstract] [pdf] [doi]

  • Nellen, Nicole and Grafelmann, Michaela and Ziegenbein, Justin and Lange, Ann-Kathrin and Kreutzfeldt, Jochen and Jahn, Carlos (2020). Literature Classification on Container Transport Systems for Inter-terminal Transportation. In Freitag, Michael and Haasis, Hans-Dietrich and Kotzab, Herbert and Pannek, Jürgen (Eds.) DYNAMICS IN LOGISTICS Springer: 52-61 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Pache, Hannah and Grafelmann, Michaela and Schwientek, Anne Kathrina and Jahn, Carlos (2020). Tactical planning in tramp shipping – a literature review. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Data science and innovation in supply chain management : how data transforms the value chain // Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL)/ Data Science in Maritime and City Logistics epubli: Berlin 282-308 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Lange, Ann-Kathrin and Grafelmann, Michaela and Schwientek, Anne and Jahn, Carlos (2019). Effizientes Tauschen der Zeitfenster von Transportaufträgen in Truck Appointment Systems: Efficient Swapping of Time Windows of Transport Orders in Truck Appointment Systems. In Putz, Matthias and Schlegel, Andreas (Eds.) Wissenschaftliche Scripten: Auerbach /Vogtl. 295-304 [Abstract]