Simulation of Transport and Handling Systems

LecturerProf. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Jahn
Contact person
Nicole Nellen
Target audience
ModuleSimulation of Transport and Handling Systems
Lecture type
Lecture & Exercise
Lecture term
Winter term
Credit Points6 ECTS
Type of ExaminationSimulation study and written elaboration


The lecture deals with the simulation of external logistics systems. The focus is therefore on the consideration of logistics processes between companies or on handling systems, such as ports or individual terminals. In the first part of the lecture students are taught basic knowledge about external logistics systems. Afterwards, an overview of existing simulation types and programs is given and examples of simulation models of logistics systems in science and practice are shown. In the second part of the lecture the students learn independently the basic handling of the simulation software Plant Simulation®. To do this, they first receive a theoretical explanation of the general functioning. Afterwards they acquire the necessary knowledge with the help of tutorials and three short tasks, which are solved as individual work. In the following three tasks, which are solved in groups, the complexity increases steadily. This knowledge is to be applied in the third part of the lecture in the course of the final simulation study. The students will be divided into groups, each of which will then deal with a relevant problem from the field of (external) logistics systems by means of simulation. Students are given a defined period of time for processing. During this time, one teaching person is always available for questions and suggestions during the lectures. The results of the group work are to be documented and presented after completion of the processing time.

Lecture contents

  • Basics of external logistics systems
  • Applications, advantages and characteristics of simulation in logistics
  • Design and execution of a simulation study
  • Basic functions and methods in Plant Simulation
  • Execution and evaluation of simulation experiments


Title: Tecnomatix Plant Simulation: Modeling and Programming by Means of Examples.
Written by: Bangsow, Steffen
in: (2015).
Volume: Number:
on pages:
Publisher: Springer International Publishing:
Address: Cham
ISBN: 978-3-319-19503-2
how published:


Abstract: This book systematically introduces the development of simulation models as well as the implementation and evaluation of simulation experiments with Tecnomatix Plant Simulation. It deals with all users of Plant Simulation, who have more complex tasks to handle. It also looks for an easy entry into the program. Particular attention has been paid to introduce the simulation flow language SimTalk and its use in various areas of the simulation. The author demonstrates with over 200 examples how to combine the blocks for simulation models and how to deal with SimTalk for complex control and analysis tasks. The contents of this book ranges from a description of the basic functions of the material flow blocks to demanding topics such as the realization of a database-supported warehouse control by using the SQLite interface or the exchange of data by using XML, ActiveX, COM or DDE. ~ ~.