Dipl.-Kfm. Jürgen Weigell


Hamburg University of Technology
Institute of Maritime Logistics
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
21073 Hamburg


Contact Details

Office: building D room 5.008
Phone: +49 40 42878 6133 
E-Mail: juergen.weigell(at)tuhh(dot)de
ORCiD: 0000-0002-9416-8167

Research focus

  • Logistics of Offshore Wind Turbines 
  • Maritime Security
  • Port Handling
  • Discrete Event Simulation
  • Agent Based Simulation

Publications (Excerpt)

  • Ilin, Igor and Maydanova, Svetlana and Kersten, Wolfgang and Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen (2022). Digitalization of Global Container Shipping Lines. In Ilin, Igor and Devezas, Tessaleno and Jahn, Carlos (Eds.) Arctic Maritime Logistics Springer International Publishing: 137-158 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen and Levina, Anastasia and Iliashenko, Viktoria (2022). The Northern Sea Route as a Factor of Sustainable Development of the Arctic Zone. In Ilin, Igor and Devezas, Tessaleno and Jahn, Carlos (Eds.) Arctic Maritime Logistics Springer International Publishing: 261-282 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Maydanova, Svetlana and Ilin, Igor and Kersten, Wolfgang and Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen (2022). Balanced Scorecard as the Basis for Global Container Shipping Line IT Architecture Modeling. In Beskopylny, Alexey and Shamtsyan, Mark (Eds.) XIV International Scientific Conference INTERAGROMASH 2021 Springer International Publishing: Cham [Abstract] [doi]

  • Weigell, Jürgen and Jahn, Carlos (2022). Assessing offshore wind farm collision risks using AIS data : an overview. Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) 2022 499-521 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • Weigell, Jürgen and Jahn, Carlos (2021). Literature Review of Installation Logistics for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) 2021 599-622 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • Reifferscheidt, Jan and Weigell, Jürgen and Jahn, Carlos (2021). Item-based reliability-centred life-cycle costing using monte carlo simulation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018. [Abstract] [doi]

  • Ilin, Igor and Maydanova, Svetlana and Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen and Kersten, Wolfgang (2021). Digital logistics as a perspective for the Northern Sea route. In Ringle, Christian M. and Kersten, Wolfgang and Jahn, Carlos (Eds.) Adapting to the Future: Maritime and City Logistics in the Context of Digitalization and Sustainability 403-422 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Ilin V., Igor and Maydanova, Svetlana and Lepekhin, Aleksandr and Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen and Korablev, Vadim (2021). Digital platforms for the logistics sector of the russian federation. In Schaumburg, Hanno and Korablev, Vadim and Ungvari, Laszlo (Eds.) Technological Transformation: A New Role For Human, Machines And Management Springer International Publishing: Cham [Abstract] [doi]

  • Grafe, Beverly and Weigell, Jürgen and Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang (2021). Managing disruptions in maritime transport chains in the context of synchromodality: Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Abstract]

  • Weigell, Jürgen and Ilin, Igor and Maydanova, Svetlana and Dubgorn, Alissa and Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang (2020). Sustainability in Arctic Maritime Supply Chains. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Data science and innovation in supply chain management: how data transforms the value chain // Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL)/ Data Science in Maritime and City Logistics epubli: Berlin 308-336 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Maydanova, Svetlana and Ilin, Igor and Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen (2020). Global Container Shipping Line Digital Transformation and Enterprise Architecture Modelling. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 940. 012004 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Lepekhin, Aleksandr and Levina, Anastasia and Dubgorn, Alissa and Weigell, Jürgen and Kalyazina, Sofia (2020). Digitalization of Seaports based on Enterprise Architecture approach. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 940. 012023 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Ilin, Igor and Kersten, Wolfgang and Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen and Levina, Anastasia and Kalyazina, Sofia (2020). State of Research in Arctic Maritime Logistics.. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Data science and innovation in supply chain management: how data transforms the value chain // Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL)/ Data Science in Maritime and City Logistics epubli: Berlin 382-407 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Weigell, Jürgen and Deshpande, Anish and Jahn, Carlos (2019). Simulation Model for the Installation of Semi-Submersible Foudations for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. In Putz, Matthias and Schlegel, Andreas (Eds.) ASIM 2019 Wissenschaftliche Scripten: Auerbach /Vogtl. 541-550 [Abstract] [www]

  • Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen and Borremanns, Alexandra and Lepekhin, Aleksandr (2019). Smart Grid - the concept, trends and stakeholders' analysis. In Igor V. Ilin (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Technologies in Logistics and Infrastructure (ICDTLI 2019) 502-506 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Jäger-Roschko, Moritz and Weigell, Jürgen and Jahn, Carlos (2019). Modelling of Spare Parts Storage Strategies for Offshore Wind. In Jahn, Carlos and Kersten, Wolfgang and Ringle, Christian M. (Eds.) Digital transformation in maritime and city logistics 83-108 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Ilin, Igor and Jahn, Carlos and Weigell, Jürgen and Kalyazina, Sofia (2019). Digital Technology Implementation for Smart City and Smart Port Cooperation. In Igor V. Ilin (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Technologies in Logistics and Infrastructure (ICDTLI 2019) 498-501 [Abstract] [doi]

  • Weigell, Jürgen and Münsterberg, Torsten and Jahn, Carlos (2015). Pooling-Strategien für Operation & Maintenance von Offshore Windparks. Tagungsband HTG-Kongress 2015 [Abstract]

  • Weigell, Jürgen and Wiggert, Marcel (2012). Systematic comparison of current operation and maintenance concepts for wind farms in the German North Sea. Bremen [Abstract]

  • Weigell, Jürgen and Busmann, Hans-Gerd and Wiggert, Marcel (2012). A sensitivity analysis approach for project scheduling in a weather constrained environment. Bergen, Norway