Nihat Ay
Head of the Institute for Data Science Foundations, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Complexity and information theory
- Mathematical theory of learning in neural networks and cognitive systems
- Graphical models (Bayesian networks) and their application to causality theory
- Information geometry and its applications to complexity and network robustness
- Geometric structure in quantum theory (non-commutative state spaces)
Annika Eichler
Professor at the Institute of Control Systems, TU Hamburg and Senior Researcher, DESY
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Distributed control
- Data-driven control and fault diagnosis
- Control of particle feeders
- Machine learning for control and optimization
Stefan Schulte
Head of the Institute for Data Engineering, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Edge AI, especially Federated Learning
- Processing large amounts of data at the edge of the network
- Blockchain technologies for the Internet of Things
Christian Feiler
Postdoctoral Researcher at Hereon Institute of Surface Science, Hereon
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Atomistic Simulation & Modeling
- Development of quantitative structure-property relationship models
Sebastian Götschel
Chief Engineer at the Institute of Mathematics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Parallel-in-Time simulation and optimization
- PDE-constrained optimization
- Scientific Machine Learning
- Simulation and parameter identification, applied inverse problems
- Fast and efficient PDE solvers, high performance computing
- Data compression
Marcus Venzke
Senior engineer at the Institute of Telematics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine learning and artificial neural networks on small microcontrollers
- Smart grids and demand response
- Distributed systems
Gregor Vonbun-Feldbauer
Senior Scientist at the Institute of Soft Matter Modeling, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Computational Materials Science
- Atomistic & Multiscale Simulation & Modeling
- Machine learning and data-driven approaches for material modeling & design
- Surface & interface physics
- Hybrid & multicomponent systems
Jens-Peter M. Zemke
Chief Engineer at the Institute of Mathematics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Numerical linear algebra
- Krylov subspace methods
- Eigenvalue problems
- Neural networks
Gerhard Bauch
Head of the Institute of Communications, TU Hamburg
Pesonal Homepage
Maren Baumhauer
Head of the Institute for Vocational Education and Digitalisation, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Job profiles and professional identity in the digital transformation
- Digitality, digitalization and qualification
- Working and learning in the digital transformation
- Changes in skills requirements due to future technologies
Christian Becker
Head of the Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Flexible electrical energy transmission and distribution
- Intelligent electrical energy systems: "Smart grids"
- Dynamics, stability and control of electrical energy systems
- On-board electrical systems and grids
- Sector-coupled energy systems
- Modeling electrical energy systems with power electronic components
Ali Can Bekar
Scientist at the Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling, Hereon
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Physics Informed Machine Learning and Model Discovery
- Applied Mathematics
Bernhard J. Berger
Scientific Staff at the Institute of Embedded Systems, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Optimisation
- Static Code Analysis
- Software Security
- Machine Learning
- Research Data Management
Chris Biemann
Scientific Director at the House of Computing and Data Science, Universität Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Applied machine learning
- Data Science
- Computational Social Science
- Digital Humanities
Frederic Bock
PhD Student at the Institute of Materials and Processing Design, Hereon
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Material and process modeling using data-driven and physics-based models and experimental data
- Machine learning to identify and use material-mechanical relationships along the process-structure-property-performance chain
- Explainable artificial intelligence
Jonas Bozenhard
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Ethics in Technology, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- AI ethics
- The philosophy of technology
- Value sensitive design
- Aesthetics
- AI-powered innovation
Moritz Braun
Institute of Maritime Energy Systems, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Data-Based Prediction Models
- Anomaly Detection
- Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing
Christian Bruss
PhD Student at the Institute of Business Logistics and General Management, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Counterfactual evaluation
- Casting processes
- Machine learning for foundries
Simon Campese
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Stochastic analysis
- Malliavin calculus
- Stein's method
- Limit theorems
- Stochastic approximation
- High-dimensional probability theory
Christian Cyron
Head of the Institute for Continuum and Material Mechanics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Computational engineering
- Machine learning in mechanical engineering
- Materials research and medicine
Jan Dege
Professor at Institute of Production Management and Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine learning within production technology
- Digitalization in aircraft production
- Tool and process development for fiber-reinforced plastics and difficult-to-machine metallic materials
- Process monitoring
- Measurement technology
Jan Benad
PhD Student at the Institute for Data Science Foundations, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
Leo Dostal
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Inference and prediction
- Machine learning methods for mechanical systems
- Random nonlinear dynamical systems and their control
Daniel-Andre Dücker
Senior Scientist at Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI), TU Munich
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine Learning for Autonomous Robots
- Data-driven Path Planning and Control
- Probabilistic Localization in Complex Scenarios
Christiane Ehrt
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Bioinformatics, Universität Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Data Science
- Bioinformatics
- Structure-Based Design
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Manfred Eppe
Chief Engineer at the Institute for Data Science Foundations, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Cognitive Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Robotics
Hamideh Esmaeili
Scientific Staff at Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- High-frequency circuit design
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- Bio-electromagnetics
- Machine learning for EMC and bioengineering
Timm Faulwassr
Head of the Institute of Control Systems, TU Hamburg
Perosnal Homepage
Research topics
- Control systems
- Data-driven control and active learning for nonlinear and stochastic processes
- Systems theory for deep learning
- Optimal control and learning
- Cyber-physical systems
- Multi-robot systems
- Multi-energy systems
Görschwin Fey
Professor at the Institute of Embedded Systems, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Design of digital circuits
- Automatic error detection, e.g. by means of machine learning and the use of learning algorithms
Kathrin Fischer
Head of the Institute for Operations Research and Information Systems, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Quantitative modeling of business management issues
- Optimization problems in logistics
- Decision theory
- University didactics
- Synergies of machine learning and operations research
Sibylle Fröschle
Head of the Institute for Secure Cyber-Physical Systems, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Trustworthy Cryptographic Architectures
- Security Systems Engineering for Safety
- Systems-of-Systems Engineering for Resilience
Lidya Gebrezgiabher
Researcher at Institute of Maritime Energy Systems, German Aerospace
Center (DLR)
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Machine Learning/AI for Energy Management
- Weather forecasting with Machine Learning
- Reinforcement Learning for energy optimization
Fabian Giertzsch
Research Associate at the Institute of Aircraft Cabin Systems, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Methods for Data Analytics System Design
- IoT Messaging Protocols
- Computing and Machine Learning Frameworks for Data Analytics Systems
- Condition-Based Maintenance and Operations of Aircraft Cabin
Volker Gollnick
Head of the Institut für Lufttransport-systeme, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Integrated aircraft design
- Air transport operations and processes
- Avionics systems
Martin Gomse
Chief Engineer at the Institute of Aircraft Production Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Production automation
- (Mobile) robotics
- Industry 4.0 processes + systems
- Object identification
- Synthetic AI training data
- Nonlinear control of mechanical systems
- Vibrations and waves
Jürgen Grabe
Head of Institute of Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Optimization of the construction site
- Data-driven control and optimization of the pile installation process
Martin Halle
Chief Engineer at the Institut für Flugzeug-Systemtechnik, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Aircraft systems engineering
- Safety critical computing platforms (avionics)
- Model-based design and architecting methods
- Simulation of complex avionics platforms
Benedikt Hamann
Research Assistant at the Institute for Structural Mechanics in Lightweight Design, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Structural optimization using machine learning
Timo Heinrich
Head of the Institute for Digital Economics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Impact of digitalization on markets and organizations
- Behavior on digital markets and dealing with extreme risks
- Microeconomics
- Industrial economics and economic policy
- Experimental economics and behavioral economics
Stefan Heinrich
Heaf of the Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Fluidization technology
- Particle formulation with granulation, coating, agglomeration
- Particle-based simulation methods
- Measurement techniques for multiphase flows
- Contact, deformation and breakage mechanics of particles
- Multiscale simulation of complex solid systems
- Steady-state and dynamic flowsheet simulation of solids processes
Karl Henning
Student, TU Hamburg
Till Hillebrecht
PhD Student at the Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Signal Integrity (SI) and Power Integrity (PI)
- Electromagnetic simulation of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
- ML-focused database creation and pre-processing
- Data-Driven Design and Analysis of High-Speed Interconnects on PCBs
Daniel Höche
Head of the Department of Interface Modelling, Hereon
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Interface modelling
- Corrosion and damage research
- Material simulations (data and physics based), electrochemical systems and batteries
Norbert Hoffmann
Head of the Institute Dynamics Group, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Complex dynamics of mechanical systems
- Vibrations and waves
- Machine dynamics and AI methods
- Machine learning for vibration and wave phenomena
Abdul Qadir Ibrahim
PhD Student at the Institute of Mathematics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine and Deep Learning for PDEs
- Artificial Intelligence
- Parallel-in-time, Numerical Methods
- Computational Finance
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Molecular and Systems Biology
Mohammad Itani
Research Assistant at the Institute of Control Systems, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Data-driven and learning-based control of nonlinear system, port-Hamiltonian systems
Alexander Itin
Scientific Staff at the Institute of Optical and Electronic Materials, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Machine Learning for Physical Simulations and Engineering
- Time-Series Analysis, e.g Virtual ML-Assisted Sensors in Industry
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Optimisation
- Optics, Classical and Quantum Mechanics
Jan Kaiser
PhD Student, DESY
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine Learning for Particle Accelerators
- Reinforcement Learning
- Black-Box Optimization
- Surrogate Modelling
Maximilian Kiener
Head of the Institute for Ethics in Technology, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Moral and legal philosophy, with a particular focus on consent, responsibility, and artificial intelligence
Martin Kliesch
Head of the Institute for Quantum Inspired and Quantum Optimization, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Characterization and verification of quantum systems
- Hybrid classical/quantum computing, NISQ applications
- Quantum gate synthesis and compiling
- Classical simulation of open complex quantum systems
- Combinatorial optimization
- Aspects of computational complexity
David Kopyto
Scientific Staff at the Institute of Communications, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine learning for communications engineering
- End-to-end learning and its potential for 5G/6G
- Autoencoders for modeling transmission chains
- Constellation shaping
- Compressed sensing
Robert Kräuter
PhD Student at the Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Fluidization technology
- Digital twins
- AI/ ML for time series forecasting
- AI/ ML for control
Benedikt Kriegesmann
Head of the Institute for Structural Mechanics in Lightweight Design, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Probabilistic analyses with trained surrogate models
- Structural optimization using machine learning
Koojana Kuladinithi
Senior Researcher at the Institute of Communication Networks, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Enhancing Reliability in Wireless Communications
- Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
Ulf Kulau
Professor at the Smart Sensors Group, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Sensors
- Sensor networks
- IoT
- ULP processing on MCUs + FPGAs
- Integrated signal processing
- Embedded AI
- Reliability, fault tolerance and integrated fault diagnostics on resource-constrained systems
Alexander Kölpin
Head of the Institute of High-Frequency Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Radar technology and high-frequency sensors
- Wireless communication systems
- High-frequency measurement technology
- Assembly and connection technology for high-frequency systems
- Hardware-related algorithms and high-frequency system linearization
Andreas Liese
Head of the Institute of Technical Biocatalysis, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research Topics
- Characterization and Optimization of Biocatalytic Processes
- Reaction Engineering Development of Bio- and Chemocatalytic Reaction Sequences
- Non-conventional Biotransformations (solvent-free, high pressure, new process windows)
- Smart Bioreactors
- Online Analysis and Process Control of Chemo- and Biocatalytic Processes Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Timo Lipka
Scientific Staff at the Institute of Microsystems Technology, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Nanotechnologies and manufacturing
- Silicon photonics
- Optical metrology
- Lab-on-chips
- Machine learning for photonic component designs
- Neural networks for sensor signal analysis
- Photonic networks as hardware accelerators for AI
Fabian Lurz
Institute of High-Frequency Technology, TU Hamburg and Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Elektronische Systeme, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- System and circuit design of radar and radio frequency sensors
- Wireless sensor networks
- Ultra-low-power electronics
- Machine learning for sensor signal processing
Gianluca Martino
Scientific Staff at the Institute of Embedded Systems, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Anomaly Detection
- Design Exploration
- Self-Healing Systems
- Formal Verification
- Computational Physics
Robert Meißner
Institute of Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Soft Matter, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Investigation of protein structures
- Optimization of super- and pseudocapacitors
- Degradation/corrosion of magnesium in energy storage devices and implants
- Application of machine learning algorithms in atomistic simulation
Matthias Mnich
Head of the Institute for Algorithms and Complexity, TU Hamburg
Personal Homapage
Research topics
- Operations Research
- Discrete Optimization
- Machine Learning for Optimization
- Network Science
Oleksii Molodchyk
Research Assistant at the Institute of Control Systems, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Kernel-based learning for control with uncertainties
- Application focus on electric energy systems
Pierre-Alexandre Murena
Professor at the Research Group on Human-Centric Machine Learning, TU Hamburg
Group Homepage
Research topics
- AI assistance to AI
- AI for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Analogical and case-based reasoning
Ruchuan Ou
Research Assistant at the Institute of Control Systems, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Dissipativity and turnpike properties in data-driven and learning control
Guanru Pan
Research Assistant at the Institute of Control Systems, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Data-driven control and learning for stochastic systems
Christian M. Ringle
Head of the Institute of Management and Decision Sciences, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Business analytics
- Clustering, decision trees, dimension reduction, machine learning,
- Methods development, multivariate analysis, prediction, segmentation, simulation, structural equation modeling
Hendrik Rose
Chief Engineer at the Institut für Technische Logistik, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Frank Röder
PhD Student at the Institute for Data Science Foundations, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Cognitive Robotics
- Reinforcement Learning
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
Thomas Rung
Professor at the Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Fluid Dynamics
- Simulation of complex engineering flows
- Turbulence and its modelling
- Eulerian and Lagrangian two-phase flow modelling
Lisa Sahlmann
PhD Student at the Department of Interface Modelling, Hereon
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Material modelling using data-based approaches
- Development of quantitative structure-property relationship models for corrosion
Uve Samuels
CEO of Exponential Innovation Institute GmbH
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Exponential Growth
- Ambidextrous Organization
- Digital Transformation
- Product Development & Company Building
- Machine Learning
- Fedderated Learning
- Predictive Maintenance
Johannes Schäfers
Research Assistant at the Institute for Vocational Education and Digitalisation, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Sebastian Schibsdat
Scientific Staff at the Institute of Production Management and Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine learning to predict tool wear
- Convolutional neural networks
- Automation in the field of measurement data acquisition
Alexander Schlaefer
Head of the Institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Robotics, navigation and AI in medicine
- Machine learning in medicine
- 4D imaging and spatio-temporal learning methods
- Motion compensation and time series prediction
- Treatment planning systems
- Multi-criteria optimization
Holger Schlarb
Deputy Head of Center for Data and Computing in Natural Sciences, Universität Hamburg and DESY
CDL4 Homepage
Michael Schlüter
Head of the Institute of Multiphase Flows, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research Topics
- Multiphase Flows in Bioreactors
- Reactive Bibbly Flows
- Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics
Daniel Schöpflin
Scientific Staff at the Institute for Aircraft Production Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Production automation
- IoT systems
- Industry 4.0 processes
- Object identification
- Synthetic AI training data
Matthias Schulte
Head of the Chair Stochastics, Institute of Mathematics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Stochastic geometry
- Limit theorems and Stein's method
- Random graphs and complex networks
- Extreme value theory
- Spatial statistics
Leonard Paul Schulz
Scientific Staff at the Institute of Communications, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Christian Schuster
Head of the Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Numerical methods of electromagnetic field calculation
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- Signal Integrity (SI) and Power Integrity (PI)
- GHz measurement methods for components and interconnects
- Machine learning for EMC engineering
Henning Schwarz
Research Assistant at the Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Data-driven Modeling
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning for Time Series Prediction
- Ditching of Aircrafts
Robert Seifried
Head of the Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Rigid and flexible multibody systems
- Nonlinear control of mechanical systems
- Topology and parameter optimization
- Contact mechanics and discrete element method
- Experimental methods in dynamics
- Machine learning for multibody systems
Kai Sellschopp
Scientist at Institute of Hydrogen Technology, Hereon
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Atomic-scale modelling and simulation of Metal Hydride materials
- Automation of computational workflows
- Nuclear Quantum Effects of Hydrogen in Metals
- Modelling of surfaces and interfaces
Martin Semmann
Managing Director House of Computing and Data Science, Universität Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Digital Transformation
- Service Systems Engineering
- Technochange
Mirko Skiborowski
Head of the Institute of Process Systems Engineering, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Process intensification - experimental analysis and model-based evaluation
- Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization of (bio-)chemical production processes
Kay Smarsly
Head of the Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Cognitive buildings
- Machine learning in construction
- Intelligent sensors/sensor networks
- Explainable artificial intelligence
- Multi-agent systems
- Building and environmental monitoring
- Robotics in construction
- Cyber-physical systems/Industry 4.0
- Conceptual modeling and information modeling
- Additive manufacturing
- Building information modeling (BIM)
Irina Smirnova
Vice President for Research & Head of the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research Topics
- Nanoporous Materials
- Biorefinery
- Molecular Methods for Separation Processes
Simon Stock
PhD Student at the Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine learning in electrical energy systems
- Graph neural networks
- Bayesian methods for machine learning
- Physics-aware machine learning
Daniel Stolpmann
PhD Student at the Institute of Communication Networks, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine Learning for Communication Networks
- Low Latency & High Throughput Communication
- Mobile Edge Computing
- Satellite Communication
- Network Coding
Christina Strobel
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Digital Economics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- AI as a socio-technical system
- Connections and interdependencies between people
- Organizations and AI
- Explainability of AI
- Building an infrastructure of trust for AI
Aditya Tandon
PhD Student at Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction, TU Hamburg
Institute Homepage
Research topics
- Building information modeling
- Object-oriented modeling
- Engineering informatics
- Database systems
- Construction robotics
- Artificial intelligence
Payam Teimourzadeh Baboli
Senior Scientist at the Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Andreas Timm-Giel
Head of the Institute of Communication Networks, TU Hamburg and President of TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Sensor Networks and IoT
- Mobile and Vehicluar Communication Networks
- Future Internet and Network Architectures
- Performance Evaluation of Communication Networks
- Machine Learning for Communication Networks
Volker Turau
Head of the Institute of Telematics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Distributed systems
- Communication protocols for the Internet of Things
- Machine learning for communication networks
- Randomized algorithms
Pelin Usta
Assistant at the Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Mathies Wedler
Research Assistant at the Dynamics Group, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Machine learning for prediction of ocean waves
- Efficient data handling with data pipelines
Jiahua Wei
Research Assistant at Institute for Technical Logistics, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Tim Würger
Scientist at the Department of Interface Modelling, Hereon
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Computational materials science
- Atomistic simulation & modeling
- Machine learning and data-driven approaches to materials modeling & design
Cheng Yang
Senior Engineer of the Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, TU Hamburg
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- Signal Integrity (SI) and Power Integrity (PI)
- Microwave measurement technology
- Machine learning for EMC engineering
Mikhail Zheludkevich
Director of the Institute of Surface Science, Hereon
Personal Homepage
Research topics
- Electrochemistry
- Multifunctional surfaces & active protection of light metals
- Multi-material systems