MLE together with MathWorks organizes two online events that take place one week apart:
- Machine Learning with MATLAB (05.11.2020, 14:00-17:00)
- Deep Learning with MATLAB (12.11.2020, 14:00-17:00)
The events are free for members of TUHH and HZG.
Both events will include
- Industry/research examples using MATLAB for ML/DL
- Complete ML/DL workflow using real-world ECG Data (signal processing, referencing image processing in the DL)
- emphasis on feature engineering, model selection and tuning
- comparison with automated machine learning (eliminating manual steps required to go from a data set to a predictive model)
- tips and tricks
Engineers and scientists use AI techniques on large amounts of data in various formats, and across different domains and industries.
In two interactive sessions, we show examples of engineers and scientists using MATLAB for building AI-driven systems. We explore the complete workflow of developing machine learning and deep learning applications with MATLAB using a real-world ECG data set. We also show how to easily develop and apply data analytics solutions that take advantage of enhanced signal processing and AI techniques, including automated feature extraction, model selection and tuning.
We recommend taking the free, two-hour interactive introductions to practical machine learning methods and deep learning methods, respectively, before each session. In between the two sessions, participants will have access to the used data set, to apply your acquired knowledge and share their achieved results. The second session does not have the first session as a prerequisite and can be attended independently.
You receive access to
- complete workshop materials
- data sets, software & GPU resources during the workshops
- data sets in between the workshops, so that participants can try to tune the models and share their results two days before the second workshop
The event will take place via Zoom. Registration for the events is open until 20.10.2020. If you intend to participate:
- TUHH: please register in the Stud.IP group MLE@TUHH: MLE with MATLAB
- HZG: please write an email to Jens-Peter M. Zemke indicating that you wish to participate
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