Mertens, K. G. (2020). Measure and Manage your Product Costs Right - Development and Use of an Extended Axiomatic Design for Cost Modeling. [www]
Meßerschmidt, O. and Gumpinger, T. and Meyer, M. and Mertens, K. G. (2020). REVIEWING COMPLEXITY COSTS – WHAT PRACTICE NEEDS AND WHAT RESEARCH CONTRIBUTES. Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference. 1. 647–656 [doi]
Pietzsch, Bruno and Fiedler, Sebastian and Mertens, Kai G. and Richter, Markus and Scherer, C. and Widyastuti, Kirana and Wimmler, Marie-Christin and Zakharova, Liubov and Berger, Uta (2020). Metamodels for Evaluating, Calibrating and Applying Agent-Based Models: A Review. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 23. (2), 9 [doi][www]
Pietzsch, Bruno and Fiedler, Sebastian and Mertens, Kai G. and Richter, Markus and Scherer, Cedric and Widyastuti, Kirana and Wimmler, Marie-Christin and Zakharova, Liubov and Berger, Uta (2020). Metamodels for Evaluating, Calibrating and Applying Agent-Based Models: A Review. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 23. (2), 9 [doi][www]
Mertens, Kai G. and Meyer, M. and Messerschmidt, Ole (2019). How much does variety-induced complexity actually cost? Linking axiomatic design with cost modeling. pp. 813-827
Mertens, Kai G. and Meyer, Matthias and Messerschmidt, Ole (2019). How much does variety-induced complexity actually cost? Linking axiomatic design with cost modeling. pp. 813-827
Mertens, Kai G. and Meyer, M. (2018). Wie schlimm sind Messfehler für die Kostenrechnung?. Controlling & Management Review. 62. (9), 28-38 [doi]
Mertens, Kai G. and Meyer, Matthias (2018). Evaluating Bias and Imprecision of Cost Objects in Sophisticated Costing Systems. Nordic Accounting Conference Kopenhagen.
Mertens, Kai G. and Meyer, Matthias (2018). Evaluating bias, imprecision and uncertainty in product cost measures. EAA - 41th European Accounting Conference, Mailand.
Mertens, Kai G. and Meyer, Matthias (2018). Wie schlimm sind Messfehler für die Kostenrechnung?. Controlling & Management Review. 62. (9), 28-39 [doi]
Mertens, Kai G. and Lorscheid, Iris and Meyer, Matthias (2017). Using Structural Equation-based Metamodeling for Agent-based Models. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. [www]
Podleschny, N. and Mertens, K. G. and Salden, P. (2017). Analyse lernbezogener Daten in einem Flipped Classroom. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern.
Mertens, Kai G. and Lorscheid, Iris and Meyer, Matthias (2016). Structural Equation Modeling for Individual-based Simulation. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. 4. (1), 492-493 [Abstract]
Podleschny, N. and Mertens, K. G. and Billerbeck, K. and Salden, P. (2016). Verteilung der Workload und Akzeptanz von formativem E-Assessment aus Studierendenperspektive. Kompetenzorientiertes Lehren, Lernen und Prüfen. [Abstract]
Mertens, Kai G. (2015). Structural Equation Modeling for Simulation Metamodeling. PhD Colloquium: Winter Simulation Conference 2015. [Abstract]
Mertens, Kai G. and Lorscheid, Iris and Meyer, Matthias (2015). Structural Equation Modeling for Simulation Metamodeling. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. 701-712 [Abstract]