Publications - Karl-Heinz Zimmermann

  • M. Saleemi, K.-H. Zimmermann: Minimal decompositions of linear codes, submitted.
  • S. Abualhaija, K.-H. Zimmermann: D-Bees – A new method inspired by bee colony optimization for solving word sense disambiguation, submitted.
  • M. Kashif Hanif, K.-H. Zimmermann: Speeding up ClustalW via GPU programming, submitted.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Computability Theory, TU Hamburg, urn:nbn:de:gbv:330-88212961, 5th edition, 2015.
  • N. Schmidt: Groebner Bases in Coding Theory, PhD Thesis, TUHH, 2015.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: Graver bases and universal Gröbner bases for linear codes, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., to appear.
  • M. Kashif Hanif: Mapping Dynamic Programming Algorithms on Graphics Processing Units, PhD thesis, mbv, 2014.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: Heuristic decoding of linear codes using commutative algebra, Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, 10.1007/s10623-014-0008-8, 2014.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: Vector space bases for the homogeneous parts in homogeneous ideals and graded modules over a polynomial ring, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 93, no. 6, 2014.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Computability Theory, TU Hamburg, urn:nbn:de:gvb:830-tubdok-12774, 4th edition, 2014.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: Singleton codes, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 91, no. 3, 273-290, 2014.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: Gröbner bases for perfect binary codes, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math.,vol. 91, no. 2, 155-168,  2014.
  • S. Torgasin, K.-H. Zimmermann: An all-pairs shortest path algorithm for bipartite graphs, Central European J. Comp. Sci., vol. 3, no.4, 149-157, 2013.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Computability Theory, TU Hamburg, urn:nbn:de:gvb:830-tubdok-12189, 3rd edition, 2013.
  • W. Retter: Topics in Abstract Order Geometry, PhD thesis, Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: Universal Gröbner bases for linear codes, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 86, no. 2, 345-358, 2013.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: Computing generating sets for quaternary codes using Gröbner bases, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 84, no. 1, 99-109, 2013.
  • M.K. Hanif, K.-H. Zimmermann: GPU algorithms for profile-profile alignment, Central European J. Comp. Sci., vol. 2, no. 4, 367-388, 2012.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: A variant of the Gröbner basis algorithm for computing Hilbert bases, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math, vol. 81, no. 1, 145-156, 2012.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Computability Theory, TU Hamburg, URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:830-tubdok-11600, 2nd edition, 2012.
  • N. Dück, K.-H. Zimmermann: Standard bases for linear codes, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math, vol. 80, no. 3, 315-330, 2012.
  • O. Reyes: Neural synchronization and light-weight cryptography in embedded systems, PhD thesis, Shaker, 2012.
  • W. Kramper, R. Wanker, K.-H. Zimmermann: Swarm simulation using intelligent agents based on neural networks. Central European J. Comp. Sci., vol. 2, no. 1, 16-32, 2012.
  • M. Saleemi: Algebraic coding via Groebner bases, PhD thesis, Verlag Dr. Hut, 2012.
  • M. Saleemi, K.-H. Zimmermann: Syzygies and free resolutions of linear codes, Int. Electr. J. Pure Appl. Math., to appear.
  • S. Torgasin: Graph-based Methods for the Design of DNA computations, PhD thesis, mbv Berlin, 2012.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Computability Theory, TU Hamburg, urn:nbn:de:gbv:830-tubdok-11072, 2011.
  • M. Saleemi, K.-H. Zimmermann: Groebner bases for linear codes over GF(4), Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 73, no. 4, 435-442, 2011
  • R. Leppert, M. Saleemi, K.-H. Zimmermann: Groebner bases for quaternary codes, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 71, no. 4, 595-608, 2011
  • O. Reyes, K.-H. Zimmermann: Permutation parity machines for neural cryptography, Phys. Rev. E 81, 066117, 2010.
  • O. Reyes, K.-H. Zimmermann: Permutation parity machines for neural cryptography, (reprint) Vir. J. Bio. Phys. Res., vol. 20, no. 1, 2010.
  • M. Saleemi, K.-H. Zimmermann: From ideals in polynomial rings to linear codes using Groebner bases, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 65, no. 1, 41-54, 2010.
  • M. Saleemi, K.-H. Zimmermann: Groebner bases for linear codes, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 62, no. 4, 481-491, 2010.
  • M. Saleemi, K.-H. Zimmermann: Linear codes as binomial ideals, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 61, no. 2, 147-156, 2010.
  • M. Saleemi, K.-H. Zimmermann: Groebner bases for a class of ideals in commutative polynomial rings, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 58, no. 1, 1-9, 2010.
  • W. Kramper: Simulation von Schwarmverhalten, mbv, Berlin, 2010.
  • S. Torgasin, K.-H. Zimmermann: Algorithm for thermodynamically based prediction of DNA/DNA crosshybridization, Int. J. Bioinform. Res. App., vol. 6, no. 1, 82-97, 2010.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Und, wie hoch ist Ihre Erdös-Zahl?, Spektrum, TUHH, 2010.
  • C.S. Bassoy, M. Yang, S. Torgasin, K.-H. Zimmermann: Accelerating scalar-product based sequence alignment by graphics processing units,J. Sig. Proc. Syst., 1939-8115 (online), 2009.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, W. Brandt, M. Wild, K.-H. Zimmermann: Bioinspired parallel algorithms for maximum clique problem on FPGA architectures, J. Sig. Proc. Syst., 1939-8115 (online), 2009.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: An autonomous DNA model for finite state automata, Int. J. Bioinform. Res. App., vol. 5, No. 1, 81-96, 2009.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: Exploiting the features of finite state automata for biomolecular computing, J Recent Patents DNA & Gene Sequences, vol. 3, no. 2, 130-138, 2009.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: DNA Computing Models, Springer, 300 p., chinese translation, 2009.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, K.-H. Zimmermann: Parallel bioinspired algorithms for NP complete graph problems. J. Par. Distr. Comp., vol. 69, no. 3, 221-229, 2009.
  • O. Reyes, I. Kopitzke, K.-H. Zimmermann: Permutation parity machines for neural synchronization. J. Physics A: Math. Theor., vol. 42, 195002, 2009.
  • O. Reyes, K.-H. Zimmermann: Key exchange protocol using permutation parity machines. IJCCI 2009, 496-501, 2009.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: DNA Computing Models. Springer, 300 p., 2008.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: Computational genes. Wikipedia, 2008.
  • I. Martinez-Perez: Biomolecular Computing Models for Graph Problems and Finite State Automata. PhD thesis, mbv Berlin, 2007.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: Rechengene. Deutsches Patent, 2007.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: Computational genes: A tool for molecular diagnosis and therapy of aberrant mutational phenotype. BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 8, 365, 2007.
  • B. Saballus, M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: Secure group communication in ad-hoc networks using tree parity machines. Proc. 4th Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (WMAN), Bern, Schweiz, 2007.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: An autonomous DNA model for finite state automata. Techn. Report, 06.1, TUHH, 2006
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: Solving the maximum clique problem via DNA haiprin formation. Techn. Report, 06.3, TUHH, 2006.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, Z. Gong, K.-H. Zimmermann: Solving the Hamiltonian path problem via DNA hairpin formation. Int. J. Bioinformatics Research Applications, vol. 1, no. 1, 389-398, 2006.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: An autonomous DNA model for stochastic finite state automata. Techn. Report, 06.2, TUHH, 2006.
  • S. Mühlbach, M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: Encrypted and authenticated communication via tree-parity machines in AMBA bus systems. 4. Krypto-Tag der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. – Fachgruppe KRYPTO, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Horst-Görtz-Institut für IT-Sicherheit, Technical Report No. NDS-1/06, Ulrich Greveler (Hrsg.), p. 10, 2006.
  • A. Ruttor, M. Volkmer: Theorie und Anwendungen von Tree Parity Machines für die Kryptographie, Kryptowochenende 2006 – Workshop über Kryptographie, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. – Fachgruppe KRYPTO 2006, Universität Mannheim, Institut für Informatik, Technical Report TR-2006-013, Reihe Informatik, Frederik Armknecht, Dirk Stegemann (Hrsg.), 20-22, 2006.
  • K. Tyss: Generatoren für echte Zufallszahlen auf FPGAs für eingebettete Systeme. 5. Krypto-Tag Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. – Fachgruppe KRYPTO 2006, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik, Mathematische Schriften Kassel 06/06, Heiko Stamer (Hrsg.), p. 4, 2006..
  • M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: Ein IP-Core Design für Schlüsselaustausch, Stromchiffre und Identifikation auf ressourcenbeschränkten Geräten. Workshop Kryptographie in Theorie und Praxis, LNCI, vol. P-770, 294-298, 2006.
  • M. Volkmer: On proving completeness, soundness and security of authenticated tree parity machine key exchange. 4. Krypto-Tag der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. – Fachgruppe KRYPTO 2006, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Horst-Görtz-Institut für IT-Sicherheit, Technical Report No. NDS-1/06, Ulrich Greveler (Hrsg.), p. 5, 2006.
  • M. Volkmer: Entity Authentication and Authenticated Key Exchange with Tree Parity Machines,, 2006.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Diskrete Mathematik, BoD, Norderstedt, 300 p., 2006.
  • M. Volkmer, S. Wallner, K.-H. Zimmermann: Tree Parity Machines – Ein Verfahren zum sicheren Datentransfer mittels neuronaler Netze. Deutsches Patent, 2005.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Solving constrained combinatorial optimization problems via importance sampling in the grand canonical ensemble. Comp Phys Comm, vol. 165, 243-259, 2005.
  • K. Elssel, K.-H. Zimmermann: Two new nonlinear binary codes. IEEE Trans Inform Theory, vol. 51, 1189-1190, 2005.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: Self assembly of DNA molecules. Techn. Report, 05.1, TUHH, 2005.
  • I. Martinez-Perez, Z. Ignatova, K.-H. Zimmermann: A programmable computing machine operating autonomously at the molecular scale. Techn. Report, 05.2, TUHH, 2005.
  • M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: Tree parity machine rekeying architectures. IEEE Trans Comp, 54, 421-427, 2005.
  • M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: A Key Establishment IP-Core for Ubiquitous Computing, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Secure and Ubiquitous Networks, SUN’05 , Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, IEEE Computer Society, 241-245, ISBN 0-7695-2424-9, 2005.
  • M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: Lightweight Key Exchange and Stream Cipher based solely on Tree Parity Machines, ECRYPT (European Network of Excellence for Cryptology) Workshop on RFID and Lightweight Crypto, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 102-113,, 2005.
  • M. Volkmer, F. Grewe: Runners, Starting Lines and Mutual Distances: On the Security of Tree Parity Machine Key Exchange, 3. Krypto-Tag der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. – Fachgruppe KRYPTO 2005, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical Report No. TI-1/05, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann ed., p. 5, 2005.
  • B. Saballus: Secure Group Communication in WLAN Ad-Hoc Networks with Tree Parity Machines, 2. Krypto-Tag der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. – Fachgruppe KRYPTO 2005, Universität Ulm, Ulmer Informatik-Berichte Nr. 2005-02, K.U.Leuven, Technical Report ESAT-COSIC 2005-CW-1, Wolfgang Lindner and Christopher Wolf eds., p. 12, 2005.
  • N. Behroozi: Immediate Rekeying by Tree Parity Machines in a WLAN-System, 2. Krypto-Tag der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. – Fachgruppe KRYPTO 2005, Universität Ulm, Ulmer Informatik-Berichte Nr. 2005-02, K.U.Leuven, Technical Report ESAT-COSIC 2005-CW-1, Wolfgang Lindner and Christopher Wolf eds., p. 10, 2005.
  • M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: Tree Parity Machine Rekeying Architectures for Embedded Security,, 2005.
  • M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: Lightweight Key Exchange and Stream Cipher based solely on Tree Parity Machines, ECRYPT (European Network of Excellence for Cryptology) Workshop on RFID and Lightweight Crypto, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 102-113,, 2005.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Optimization and parallelization of loop nests via linear vector-valued schedules. Techn. Report, No. 264, Uni Dortmund, 2004.
  • M. Volkmer, S. Wallner: A Low-Cost Solution for Frequent Symmetric Key Exchange in Ad-hoc Networks, Proc. of the 2nd German Workshop on Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, WMAN 2004, Beiträge der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)GI Jahrestagung Informatik 2004, 2. Deutscher Workshop über Mobile Ad-hoc Netzwerke (WMAN 2004), Ulm, Germany, 2004.
  • A. Schaumburg: Authentication within Tree Parity Machine Rekeying, 1. Krypto-Tag der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. – Fachgruppe KRYPTO 2004, Universität Mannheim, Reihe Informatik, Technical Report TR 2004-10, Stefan Lucks and Christopher Wolf eds., p. 13, 2004.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: An Introduction to Protein Informatics. Kluwer, Boston, 304 p., 2003.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: A special purpose array processor architecture for the molecular dynamics simulation of point-mutated proteins. J. Sig. Proc. Syst., vol. 35, 297-309, 2003.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On applying molecular computation to binary linear codes. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 48, 505-509, 2002.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Efficient DNA sticker algorithms for graph theoretic problems. Computer Physics Communications, vol. 144, 297-309, 2002.
  • S. Babu, K.-H. Zimmermann: A general decoding scheme for linear codes over galois rings. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 47, 1599-1604, 2001.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann, W. Achtziger: Optimal piecewise linear schedules for LSGP- and LPGS-decomposed array processors via quadratic programming. Computer Physics Communications, vol. 139, 64-89, 2001.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: The patch selection problem and discrete stochastic dynamic programming. Techn. Report, No. 2001.1, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2001.
  • T. Lai, K.-H. Zimmermann: A software platform for the DNA sticker model. Techn. Report, No. 2001.2, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2001.
  • A. Popp, K.-H. Zimmermann: On loop transformations of loop nests with affine dependencies. Computer Physics Communications, vol. 139, 90-103, 2001.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Optimal quadratic schedules for affine recurrence equations via nonsmooth optimization. J. Sig. Proc. Syst., vol. 25, 235-260, 2000.
  • S. Babu, K.-H. Zimmermann: New good codes via CQuest: A system for the silicon search of linear codes. Proc. Alcoma ’99, LNCS, Springer, 273-285, 2000.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: DNA algorithms for binary linear codes. Techn. Report, No. 2000.1, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2000
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Optimal schedules for recurrence equations via continuous optimization methods. Reports and Scripts No. 5, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1999.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Parallelizing the search for good linear codes. Proc. ARCS ’99, Workshop zur Architektur von Rechensystemen, Jena, 203-210, 1999.
  • S. Babu, K.-H. Zimmermann: A short introduction to quaternary codes. Techn. Report No. 99.3, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 1999.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: On the time optimal implementation of uniform recurrences onto array processors via quadratic programming. J Sig Proc Syst, 19, 19-38, 1998.
  • G. Ehlers, K.-H. Zimmermann: Introduction to Hardware Design with ELLA. Techn. Report No. 98.2, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 1998.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Computing time-optimal quadratic schedules for affine recurrence equations. Techn. Report No. 243, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1998.
  • A. Betten, H. Fripertinger, A. Kerber, A. Wassermann, K.-H. Zimmermann: Codierungstheorie — Konstruktion und Anwendung linearer Codes. Springer, 1998.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: A branching linear programming approach for the mapping of systems of n-dimensional affine recurrences onto k-dimensional systolic arrays. Proc. 4th Workshop PASA ’96, World Scientific, Singapore, 247-258, 1997.
  • G. Ehlers, K.-H. Zimmermann: Das ELLA 2000 Mikrocontroller-Projekt. Techn. Report No. 97.1, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 1997.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On a class of double coset codes. Techn. Report No. 97.2, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 1997.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Finding space-time transformations for uniform recurrences via branching parametric linear programming. J Sig Proc Syst, 15, 259-274, 1997.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: A unified lattice-based approach for the decomposition of systolic arrays via LSGP and LPGS. J Sig Proc Syst, 17, 21-42, 1997.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Optimal polynomial schedules for recurrence equations: An approach via non-smooth optimization. Proc. First Int. Workshop Approximate Reasoning in Scheduling (ARS `97), (Ed.) W. Slany, Int. Comp. Sci. Conventions (ICSC), Academic Press, Millet, Alberta, Kanada, 4-10, 1997.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On generalizations of repeated-root cyclic codes. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 42, 641-649, 1996.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Linear mappings of n-dimensional uniform recurrences onto k-dimensional systolic arrays. J Sig Proc Syst, 12, 187-202, 1996.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Synthesizing regular arrays from single affine recurrences via quadratic and branching parametric linear programming. Parcella ’96, Akademie Verlag, Leipzig, 224-231, 1996.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: A branching linear programming approach for the mapping of systems of n-dimensional affine recurrences onto k-dimensional systolic arrays. Techn. Report No. 172, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1996.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Synthesizing regular arrays from single affine recurrences via quadratic and branching parametric linear programming. Techn. Report No. 174, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1996.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: The scheduling problem for recurrence equations: A computational approach via non-smooth optimization. Techn. Report No. 200, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1996.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: On optimal piecewise linear schedules for LSGP- and LPGS-partitioning of array processors via quadratic programming. Techn. Report No. 202, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1996.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Integral Hecke modules, integral generalized Reed-Muller codes and linear codes. Techn. Report No. 96.3, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 1996.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: On time optimal implementation of uniform recurrences onto array processors via quadratic programming. Techn. Report No. 204, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1996.
  • W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Finding space-time transformations for uniform recurrences via branching parametric linear programming. Techn. Report No. 168, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1996.
  • R.A. Liebler, K.-H. Zimmermann: Combinatorial Sn-modules as codes. J. Algeb. Combinat., 4, 47-68, 1995.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Hecke modules as linear block codes and block m-PSK modulation codes. Proc. 1995th IEEE Symp. Inform. Theory, Whistler, 1995.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On weight spaces of polynomial representations of the general linear group as linear codes. J. Combinat. Theory A, 67, 1-22, 1994.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Beiträge zur algebraischen Codierungstheorie mittels modularer Darstellungstheorie, Bayreuther Math. Schriften, 48, 1994.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On the decoding of indecomposable binary group codes. Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’ Universita di Modena, XLI, 445-455, 1993.
  • S.Y. Kung, T.C. Lee, K.-H. Zimmermann: Implementational issues on neural network algorithms. J Sig Proc Syst, 6, 85-94, 1993.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On the majority decodable distance of codes in filtrations of characteristic $p>0$. Arch. Math., 61, 434-443, 1993.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: The weight distribution of indecomposable cyclic codes over 2-groups. J. Combinat. Theory A, 60, 85-103, 1992.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: An optimal partitioning method for parallel algorithms: LSGP. in: Fuzzy, Holographic, and Parallel Intelligence, The Sixth-Generation Breakthrough, (Eds.) B. Soucek and The IRIS Group, Wiley, 233-266, 1992.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On the exponent of indecomposable abelian group codes. in: Coding Theory, Design Theory and Graph Theory, (Eds.) D. Jungnickel, S.A. Vanstone, Wiley & Sons, 291-295, 1992.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On a complete decoding scheme for binary radical codes. Arch. Math., 59, 513-520, 1992.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On the construction of majority-logic decodable group codes. in: Cryptography and Coding III, (Ed.) M.J. Ganley, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 367-377, 1992.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: On indecomposable abelian group codes and their vertices. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 37, 1723-1731, 1991.
  • K.-H. Zimmermann: Spechtmoduln als Codes. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 27, 101-110, 1991.