Guest Lecturers

Status March 2025
As part of selected courses at the Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics (IUE) at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), guest lecturers contribute to university teaching on specific topics as part of a guest lecture. They provide students with in-depth insights into current energy industry topics. They enrich the academic exchange with their expertise. We appreciate their commitment and their valuable contribution to the further education of our students and would like to express our sincere thanks for their dedication.

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Schwier; HanseWerk Natur GmbH

Dr. Stefanie Ramsauer; Wirtschaftskanzlei Graf von Westfalen

Corinna Lindau; Wirtschaftskanzlei Graf von Westfalen

Dörthe Arend; Euler Hermes AG

Berthold Reuter; Euler Hermes AG

Thomas Pfennig; Euler Hermes AG

Ralf Skowronnek; Skowronnek & Bechnak GmbH

Dr.-Ing. Martin Kayser; Patentanwälte BAUER | VORBERG | KAYSER

Volkmar Busch;         Vattenfall

Christian Engelhardt; Vattenfall

Thomas Reinecke; Dederichs Reinecke & Partner

Karl Brandt; Zentrum für AgrarMediation (ZefAM)

Tareq Zahw; Guidehouse

Dr. Burkhard Rosier; Gopa Intec

Bianca Baur; SH Netz

Barbara Flesche; Statkraft

Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Gräber; EB-SIM

Dr. Andreas Heinz; Europäische Investitionsbank

Tim Kühlke; Enerparc AG

Georgios Vassiliou; Enerparc AG