Gudrun Obersteiner










Gudrun Obersteiner has a degree in Landscape architecture (BOKU University, Vienna), and a degree in “Environmental Engineering” at the Technical University of Vienna and BOKU University Vienna and the degree of “European Environmental Expert”. Since 2012 she is managing director of the Institute of Waste Management.
Gudrun Obersteiner is senior scientist at the Institute of Waste Management at the BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna since 2001. Her main research focus is laid on sustainability assessment (including LCA as well as the evaluation of economic and social effects of waste management measures) and waste prevention measures.
Gudrun was leading the Interreg funded STREFOWA project ( and several national projects on food waste prevention. Gudrun is experienced with food waste prevention along the whole supply chain having ongoing as well as finalised projects on food waste generation and prevention in agriculture, food service sector (including specific research on restaurants, hotels, event catering, healthcare centres and workplace canteens), retail, houshold as well as schools. Gudrun is experienced with different methodologies to estimate the amount of waste for all sectors. Within the installed University group on SDG in Austria she is the responsible expert for SDG 12.3