Artificial Intelligence as Mentoring Solution for Lifelong Learning - KIM


In the joint project “KIM”, an AI solution is developed that offers users of professional training platforms assistance in choosing further training offers. At the beginning, users make a self-assessment of their competencies and express their current professional and career objectives. The AI also takes into account the data stored by users in the platform (e.g. educational qualifications) and compares existing competencies from certificates. Furthermore, the AI functions as a trend detector to determine futureoriented skill needs for users. From the possible advanced training courses, the AI should propose a targeted curriculum that takes into account the levels of the DQR / EQR. As a perspective for the future, the AI solution could propose integrated curricula through suitable course certifications that can lead to recognized educational qualifications.

The project uses machine learning methods to achieve its goals. For this purpose, algorithms are trained both with simulated data sets and with data collected during the course of the project, and tested with selected users on the oncampus platform and continuously improved. In this context, research questions are investigated which criteria influence the accuracy of fit and acceptance of the advanced training curriculum proposed by the AI from the perspective of the user.


The project consortium consists of two companies and two university institutes that bring in all of the IT / technology, advanced training and research competencies required for the project, and oncampus GmbH also has its own platform for testing the developed solution. For scalability, the integration into other platforms of the digital training market should also be realized via corresponding license models. The partners are also open to further collaborations with other projects in the “INVITE” competition.

Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2024

Staff member in charge: Maxim Kühne, Sebastian Roth

Funding programme: Wettbewerb INVITE des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung

Project management agency: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung

Project partners:

  • Universität Bremen, Institut Technik und Bildung
  • oncampus GmbH
  • consider it GmbH

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