Lukas Büsch, M.Sc.

Room L 2054
Telephone 040 42878-4241
Fax 040 42731-4551
E-Mail Lukas Büsch
Since September 2021 | at the Institute for Aircraft Production Technology |
2021 | Semester abroad at the University of Waterloo (CA) |
2020 - 2022 | Master's degree in "Mechatronics" at the Technical University of Hamburg |
2016 - 2020 | Bachelor's degree in "Mechatronics" at the Technical University of Hamburg |
HyPlant100 - Development of optimized and automated processes and standards for the construction of large-scale water electrolyzers
Robotics: Modeling and Control
HyPLANT100 - Modularisierung und Automatisierung für die Montage großskaliger Wasserelektrolyseure
Technische Universität Hamburg (2024)
Open Access -
HyPLANT100 : industrialization from assembly to the construction site for gigawatt electrolysis
Hydrogen 5 (2): 185-208 (2024)
Open Access | Publisher DOI
HyPLANT100 – Automatisiertier Aufbau großskaliger Elektrolyseure
Technische Universität Hamburg (2023)
Open Access -
Towards recognition of human actions in collaborative tasks with robots : extending action recognition with tool recognition methods
Sensors 23 (12): 5718 (2023)
Open Access | Publisher DOI -
Leakage Inspection for the Scale-Up of Hydrogen Electrolyzers: A Case Study and Comparative Analysis of Technologies
International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2023)
Publisher DOI -
Industry 5.0 in aircraft production and MRO: technologies, challenges, and opportunities
Preprint (2023)
Open Access | Publisher DOI -
Development of a multi-sensor concept for progress detection in the site assembly of electrolysis units
Procedia CIRP 120: 1363-1368 (2023-10)
Open Access | Publisher DOI
Grünen Wasserstoff schnell produzieren
Industrial Production 6 (46): 46-47 (2022-06)
A methods-time-measurement based approach to enable action recognition for multi-variant assembly in Human-Robot Collaboration
Procedia CIRP 106: 233-238 (2022)
Open Access | Publisher DOI
L. Büsch: Development of a multi-sensor concept for progress detection in the site assembly of electrolysis units; 56th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 2023, Kapstadt (Südafrika)
L. Büsch, B. Ebert: Automatisierungsoptionen im Montageprozess einer Elektrolyseurfertigung; 2. H2Giga Statuskonferenz, 21.09.2023, Berlin
L. Büsch, K. Haalck: H2 Giga: HyPlant 100 - Industrialisierung der Montage bis zum Baufeld für die Gigawattelektrolyse; Forum Wasserstoff Projekte - Die Wasserstoff-Leitprojekte des BMBF im Fokus (Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg), 27.02.2023, Hamburg
L. Büsch: A methods-time-measurement based approach to enable action recognition for multi-variant assembly in Human-Robot Collaboration; 9th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), 2022, Leuven (Belgien)