Jil Eltgen, M.Sc.

Engineer & Research Associate

Vertiports & UAM



Gebäude L  
  Raum L 0064
Telefon 040 42878-3353
  Fax 040 42731-4551
E-Mail Jil Eltgen, M.Sc
Projekt i-LUM  


2021 - today Scientific employee at the Institute for Aircraft Production Technology
2020 - 2021 Student assistant at the Institute for Aircraft Production Technology
2019 Student assistant at the Institute for Product Development and Design Technology
2019 Study abroad in Thessaloniki, Greece, with a focus on solar energy systems, funded by the DAAD as a scholarship
2018 - 2021 Master's degree in "Energy Engineering" with a specialization in "Energy Systems" at the Technical University of Hamburg
2017 - 2019 Tutor at the Technical University of Hamburg
2017 Intern in mechanical engineering at Trimet Aluminum SE
2015 - 2018 Bachelor's degree in "mechanical engineering" with a specialization in "energy technology" at the Technical University of Hamburg



Innovative Airborne Urban Mobility


,,i-LUM'' is a project as part of the Hamburg X initiative. The aim of this project is to develop, develop and evaluate the feasibility of concepts for innovative air-supported urban mobility for the Hamburg metropolitan region. Future scenarios (2040/2050) should be considered. In addition to the Institute for Aircraft Production Technology at the Technical University of Hamburg, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, the HafenCity University Hamburg, the Helmut Schmidt University and the German Aerospace Center are also involved in this project.

At the Institute for Aircraft Production Technology, on-board and ground-side command and information systems as well as operational infrastructures are to be developed. For this purpose, the IFPT is developing concepts for an automatic and ground-based MRO. This should, for example, be able to detect and repair damage to the aircraft or be able to load the aircraft with regard to the type of propulsion and logistics. The challenges in the development of an automatic ground-based MRO lie in the flexibility of the MRO processes and systems, as the components and damage can be very diverse.

  • Development of concrete overall concepts for airborne mobility in Hamburg, taking into account various scenarios and deriving requirements for vehicles, infrastructure and operations,
  • Detailed scientific study of the necessary "enabler" technologies for the vehicle as well as the infrastructural and operational aspects,
  • Evaluation of the utility of selected concepts for the city, its residents and visitors.



The results of acceptance studies and evaluations of user behavior play a special role within this new urban mobility in Hamburg. Design features can be derived from these results. In this way, a concept can be developed that can relieve the city of Hamburg's logistical burden.



The infrastructure to be developed includes all elements necessary on the ground to maintain, repair and supply the vehicles with loads in terms of propulsion, logistics and people from landing to the next take-off. The main focus is on compliance with the relevant security requirements.



The infrastructure is to be placed on so-called vertiports. Vertiports serve as traffic sources and sinks and must be modeled in terms of their mobility capacity. The infrastructure should enable rapid response and flexibility, with constant technological development required. The MRO processes should have short lead times and be documented over the life cycle of the vehicle.



The project addresses, among other things, the following questions:

  • How should the ground-based MRO infrastructure be conceptualized?
  • What should systems - stationary or mobile - look like for inspecting damage and wear?
  • How can discovered damage be repaired?
  • What level of automation and software intelligence is required for the desired highly automated MRO?
  • Is condition monitoring of the fleet useful and how can it be implemented?

The focus of the “i-LUM” project is on airborne urban mobility, mobile sensor technology, measurement technology and energy technology.

Project ,,KlioWaLH2''

Climate-optimal maintenance processes for LH2 systems


Research area: LH2, maintenance processes
In collaboration with:

Lufthansa Technik AG

Institute for Aircraft Systems Technology of the Technical University of Hamburg

DLR Institute for Maintenance and Modification

DLR Institute for System Architectures in Aviation

Start of the project: June 2023
End of project: May 2026
Contact person at the institute: Jil Eltgen, M.Sc.


As part of the KlioWaLH2 joint project, the IFPT, in collaboration with the joint partners, plans to build a digital twin of the LH2 system and MRO technology of the Aviation Lab. In a suitable simulation environment, time-dependent simulations regarding the LH2 system behavior should be possible.



Dabei soll insbesondere eine Abbildung von Lebensdauer- und Degradationseffekten an den LH2- Komponenten in den digitalen Zwilling integriert werden, um so Aussagen zu erforderlichen MRO-Maßnahmen für reale Komponenten tätigen zu können. Mit der virtuellen Integration der MRO-Hardware in den digitalen Zwilling können zudem optimale Sensorkonzepte entwickelt werden. Der schlussendlich anhand von realen Betriebsdaten validierte digitale Zwilling des Aviation Labs und die mit ihm durchgeführten Lebenszyklussimulationen stellen insgesamt eine notwendige Ergänzung zu den Entwicklungsarbeiten am realen Objekt dar, um die Erarbeitung eines klimaoptimalen LH2-Wartungsgesamtplans in effektiver Weise zu unterstützen.



Außerdem ist die TUHH maßgeblich an der Entwicklung von Integrationskonzepten für Sensor- und MRO-Systemen für LH2-Systeme in Luftfahrtanwendungen beteiligt. Neben der Modellierung der LH2-MRO Prozesse und der Entwicklung dazugehöriger Konzepte zur Datenakquise, beteiligt sich das IFPT an der realen Demonstration ausgewählter Konzepte im Hydrogen Aviation Lab, welches auf den Bildern zu sehen ist.




  • MSR laboratory (measurement, control and regulation technology)
  • Innovation Management: Development of new courses and innovative concepts.
  • Tenders for collaboration: student/research assistant in the Hydrogen area PDF
  • If you are interested in final theses in the subject area of the research project i-LUM , please contact us via Email to Jil Eltgen:

Completed student work:

Type of work Topic Name Year
Project work Development of a list of requirements and a resulting concept for an automation solution for producing 3D cell cultures for use in academic research institutions David Hackenberger 2021
Master's thesis Scenario development and conceptual development of a system for condition analysis, maintenance and repair of air vehicles for urban airborne mobility Franziska Roth 2022
Master's thesis Conceptualization of vertiports with regard to ground-based infrastructure for urban airborne mobility Piet Ansgar Scheffler 2022
Master's thesis Development of a control system for a robot system for producing hydrogel-based 3D cell culture for use in academic research institutions David Hackenberger 2022
Bachelor's thesis Analysis of operational environmental costs, their trends and effects within airborne mobility in metropolitan regions Rames Karbasi 2022
Bachelor's thesis Development of a mobilization system for air vehicles at skyports in innovative airborne mobility Wojciech By Zmuda Trzebiatowski 2022
Bachelor's thesis Location analysis and noise emission considerations to enable a fleet in innovative airborne mobility Lucia Agullo Marti 2022
Bachelor's thesis Strategies for the energy supply of vehicles in innovative airborne mobility Tobenna Noah Ijeh 2022
Bachelor's thesis Conceptual design of an information model for condition monitoring in innovative airborne mobility Willem Babendererde 2023
Study work Analysis and expansion of existing topologies of ground-based infrastructures for innovative urban airborne mobility Arne Viebrock 2023




J. Eltgen (2023). Steigerung der Modellierungsqualität und Verbesserung der Infrastrukturentwicklung innerhalb der innovativen luftgestützten Mobilität. 30.11.2023. i-LUM Doktorandenkolloquium 2023. Hamburg, Deutschland. 2023.

J. Eltgen (2023). Methodik zur ganzheitlichen Analyse bodengebundener Infrastruktur für Urban Air Mobility. 20.09.2023. DLRK Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023. Stuttgart, Deutschland. 2023.

J. Eltgen (2023). Beitrag zur Infrastrutkurentwicklung innerhalb der innovativen urbanen luftgestützten Mobilität. 28.06.2023. i-LUM Doktorandenkolloquium 2023. Hamburg, Deutschland. 2023.

J. Eltgen (2023). MROPort for Airworthiness Checks in a Future-Proof Environment. 13.06.2023. AIAA Aviation 2023. San Diego, USA. 2023.


J. Eltgen (2022). Technical Concepts for Inspecting UAVs for Damage. 05.09.2022. 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Stockholm, Schweden.

J. Eltgen (2022). Wie Telepräsenz Skyports der AAM erweitern kann. Podiumsvortrag und -diskussion. Autonome Systeme - Support durch Telepresence, nextReality.Hamburg e.V., Hamburg. 05.10.2022.

J. Eltgen (2022). Urbane Mobilität neu denken. Vortrag. Hamburg. 06.12.2022.

