Courses in Stud.IP

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Semiconductor Technology/Halbleitertechnologie (VL)
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist Teil des Moduls: Halbleitertechnologie
SoSe 24
Course type:
Course number:
Prof. Dr. Hoc Khiem Trieu, Sven Bohne, Nina Gebke
Are you deeply interested in how microchips are made, which are omnipresent in daily life such as in smartphones or medical devices? Then this course will provide you the right answers. You’ll learn how the purest microelectronic material is made of sand and how microchips are fabricated in mass production following a process of precise manufacturing steps under clean room condition. Wenn es Sie schon immer brennend interessiert hat, wie Mikrochips, die Sie überall im Alltag in elektronischen Geräten wie Smartphones oder medizintechnischen Geräten finden, hergestellt werden, dann wird diese Veranstaltung Ihnen die passenden Antworten dazu liefern. Sie werden lernen, wie aus Sand der hochreinste Werkstoff der Mikroelektronik entsteht und wie mit einer Abfolge von präzisen Prozessschritten unter Reinraumbedingung Mikrochips in Massenproduktion hergestellt werden.
IMPMM, ETMS, MEDMS, and everybody who is interested in Semiconductor Technology
no specific admission requirement Basics in physics, chemistry, material science and semiconductor devices are recommended.
Learning organisation:
Weekly lecture
Performance accreditation:
Oral exam
Due to the limited places we'll offer a workshop with hand on lab activities in the last week of September or in the first week of October for those of you with the best exams.
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (E-7)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 106
Documents: 77
former semester
link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Semiconductor Technology/Halbleitertechnologie (VL)
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist Teil des Moduls: Halbleitertechnologie
SoSe 24
Course type:
Course number:
Prof. Dr. Hoc Khiem Trieu, Sven Bohne, Nina Gebke
Are you deeply interested in how microchips are made, which are omnipresent in daily life such as in smartphones or medical devices? Then this course will provide you the right answers. You’ll learn how the purest microelectronic material is made of sand and how microchips are fabricated in mass production following a process of precise manufacturing steps under clean room condition. Wenn es Sie schon immer brennend interessiert hat, wie Mikrochips, die Sie überall im Alltag in elektronischen Geräten wie Smartphones oder medizintechnischen Geräten finden, hergestellt werden, dann wird diese Veranstaltung Ihnen die passenden Antworten dazu liefern. Sie werden lernen, wie aus Sand der hochreinste Werkstoff der Mikroelektronik entsteht und wie mit einer Abfolge von präzisen Prozessschritten unter Reinraumbedingung Mikrochips in Massenproduktion hergestellt werden.
IMPMM, ETMS, MEDMS, and everybody who is interested in Semiconductor Technology
no specific admission requirement Basics in physics, chemistry, material science and semiconductor devices are recommended.
Learning organisation:
Weekly lecture
Performance accreditation:
Oral exam
Due to the limited places we'll offer a workshop with hand on lab activities in the last week of September or in the first week of October for those of you with the best exams.
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (E-7)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 106
Documents: 77


For information on courses and modules, please refer to the current course catalogue and module manual of your degree programme.

Module / Course Period ECTS Credit Points
Module: Electrical Power Systems I: Introduction to Electrical Power Systems WiSe 6
Module: Electrical Power Systems II: Operation and Information Systems of Electrical Power Grids WiSe 6
Module: Electrical Power Systems III: Dynamics and Stability of Electrical Power Systems SuSe 6
Module: Electrical Engineering II: Alternating Current Networks and Basic Devices SuSe 6
Module: Electrical Engineering Project Laboratory SuSe 6
Module: Process Measurement Engineering SuSe 4
Module: Smart Grid Technologies WiSe, SuSe 6

Course: Seminar on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Power Systems

Further Information

WiSe, SuSe 2

SuSe: Summer Semester
WiSe: Winter Semester