Courses in Stud.IP

current semester
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Prüfungen Mechanik III & IV
Course type:
Miscellaneous (Teaching)
Prof. Dr. Robert Seifried, Dr.-Ing. Alexander Held, Dr.-Ing. Svenja Drücker, Niklas Joachim Meyer, M. Sc, Marten Hollm, M. Sc, Ali Azari Nejat, M. Sc, Helge Johannes Grossert, M. Sc, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Kriegesmann, Tobias Rückwald, M. Sc., Dr.-Ing. Johanna Peters, Prof. Dr. Christian Cyron, Timo Hendrik Schmidt, M. Sc., Malte Grube, M. Sc.
Hier werden alte Prüfungen zur Verfügung gestellt.
Area classification:
Studiendekanat Bauwesen
Studiendekanat Maschinenbau
Studienbereich Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften (AIW)
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Mechanik u. Meerestechnik (M-13)
Participating institute: Institut für Strukturmechanik im Leichtbau (M-24)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 978
Postings: 13
Documents: 52
former semester
link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Prüfungen Mechanik III & IV
Course type:
Miscellaneous (Teaching)
Prof. Dr. Robert Seifried, Dr.-Ing. Alexander Held, Dr.-Ing. Svenja Drücker, Niklas Joachim Meyer, M. Sc, Marten Hollm, M. Sc, Ali Azari Nejat, M. Sc, Helge Johannes Grossert, M. Sc, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Kriegesmann, Tobias Rückwald, M. Sc., Dr.-Ing. Johanna Peters, Prof. Dr. Christian Cyron, Timo Hendrik Schmidt, M. Sc., Malte Grube, M. Sc.
Hier werden alte Prüfungen zur Verfügung gestellt.
Area classification:
Studiendekanat Bauwesen
Studiendekanat Maschinenbau
Studienbereich Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften (AIW)
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Mechanik u. Meerestechnik (M-13)
Participating institute: Institut für Strukturmechanik im Leichtbau (M-24)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 978
Postings: 13
Documents: 52


For information on courses and modules, please refer to the current course catalogue and module manual of your degree programme.

Module / Course Period ECTS Credit Points
Module: Electrical Power Systems I: Introduction to Electrical Power Systems WiSe 6
Module: Electrical Power Systems II: Operation and Information Systems of Electrical Power Grids WiSe 6
Module: Electrical Power Systems III: Dynamics and Stability of Electrical Power Systems SuSe 6
Module: Electrical Engineering II: Alternating Current Networks and Basic Devices SuSe 6
Module: Electrical Engineering Project Laboratory SuSe 6
Module: Process Measurement Engineering SuSe 4
Module: Smart Grid Technologies WiSe, SuSe 6

Course: Seminar on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Power Systems

Further Information

WiSe, SuSe 2

SuSe: Summer Semester
WiSe: Winter Semester