Courses in Stud.IP

current semester
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Join Mini Challenges of the ECIU University (PBL) [MASTER]
This course is part of the module: Non-technical Courses for Master, Non-Technical Courses for Master
WiSe 23/24
Course type:
PBL -Projekt-/problembasierte Lehrveranstaltung (Lehre)
Course number:
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Kuchta, Dipl.-Ing., Sascha Diedler

Joinmultidisciplinary and international teams at the ECIU University and solve minichallenges linked to the SDG11 - Sustainable cities and communities, providedby business and societal partners across Europe. Participation in mini challengeswill allow you to make a real impact in the community, city, or region bysolving real-time local, national, and global challenges with a new way oflearning - the challenge-based learning.

Generalprocedure of a challenge:

  1. The mini challenge is provided by acity, region or business stakeholder and is entered on the ECIU UniversityChallenge platform (
  2. You register to the mini challengeyou find relevant on the platform.
  3. An international andinterdisciplinary team is formed from registered participants from all ECIU partneruniversities and a team facilitator from the host university is assigned.
  4. You work with the team on the minichallenge, engage, investigate, and propose non-technical solutions using thechallenge-based learning methodology (
  5. During the process, you can selectrelevant micro-modules from ECIU member universities that help you gainadditional knowledge or skills that are relevant to solve the mini challenge.
  6. Finally, teams deliver their outputs- which may include services, products, research questions, start-ups andspin-offs.

By workingin multi-disciplinary and/or international teams, you will build upinter-cultural competences and increase your network of expertise by developingproblem-solving and team-work skills.

TUHH ismajor part of the ECIU University leading institution related to theChallenge-based learning. All ECIU challenges will constantly be updated at thechallenge platform:

“Mini challenges” are challenges in the ECIU University that aresupposed to be done within 1-4 weeks. Focus is to define your actual challenge,find suitable solution(s) and to implement them.

This course is aimed at Master students frommember universities of the ECIU network ( The course requires anindependent approach to work, the willingness to learn independently about newnon-technical topics and research methods, and the motivation to learn andactively participate in an international/disciplinary team.

Performance accreditation:
lv2851 - Join Mini Challenges of the ECIU University (Projekt-/problembasierte Lehrveranstaltung)<ul><li>p1717-2021 - Join Mini Challenges of the ECIU University: Subject theoretical and practical work</li></ul>
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: NTA - Nicht-technisches Angebot (0-NTA)
Participating institute: Institut für Circular Resource Engineering and Management [CREM] (V-11)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 12
former semester
link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Join Mini Challenges of the ECIU University (PBL) [MASTER]
This course is part of the module: Non-technical Courses for Master, Non-Technical Courses for Master
WiSe 23/24
Course type:
PBL -Projekt-/problembasierte Lehrveranstaltung (Lehre)
Course number:
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Kuchta, Dipl.-Ing., Sascha Diedler

Joinmultidisciplinary and international teams at the ECIU University and solve minichallenges linked to the SDG11 - Sustainable cities and communities, providedby business and societal partners across Europe. Participation in mini challengeswill allow you to make a real impact in the community, city, or region bysolving real-time local, national, and global challenges with a new way oflearning - the challenge-based learning.

Generalprocedure of a challenge:

  1. The mini challenge is provided by acity, region or business stakeholder and is entered on the ECIU UniversityChallenge platform (
  2. You register to the mini challengeyou find relevant on the platform.
  3. An international andinterdisciplinary team is formed from registered participants from all ECIU partneruniversities and a team facilitator from the host university is assigned.
  4. You work with the team on the minichallenge, engage, investigate, and propose non-technical solutions using thechallenge-based learning methodology (
  5. During the process, you can selectrelevant micro-modules from ECIU member universities that help you gainadditional knowledge or skills that are relevant to solve the mini challenge.
  6. Finally, teams deliver their outputs- which may include services, products, research questions, start-ups andspin-offs.

By workingin multi-disciplinary and/or international teams, you will build upinter-cultural competences and increase your network of expertise by developingproblem-solving and team-work skills.

TUHH ismajor part of the ECIU University leading institution related to theChallenge-based learning. All ECIU challenges will constantly be updated at thechallenge platform:

“Mini challenges” are challenges in the ECIU University that aresupposed to be done within 1-4 weeks. Focus is to define your actual challenge,find suitable solution(s) and to implement them.

This course is aimed at Master students frommember universities of the ECIU network ( The course requires anindependent approach to work, the willingness to learn independently about newnon-technical topics and research methods, and the motivation to learn andactively participate in an international/disciplinary team.

Performance accreditation:
lv2851 - Join Mini Challenges of the ECIU University (Projekt-/problembasierte Lehrveranstaltung)<ul><li>p1717-2021 - Join Mini Challenges of the ECIU University: Subject theoretical and practical work</li></ul>
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: NTA - Nicht-technisches Angebot (0-NTA)
Participating institute: Institut für Circular Resource Engineering and Management [CREM] (V-11)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 12


For information on courses and modules, please refer to the current course catalogue and module manual of your degree programme.

Module / Course Period ECTS Credit Points
Module: Electrical Power Systems I: Introduction to Electrical Power Systems WiSe 6
Module: Electrical Power Systems II: Operation and Information Systems of Electrical Power Grids WiSe 6
Module: Electrical Power Systems III: Dynamics and Stability of Electrical Power Systems SuSe 6
Module: Electrical Engineering II: Alternating Current Networks and Basic Devices SuSe 6
Module: Electrical Engineering Project Laboratory SuSe 6
Module: Process Measurement Engineering SuSe 4
Module: Smart Grid Technologies WiSe, SuSe 6

Course: Seminar on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Power Systems

Further Information

WiSe, SuSe 2

SuSe: Summer Semester
WiSe: Winter Semester