Mirco Fabian Woidelko

M.Sc., M.A.
Research Assistant


Mirco Woidelko, M.Sc., M.A.
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
Office Hours
nach Vereinbarung
Harburger Schloßstraße 36,
21079 Hamburg
Building HS36, Room C2 1.013
Phone: +49 40 42878 4093

Research Project

Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply


Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2021 to 2024


TUHH Open Research (TORE)


zur Veranstaltung in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Foundations in Organizational Design and Human Resource Management (Seminar) (SE)
This course is part of the module: Foundations in Organizational Design and Human Resource Management
SoSe 24
Seminar (Lehre)
Prof. Dr. Christian Ringle, Prof. Dr. Tim Schweisfurth

Thiscourse is structured as a lecture and a seminar. The lecture focuses on gainingan understanding of the fundamentals of human resource management andorganizational design. The lecture also introduces quantitative and businessanalytics methods for decision making in the field. In the lecture, the basictheoretical concepts are explained and discussed, whereas they are applied throughthe preparation of a seminar thesis in the seminar.

Organizational Design &Human Resource Management

  • The processes of developing organizational structures for small and mid-sized corporations as well as for large multinational enterprises;
  • The adaptation of organizations and their structures to the competitive environment, with special focus on international operating organizations and global markets;
  • Introduction to human resource management from a strategic and international perspective (incl. the typical challenges of international organizations);
  • Key elements of human resource management (incl. design of work, employee recruitment, development, separation & retention);
  • Introduction of methods and models for decision making in organizational design and human resource management.

Possible Applications of the Theoretical Concepts

  • Big data in organizations and human resource analytics;
  • Business analytics and machine learning methods (e.g., factoranalysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling);
  • Models for the management of organizations and human resourcemanagement (e.g., job satisfaction and turnover intention, motivation andorganizational commitment).
m1733-2021 - Foundations in Organizational Design and Human Resource Management<ul><li>p1686-2021 - Foundations in Organizational Design and Human Resource Management: Klausur schriftlich</li></ul><br>m1733-2022 - Foundations in Organizational Design and Human Resource Management<ul><li>p1686-2022 - Foundations in Organizational Design and Human Resource Management: Subject theoretical and practical work</li></ul>
Weitere Informationen aus Stud.IP zu dieser Veranstaltung
Heimatinstitut: Management and Decision Sciences [MDS] (W-9)
In Stud.IP angemeldete Teilnehmer: 2

Supervised Theses



  • Babendererde, A. (2023). Regelung eines Umrichters zum Anschluss eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerks an die Höchstspannungsebene.


  • Lim, I. (2022). Modelling and Integration of a Hydrogen Storage Power Plant in the 10-Machine New-England Power System.

  • Lindner, J. (2022). Primärregelungskonzepte für einen Batteriepufferspeicher eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerkes.

  • Rieckborn, N. (2022). Modellierung des Umwandlungsprozesses eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerks.