Christoph Klie

Research Assistant


Christoph Klie, M.Sc.
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
Office Hours
Harburger Schloßstraße 22a,
21079 Hamburg
Building HS22a, Room 2.004
Phone: +49 40 42878 2239

Research Project

Sustainable DC-Systems – DC-Power Systems on Ships


Sustainable DC-Systems – DC-Power Systems on Ships

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2021 to 2024


TUHH Open Research (TORE)




zur Veranstaltung in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Machine Dynamics (VL)
This course is part of the module: Machine Dynamics
SoSe 24
Vorlesung (Lehre)
Dr. Alireza Abbasimoshaei

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of Kinematic Joints
1.3 Elements Or Links
1.4 Constrained Motion
1.6 Kinematic Chain
1.7 Types of Mechanisms and Equivalent Mechanisms
1.8 Classification of Machines
1.9 Degrees of Freedom
1.10 Four-Bar Chain
1.11 Grashof’s and Grubler’s Law
1.12 Inversion of Mechanisms
1.13 Simulation in software

2: Velocity in Mechanisms
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Velocity Diagrams
2.3 Determination of Link Velocities
2.4 Relative Velocity (linear and angular)
2.5 Instantaneous Centre Method and its types
2.6 Analyses in Software

3: Acceleration in Mechanisms
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Acceleration of a Body Moving in a Circular Path
3.3 Acceleration Diagrams and Center for Different Mechanisms
3.4 Coriolis Acceleration
3.5 Link Sliding Acceleration
3.7 Analytical Analysis of Different Mechanisms Properties in Software

4: Belts, Chains, Ropes, Clutches,and Brakes
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Flat Belt Drive and Velocity and Tension Ratio
4.3 V-Belt Drive
4.4 Chain Drive and Pitch
4.5 Rope Drive
4.6 Types of Brakes and their analyses
4.7 Types of Clutches and their analyses
4.8 Driving their Equations in Software

5: Cams
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Classification of Cams
5.3 Types of Followers
5.4 Cam Profile
5.5 Follower Different Motions
5.6 Cam Profile with Knife-Edge Follower
5.7 Cam Profile with Roller Follower
5.8 Cam Profile with Translational Flat-Faced Follower
5.9 Cam Profile with Swinging Roller Follower
5.10 Analytical Methods
5.11 Radius of Curvature and Undercutting
5.12 Cam Size
5.13 Initial Design of a Cam and its Profile Driving by Software

6:Static and Dynamic Force Analysis
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Static Force Analysis and Equilibrium
6.3 Dynamic Force Analysis

6.4 Force Convention andFree Body Diagrams
6.5 Principle of Superposition
6.6 Force Analyses in Softwares and drive the equations

7: Balancing
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Balancing of Rotating Masses and Analytical Method for Balancing
7.3 Reciprocating Masses
7.4 Reciprocating Engine
7.5 Primary Balance
7.6 Multicylinder In-Line Engines
7.7 Secondary Balancing
7.8 Balancing of Radial Engines, V-Engines, and Rotors
7.9 Static Balance
7.10 Dynamic Balance
7.11 Flexible Rotor Balancing
7.12 Balancing Machines
7.13 Balancing Analyse in Software

8:Gyroscopic and Precessional Motion
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Precessional Motion
8.3 Fundamentals of Gyroscopic Motion
8.4 Gyroscopic Couple of a Plane Disc
8.5 Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on Bearings
8.6 Gyroscopic Couple on an Aeroplane
8.7 Stability of a Two and Four-Wheel Vehicle Taking a Turn
8.8 Effect of Precession on a Disc Fixed at a Certain Angle to a Rotating Shaft
8.9 Gyroscopic Analysis in Software

9: Gear Trains
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Types of Gear Trains
9.3 Determination of Speed Ratio of Planetary Gear Trains
9.4 Sun and Planet Gears and Their equations
9.5 Epicyclics with Two Inputs
9.6 Compound Epicyclic Gear Train
9.7 Epicyclic Bevel Gear Trains
9.8 Torque in Epicyclic Gear Trains
9.9 Gear Movement analyses in Software

10:Kinematic Synthesis of Planar Mechanisms
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Movability (or Mobility) or Number Synthesis
10.3 Transmission Angle in Different Mechanisms
10.4 Limit Positions and Dead Centres of a Four-Bar Mechanism
10.5 Dimensional Synthesis
10.6 Graphical Method of Synthesis
10.7 Design of Different Mechanisms by Relative Pole Method
10.8 Errors in Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms
10.9 Analytical Method (Function Generation, Chebyshev’s Spacing,Freudenstein’s Equation)
10.10 Implementing Synthesis Methods in Softwares

11: Mechanical Vibrations
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Definitions
11.3 Types of Free Vibrations
11.4 Basic Elements of Vibrating System
11.5 Degrees of Freedom
11.6 Simple Harmonic Motion
11.7 Free Longitudinal Vibrations
11.8 Effect of the Spring Mass and Equivalent Stiffness
11.9 Critical Speed
11.10 Geared System

m1896-2023 - Machine Dynamics<ul><li>p1930-2023 - Machine Dynamics: Subject theoretical and practical work</li></ul>
Weitere Informationen aus Stud.IP zu dieser Veranstaltung
Heimatinstitut: Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (M-4)
In Stud.IP angemeldete Teilnehmer: 5

Supervised Theses



  • Erxleben, J. (2023). Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur Identifikation und Klassifizierung relevanter Arbeitspunkte eines elektrischen Systems aus Momentanwert-Datensätzen.



  • Engemann, T. (2023). Entwicklung einer Methodik zur automatischen Identifizierung, Klassifizierung und Modellierung betriebsrelevanter Arbeitspunkte eines elektrischen Netzes aus Echtzeitmesswerten.

  • Herzberg, M. (2023). Entwicklung eines echtzeitfähigen Photovoltaiksimulators auf Basis historischer Strahlungsdaten für einen Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Aufbau mit einem PV-Wechselrichter.

  • Heunda, J.E.W. (2023). Entwicklung, Optimierung und Vergleich von Methoden zur Erzeugung passiver Ersatzschaltbilder aus Messwerten einer Impedanzspektroskopie.


  • Becker, H. C. (2022). Entwicklung, Implementierung und Verifizierung einer Schnittstellensynchronisation für die Kopplung von in Echtzeit simulierten Anlagen und Komponenten an einen PHiL Laboraufbau.

  • Hinzke, M. (2022). Untersuchung der Stabilität eines Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Teststandes unter der Verwendung eines Synchrongenerators als Schnittstelle zwischen Simulation und Hardware.

  • Landenfeld, Jakob (2022). Implementierung und Validierung einer Methode zur Stabilisierung von Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulationen mittels einer online-Impedanzmessung auf einem FPGA.

  • Landenfeld, Jakob (2022). Bestimmung der Stabilitätskriterien eines DC Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Aufbaus zur Untersuchung von Rippelstrom in Gleichstromsystemen.

  • Müller, E. (2022). Evaluation of different modelling approaches for battery aging to predict capacity fade for optimization of battery operation.

  • von Krosigk, J. (2022). Analyse und Bewertung einer Einsatzoptimierung für erneuerbare Energieanlagen in Kombination mit Batteriespeichersystemen im Multi-Use Betrieb.


  • Erxleben, J. (2021). Untersuchung der Performance eines Pools aus Erneuerbaren Energien für die Erbringung von frequenzstützenden Maßnahmen.

  • von Krosigk, J. (2021). Untersuchung eines neuartigen Ansatzes zur kurz- und mittelfristigen Vorhersage der Netzfrequenz unter der Verwendung künstlicher neuronaler Netze.