Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Harig

Honorary Professor


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Harig
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
Office Hours
nach Vereinbarung
Harburger Schloßstraße 36,
21079 Hamburg
Building HS36, Room C2 1.009

Previous activity

until 03/2015
Head of Research Area Optical Measurement Technology (Infrared Measurment Technology) at the Institute of Measurement Technology / TUHH


TUHH Open Research (TORE)





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Massively Parallel Systems: Architecture and Programming
This course is part of the module: Massiv parallele Systeme: Architektur und Programmierung
WiSe 23/24
Course type:
Course number:
Prof. Dr. Sohan Lal
This course will prepare students to understand parallel computer architecture, organization, and programming. The course starts with parallel computer classification and multithreading. It covers the architecture of centralized and distributed shared-memory parallel systems, multiprocessor cache coherence, snooping / directory-based cache coherence protocols, implementation, and limitations. Next, the students study interconnection networks and routing in parallel systems, synchronization, and memory consistency. To ensure the correctness of shared-memory multithreaded programs, independent of the speed of execution of its independent threads, the essential topics of memory consistency and synchronization will be covered in detail. As a case study, the architecture of a few accelerators such as GPUs will also be discussed in detail. Besides understanding the architecture and organization of parallel systems, programming them is also very challenging. The course will cover how to program massively parallel systems using API/libraries such as CUDA/OpenCL, and MPI/OpenMP. Problem-based Assignments/Project: There will be 3-4 assignments for project-based learning consisting of the following: Implement and compare different cache coherence protocols using a simulator or a high-level, event-driven simulation interface such as SystemC Programming massively parallel systems to solve computationally intensive problems such as password cracking using CUDA/OpenCL/MPI/OpenMP
Basic course on computer architecture and C/C++ programming.
Performance accreditation:
Assignments + 30 minutes oral exam.
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Massively Parallel Systems (E-EXK5)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 73
Postings: 5
Documents: 14