Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Harig

Honorary Professor


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Harig
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
Office Hours
nach Vereinbarung
Harburger Schloßstraße 36,
21079 Hamburg
Building HS36, Room C2 1.009

Previous activity

until 03/2015
Head of Research Area Optical Measurement Technology (Infrared Measurment Technology) at the Institute of Measurement Technology / TUHH


TUHH Open Research (TORE)





link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
International Management (VL)
This course is part of the module: International Business
WiSe 23/24
Course type:
Course number:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wrona, Pauline Reinecke, M. Sc, Manuel Cymbaly

Growing internationalization of companies and increased globalization require dealing with operations and specifics of international management as well as creating an understanding of intercultural differences. In order to help the students to understand these specifics and challenges accompanying international companies, the course will be divided in the following parts:

  • Important Aspects in International Management
  • Theories of Internationalization
  • Specific characteristics of international companies and their strategies
  • Organizational Structure and Leadership in international companies

During the course, the content will be covered from a theoretical as well as a practical point of view by using examples of different companies. In order to provide practical relevance to the course, a guest speaker from a well-known international company will be invited or alternatively a company visit will be organized as well as an analysis of a case study will take place. 

Performance accreditation:
620 - International Business<ul><li>620 - International Business: Subject theoretical and practical work</li></ul><br>621 - International Business<ul><li>620 - International Business: Subject theoretical and practical work</li><li>820 - International Business - Exercises: Excercises</li></ul><br>m820-2019 - International Business<ul><li>620 - International Business: Subject theoretical and practical work</li><li>820 - International Business - Exercises: Excercises</li></ul><br>m820-2020 - International Business<ul><li>620 - International Business: Subject theoretical and practical work</li><li>820 - International Business - Exercises: Excercises</li></ul>
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Strategisches und Internationales Management (W-10)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 65
Documents: 13