Building information modeling
Course language is German. 6 ECTS. The module is a B.Sc. course and will be offered in summer semester. For further information, please contact Jan Stührenberg (jan.stuehrenberg(at)tuhh(dot)de).
Short summary
The contents of this module follow the recommendations of the German Association of Computing in Civil Engineering ( for the BIM courses taught at German universities. The module aims to present methodological knowledge to enable students to introduce, to design, to monitor, and to improve BIM processes in companies and in public institutions. An in-depth understanding of the methods and technologies relevant to BIM is essential. Emphasis is placed on generally valid principles and techniques independent of specific software products and valid for several decades. The theoretical content taught in the lecture is complemented by practical exercises, in which state-of-the-art software tools will be used. Topics include computer-aided design and geometry modeling, digital modeling of buildings and infrastructure, object-oriented modeling and parametric modeling, database systems, BIM data exchange and cooperation (focusing on Industry Foundation Classes), process modeling, job descriptions and BIM applications, BIM tools, and advanced aspects. In addition to the lectures and exercises, project work will be conducted, which will consume the majority of the workload. Within the scope of the project work, construction projects will be modeled using BIM. For the project work, the students are encouraged to bring in their own ideas. The expertise required for handling the software tools will be taught in the exercises and via external sources, such as video tutorials and literature.