Hall of fame

"Built on IT" (2025)

Valentin Resapow: Second place within the national competition "Built on IT" ("Auf IT gebaut"), awarded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Work: Site maps for automation and visualization of construction sites (based on a M.Sc. thesis supervised by Professor Smarsly)

Further information (in German): Competition website

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"Karl-H.-Ditze Prize" (2024)

Felix Häusler: "Karl-Heinz-Ditze Prize 2024"

Awarding authority: Karl-Heinz-Ditze Foundation

Further information: Website of the Karl-Heinz-Ditze Foundation

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North Rhine-Westphalia Academy of Sciences and Arts (2024)

Professor Dr. Kay Smarsly: Elected to the North Rhine-Westphalia Academy of Sciences and Arts

Further information: Academy portrait (in German)

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"Hamburg Teaching Prize" (2023)

Professor Dr. Kay Smarsly: "Hamburg Teaching Prize 2023"

Awarding authority: Hamburg Ministry of Science, Research, Equality, and Districts

Further information: TUHH press release (in German)

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"SPIE Best Student Paper Award" (2022)

Mathias Worm: Third-place winner of the "Best Student Paper Award" of the "2022 SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation Conference"

Paper: Mobile structural health monitoring using quadruped robots (download here)

Further information: Conference website

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"Built on IT" (2020)

Patricia Peralta: Second place within the national competition "Built on IT" ("Auf IT gebaut"), awarded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Work: A semantic model for 3D concrete printing (based on a M.Sc. thesis supervised by Prof. Smarsly and Prof. Ludwig)

Further information (in German): Competition website

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"William Kingdon Clifford Prize" (2020)

Dr. Dmitrii Legatiuk: W. K. Clifford-Preis 2020 for excellence in research in theoretical and applied Clifford algebras, bestowed by the advisory board of the International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics (ICCA)

Further information: Website of the W. K. Clifford Prize 2020

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"University Prize" (2019)

Patricia Peralta: "University Prize" of Bauhaus University Weimar for outstanding scientific achievements in her master thesis. The prize is bestowed by Bauhaus University Weimar

Work: A semantic model for 3D concrete printing (Supervisors: Prof. Smarsly, Prof. Ludwig)

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"Landmark in the Land of Ideas" (2019)

Project: SHM laboratory (Project website at Bauhaus University Weimar)

Awarding authority: The German Federal Government and the German industry, represented by the Federation of German Industries (BDI).

Further informationen:

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"Erhard Hampe Award" (2018)

Theresa Fitz: "Erhard Hampe Award" for excellent master thesis, bestowed by the Association of the Friends of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Bauhaus University Weimar

Work: Analysis of metamodeling approaches for describing monitoring-related information (Supervisors: Prof. Smarsly, Mr. Theiler)

Further information: Erhard Hampe Award (German website)

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"Best Paper Award" of the Forum Bauinformatik (2018)

Stalin Ibáñez and Kosmas Dragos: "Best Paper Award" of the Forum Bauinformatik, bestowed by the German Association of Computing in Civil Engineering (GACCE)

Work: Quality indicators for embedded stochastic subspace identification algorithms in wireless structural health monitoring systems

Further information: Paper, IDAC publications

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"Built on IT" (2018)

Constanze Matthus: First place within the national competition "Built on IT" ("Auf IT gebaut"), awarded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Work: BIM-based design of SHM-related processes and algorithms (based on a M.Sc. thesis supervised by Prof. Smarsly and Mr. Theiler)

Further information (in German): Competition Website, report, press release

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Innovation Prize "Sauerland initiativ" (2016)

Jens Wiggenbrock: Winner of the Innovation Prize "Sauerland initiativ 2016", bestowed by companies in the Sauerland region

Work: Software for planning and implementing broadband infrastructure 

Further informationen (in German): Article, call

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"Built on IT" (2016)

Alric Frühauf: Second place within the national competition "Built on IT" ("Auf IT gebaut"), awarded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Work: BIM-based calculation of flight paths for unmanned aerial vehicles supporting automated visual inspections
(based on a B.Sc. thesis supervised by Prof. Smarsly and Prof. Morgenthal)

Further information (in German): Competition website

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"Built on IT" (2016)

Katrin Jahr: Third place within the national competition "Built on IT" ("Auf IT gebaut"), awarded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Work: Autonomous fault detection in wireless structural health monitoring systems using decentralized neural networks (based on a M.Sc. thesis supervised by Prof. Smarsly and Mr. Kosmas Dragos)

Further information (in German): Competition website

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Special Prize of Ed. Züblin AG (2016)

Alric Frühauf: Special Prize, bestowed by Ed. Züblin AG for "New practical IT solutions from the industry for the industry" within the national "Built on IT" competition

Work: BIM-based calculation of flight paths for unmanned aerial vehicles supporting automated visual inspections (based on a B.Sc. thesis supervised by Prof. Smarsly and Prof. Morgenthal)

Further information (in German): Competition website

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"Best Paper Award" of the Forum Bauinformatik (2015)

Katrin Jahr, Kosmas Dragos, and Eike Tauscher: "Best Paper Award" of the Forum Bauinformatik, bestowed by the German Association of Computing in Civil Engineering (GACCE)

Work: An analytical redundancy approach towards decentralized autonomous fault detection in wireless structural health monitoring

Further information: Paper, IDAC publications

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"Future Communication Award" (2014)

Jens Wiggenbrock: "Future Communication Award" (first place in the category "Economy"), bestowed by the German Association for Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology (DVPT), together with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Work: Ressource-efficient design of fiber optic networks

Further information (in German): Website "Future Communication Award"

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Gold Medal of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (2014)

Heiko Kirschke: Gold Medal of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) for outstanding achievements in research and teaching

Further informationen: MGSU website

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"Best Paper Award" of the ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (2013)

Jinkyoo Park, Kay Smarsly, Kincho Law, and Dietrich Hartmann: "Best Paper Award" of the ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering 2013 (American Society of Civil Engineers)

Work: Multivariate analysis and prediction of wind turbine response to varying wind field characteristics based on machine learning

Further information: Paper

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