Research group on Human-Centric Machine Learning

The research group on Human-Centric Machine Learning at TUHH is dedicated to the study of the interaction between human users and AI systems. The main goal is to make AI systems usable by human practitioners who are not necessarily AI experts, by making the AI agents able to understand us better. This research is at the intersection between (multi-agent) reinforcement learning, cognitive modeling and human-computer interaction. 

Projects and theses

If you are interested in working on a research project or writing your thesis in the group, please have a look at the offered topics and book a meeting with me. 


Our workshop "Interactions between Analogical Reasoning and Machine Learning" got accepted at IJCAI'24. See you in Jeju in August!
On February 1st, Niklas Dieckow joined the group as a new PhD student. He will work in particular on explainability. Welcome Niklas!