Lara Gibowsky, M. Eng.

Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnnik

Tel: 040 42878 2134
Fax:  040 4273 14606

E-Mail: lara.gibowsky(at)tuhh(dot)de

Fachgebiet: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik und Aerogele

Projekt / Project A7:

Packing Properties of Nanoporous Deformable Gel Particles During Solvent Exchange and Supercritical Drying 

Aerogels are lightweight solid materials with special properties. In particular biopolymer-based aerogels with their biodegradability can be used in various applications. However, the production  process is still very expensive: therefore the scale up and a more detailed knowledge of the mechanical properties of aerogels are necessary. The overall objective of this work is the experimental investigation and modeling of the mechanical properties of aerogel particels in a fixed bed during the production process.

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