Ship Vibrations
Wolfgang Fricke, Moustafa Abdel Maksoud
Course Format:
2 Hours Lecture
Summer Semester
Mechanis I - III
Structural Analysis of Ships I
Fundamentals of Ship Structural Design
1. Introduction; assessment of vibrations
2. Basic equations
3. Beams with discrete / distributed masses
4. Complex beam systems
5. Vibration of plates and Grillages
6. Deformation method / practical hints / measurements
7. Hydrodynamic masses
8. Spectral method
9. Hydrodynamic masses acc. to Lewis
10. Damping
11. Shaft systems
12. Propeller excitation
13. Engines
Knowledge: Acceptance criteria for vibrations on ships; methods for the calculation of natural frequencies and forced vibrations of sructural components and the entire hull girder; effect of exciting forces of the propeller and main engine and methods for their determination
Skills: Acquaintance with methods for the calculation of natural frequencies and exciting forces and resulting vibrations of ship structures including their assessment; modelling of structures for the vibration analysis
Competences: Ability to detect vibration-prone components on ships, to model the structure, to select suitable calculation methods and to assess the results
Reading Resources:
Lecture notes
Performance Record:
Home exercises, written exam
Media Types:
lecture notes, overhead slides, blackboard
ECTS Credit Points:
120 hours total
Further Information: