Cavitation on Ship Propulsors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud
Course Format:
2 hours lecture, 0 hours exercise
Summer Semester
Recommended Previous Knowledge:
Fluid dynamics for Naval Architects, Ship propeller, Special Topics of Ship Propulsion
- Phenomenon and type of cavitation
- Test facilities and instrumentations
- Dynamics of bubbles
- Bubbles cavitation
- Supercavitation
- Ventilated supercavities
- Vortex cavitation
- Sheet cavitation
- Cavitation in rotary machines
- Numerical cavitation models I
- Numerical cavitation models II
- Pressure fluctuation
- Erosion and noise
Learning Outcomes:
Provide detailed information on cavitating flow on ship propulsors. Establish a background of analysis of different types of cavitation and planning of model tests. Provide detailed knowledge on numerical methods for calculation of cavitation volume. Understanding of cavitation consequences such as pressure fluctuation, erosion and noise.
Reading Resources:
- Lewis, V. E. (Ed.) , Principles of Naval Architecture, Reistance Propulsion, Vibration.Volume II, Controllability, SNAME, New York, 1989.
- Isay, W. H., Kavitation, Schiffahrt-Verlag Hansa, Hamburg, 1989.
- Franc, J.-P., Michel , J.-M. Fundamentales of Cavitation, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2004.
- Lecoffre, Y., Cavitation Bubble Trackers, Balkema/Rotterdam/ Brookfield, 1999.
- Brennen, C. E., Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Performance Record:
oral exam
ECTS Credit Points:
90 hours total
Further Information: