Teaching Activities - Winter 24/25

  • Workshop (Brückenkurs, Erstsemester Bachelor AIW, ES, ET, GT, MB, MEC, SB, WILUM, OS):
    Hello World! – kurze Einführung in das Programmieren

    Language: German, with exercises also in English language
    Time: October 11, 9am
    Place: Audimax I
  • Lecture (Bachelor for different engineering courses):
    Informatik für Ingenieure - Einführung und Überblick (InfIng I)

    - German (Tuesday, 8-10:30, Audimax I)
    - English (Wednesday, 11:30-14:00, H0.009)

    Enroll in stud.ip (requires login). We will provide & exchange information relevant to the module using stud.ip.
  • IIW Project (Bachelor IIW):
    From Sensors to Insights: Entwicklung von IoT-Geräten zur intelligenten Datenanalyse

    Participants were invited to our first meeting via email.

    Language: German
  • Lecture & Exercicse  (Master IIW, CS, DS, ICS IMM): Architectures and Algorithms for Deep-Learning Acceleration

    Info in stud.ip

    Teaching Person: Dr. Lennart Bamberg (NXP Semiconductors, Hamburg)
    Dr. Bamberg is a Senior Principal AI/ML Architect at NXP Semiconductors in Hamburg, Germany. He is involved in research and design of the most recent architectures for accelerating machine learning applications.

    Content: Students get a first-hand insight into most recent architectures and advances for hardware acceleration in machine learning. Without dedicated hardware acceleration, newest developments in machine learning would not be affordable as standard hardware is too power-hungry and does not deliver the computational performance needed.

    Language: English
    Time: Monday, 8am - 11:15am - lecture & exercise
    Room: M-3550