
March 21st ECIU University Teacher Connect Webinar

Are you a teacher interested in interdisciplinary, cross-border collaboration in innovative education? Well, here’s your chance to meet some colleagues and explore potential matches!

We invite you to an informal 1-hour lunch session with teachers around the ECIU University focused on educational inspiration and collaboration! This Teacher Connect is aimed to help teachers interested in the ECIU University, with its new educational model, connect with each other and explore potential links with other teachers who wish to collaborate on courses, challenges, or micromodules! 

Join us here for this lunch session on 21 March, from 12.45-13.45 CET to learn more about these two exciting courses and possibilities to collaborate!

Two teachers from the University of Twente will present their courses and afterwards, we will guide a discussion around opportunities for collaboration, spin-offs, and possible exchange for your students!  

The two courses presented in this first Teacher Connect will be: 

  • Humanitarian Engineering with Lecturer Nikola Nizamis
    • This course introduces students to the field of humanitarian engineering through co-designing socio-technological solutions with external stakeholders that address one of the challenges the world has faced. These challenges, including growing populations lacking access to fundamental resources, require innovative, appropriate technological solutions. A new generation of engineers need to be equipped with skills and abilities to work in challenging, volatile, and complex societal contexts defined by social, cultural, and economic constraints.  
  • Intra-urban Spatial Patterns and Processes with Assistant Professor Mafalda Madureira
    • This course explores the socio-spatial inequality challenges that impact both the urban environment and the quality of life of urban residents. We focus on capturing and understanding diverse forms of knowledge related to intra-urban variations in quality of life, including socioeconomic status and health. Through a challenge-based learning approach, students identify a learning path to solve socially relevant challenges related to urban quality of life and well-being.