Publications of the Research Group ROSAN

Debebe, Y.; Otterpohl, R.; Birhane, E. (2025): Integrating rainwater harvesting and organic soilamendment to enhance crop yield and soil nutrients inagroforestry. Environment, Development and Sustainability
Cimene, F.Th.A.; Otterpohl, R. (2024): Editorial: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 6: clean water and sanitation. An educational perspective. . Frontiers in Education 9 : (2024-04-16) Publisher DOI 10.3389/feduc.2024.1405207 Publisher Frontiers Media S.A. DOI:
Stricker, B. (2024): Rohdaten der Dissertation "Mikroschadstoff-Elimination aus kommunalem Abwasser durch biologischen Schadstoffabbau in Festbettreaktoren unter nitrifizierenden und denitrifizierenden Bedingungen nach verbesserter chemischer Kohlenstoffextraktion" . DOI: 10.15480/882.13217
Stricker, B. (2024): Mikroschadstoff-Elimination aus kommunalem Abwasser durch biologischen Schadstoffabbau in Festbettreaktoren unter nitrifizierenden und denitrifizierenden Bedingungen nach verbesserter chemischer Kohlenstoffextraktion. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Bd. 112: ISBN 978-3-942768-37-5
Angouria-Tsarochidou, E.; Walk, St.; Körner, I.; Thomsen, M. (2023): Environmental and economic assessment of household food waste source-separation efficiency in a German case study. Cleaner Waste Systems, Volume 5, August 2023, 100092
Antholz, M. (2023): Process optimization for treatment of highly concentrated, ammonium containing wastewater at high salinities. Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Hamburg, 2022-12-15,
Dhas, P. G. Th. N.; Gulyas, H. (2023): Policy and technology recommendations for scaling up of onsite greywater reuse in Chennai. Conference on Novel Research Trends in Civil Engineering (NRTCE 2022) Contribution to Conference Conference on Novel Research Trends in Civil Engineering, NRTCE 2022, Publisher DOI 10.1063/5.0159323, Scopus ID 2-s2.0-85176753552, Publisher American Institute of Physics Inc.
Shah, T.M.; Khan, A.H.; Nicholls, C.; Ihsanullah, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2023): Using landfill sites and marginal lands for socio-economically sustainable biomass production through cultivation of non-food energy crops : an analysis focused on South Asia and Europe. Sustainability 15 (6): 4923; DOI: 10.15480/882.4991
Sikander, A.; Kelly, S.; Kuchta, K,; Sievers, A.; Willner, T.; Hursthouse, A. (2023): Hybrid leaching of tantalum and other valuable metals from tantalum capacitor waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (21): 59621-59631 (2023-04-03)
Soroosh, H.; Otterpohl, R.: Hanelt, D. (2023): Influence of supplementary carbon on reducing the hydraulic retention time in microalgae-bacteria (MaB) treatment of municipal wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 51, 103447.
Stricker, B.; Tamim, D.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R (2023): Removal of emerging micropollutants from nanofiltration retentate of municipal wastewater within biological fixed-bed reactors under nitrifying and denitrifying conditions. Water Environment Research, Volume 95, Issue 12, Wiley.
Behrendt, J. (2022): Modelling of Wastewater Systems with Modelica®. Presentation at the Indo-German Workshop on Securing sustainable treatment for drinking water production and water recycling with focus an anionic contaminants (SuWaRec) 20 - 22. July 2022 at TUHH, Hamburg, Germany
Debebe, Y.; Otterpohl, R.; Islam, Z. (2022): Remote sensing and multi-criterion analysis for identifying suitable rainwater harvesting areas. Acta Geophysica (2022)DOI 10.1007/s11600-022-00910-8
Deegener, St.; Viramontes Espinosa, M.; chavarria Borges, P.; Körner, I. (2022): Untersuchung des Verhaltens von Beuteln aus biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen in der Kompostierungsanlage Neumünster. Technischer Report: Abbau von Müllsammelbeuteln aus biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen bei der Kompostierung (C4T531) DOI: 10.15480/882.4374
Factura, H.; Cimene, F.T.A.; Nacaya, I.M.Q.; Otterpohl, R. (2022): Impacts of urbanization on farming communities of Cagayan de Oro City and pathways to sustain food production. J Agric. Res., 2022, Vol. 60(1):67-71
Körner, I.; Soetijono, E.; Shah T.M. (2022): Bioresource categories : primary, secondary, tertiary and quarternary bioresources. HOOU - Hamburg Open Online University, Lectures for Future, Technische Universität Hamburg
Körner, I.; Walk, St.; Lüssenhop, Ph. (2022): Der Beitrag von häuslichen Küchenabfällen zur Energieunabhängigkeit : Betrachtungen zur Erzeugung eines Erdgassubstitutes aus Lebensmittelabfällen. Bericht Soilcom ( Nachhaltige Böden durch Qualitätskomposte mit definierten Eigenschaften ) DOI 10.15480/882.4383
Soroosh, H.; Otterpohl, R.; Hanelt, D. (2022): Influence of hydraulic retention time on municipal wastewater treatment using microalgae-bacteria flocs in sequencing batch reactors. Bioresource Technology Reports 17 : 100884 (2022-02)
Stricker, B.; Büning, B.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2022): Neue Ergebnisse zur Elimination von Mikroschadstoffen aus kommunalem Abwasser durch Nanofiltration und Festbettreaktor. In Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 107, S. 139-150, ISBN 978-3-942768-32-0
Walk, St.; Körner, I. (2022): Report on collection set-up performance. DECISIVE Deliverable D6.6 : a decentralised management scheme for innovative valorisation of urban biowaste. DOI: 10.15480/882.4104
Walk, St.; Körner, I.; Willmer, D. (2022): Business concept case study in the context of a Northern German city. DECISIVE Deliverable D7.8 : a decentralised management scheme for innovative valorisation of urban biowaste. DOI: 10.15480/882.4105
Büning, B. (2021): Rohdaten der Dissertation "Elimination von Mikroschadstoffen im kommunalen Abwasser durch Nanofiltration in Kombination mit dem biologischen Schadstoffabbau in einem Festbettreaktor". Research Data TUHH DOI: 10.15480/336.3276
Büning, B. (2021): Elimination von Mikroschadstoffen im kommunalen Abwasser durch Nanofiltration in Kombination mit dem biologischen Schadstoffabbau in einem Festbettreaktor. [TUHH Universitätsbibliothek].
Hagel, S.; Lüssenhop, Ph.; Walk, St.; Kirjoranta, S.; Ritter, A.; Bastidas Jurado, C.G.; Mikkonen, K.S.; Tenkanen, M.; Körner, I.; Saake, B. (2021): Valorization of urban street tree pruning residues in biorefineries by steam refining : conversion into fibers, emulsifiers, and biogas. Frontiers in Chemistry 9 (Nov.): 779609 (2021), DOI 10.15480/882.3899
Khazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Shokri, N.; Otterpohl, R. (2021): Mapping Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Gilan Province of Iran between 1975 and 2015: GIS and Remote Sensing Analyses. Interpore 2021, 13th Annual Meeting
Lüssenhop, Ph.; Körner, I. (2021): Reststoff-Bioressourcen : Inventuren aus Hamburg und ein Tool. 3. Kohledialog (2021)
Melo Pineda, J.D. (2021): Treatment and substance recovery in landfill leachate permeates : an alternative sustainable approach. TUHH Universitätsbibliothek.
Shah TM, Tasawwar S, Otterpohl R. (2021): Agroecology for Food and Water Security in Times of Climate Consciousness: A Bibliometric Analysis of Peer-Reviewed Literature Published from 1990 to 2020. Sustainability. 2021; 13(9):5064.
Shah, T.M. (2021): Agroecological engineering interventions in rice cultivation: food security and sustainable rural development in South Asia. TUHH Open Research (TORE), Technische Universität Hamburg. DOI: 10.15480/882.3221
Shah, T.M.; Nasika, D.P.B.; Otterpohl, R. (2021): Plant and Weed Identifier Robot as an Agroecological Tool Using Artificial Neural Networks for Image Identification. Agriculture 2021, 11(3), 222;
Shah, T.M.; Tasawwar, S.; Bhat, M.A.; Otterpohl, R. (2021): Intercropping in Rice Farming under the System of Rice Intensification—An Agroecological Strategy for Weed Control, Better Yield, Increased Returns, and Social–Ecological Sustainability. Agronomy 2021, 11, 1010.
Walk, St., Lüssenhop, Ph., Elfers, B.M.; Körner, I. (2021): Characteristics of different urban and rural green wastes. Research Data TUHH DOI: 10.15480/336.3380
Yeo, D.; Dongo, K.; Angoua, E.L.E.; Mer-tenat, A.; Lüssenhop, Ph.; Zurbrügg, Ch.; Körner, I. (2021): Combining multi-criteria decision analysis with GIS approaches for decentralized organic wastes composting plants site selection in Tiassalé, Southern Côte d’Ivoire. Waste Management & Research, 1–15, DOI: 10.1177/0734242X211038173
Amare, D.E.; Ogun, M.K.; Körner, I. (2020): Improving Methane Yields of Semi-continuous Anaerobic Digestion of Deinking Sludge from Wastepaper Recycling. Waste and Biomass Valorization 11 (9): 4667-4676 (2020-09-01)
Büning, B.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2020): Removal of Emerging Micropollutants from Wastewater by Nanofiltration and Biofilm Reactor (MicroStop). Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, AIChE, Online ISSN: 1944-7450, DOI: 10.1002/ep.13587
Corrado, S.; Caldeira, C.; Carmona-Garcia, G,; Körner, I.; Leip, A.; Sala, S. (2020): Unveiling the potential for an efficient use of nitrogen along the food supply and consumption chain. Global Food Security (25): 100368 (2020-06-01), DOI 10.15480/882.2792
Hügel, St. (2020): Duckweed and Azolla as livestock feed for improving resource efficiency and nutritional quality. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 102, ISBN 978-3-942768-27-6
Schaldach, R.; Voskerau, K. (2020): Forschungsnahes Lernen in studentischen Entwicklungs- und Beraterteams im Modul “Resource Oriented Sanitation Systems” der TU Hamburg. In: Forschendes Lernen: Theorie, Empirie, Praxis, 249-255, Springer VS, Hrsg. Carmen Wulf, Susanne Haberstroh, Maren Petersen, ISBN 978-3-658-31489-7
Shah, Tavseef M. (2020): System of Rice Intensification (Online Lecture). RUVIVAL Project, Hamburg Open Online University, Hamburg, Germany
Wibbing, J.R. (2020): Utilization of alternative phosphorus resources by regenerative agriculture practice based on mycorrhizal fungi and biostimulants for restoration of Lake Chamo watershed, Ethiopia.
Yeo, D.; Dongo,K,; Mertentat, A.; Lüssenhop, Ph.; Körner, I.; Zurbrügg, Ch. (2020): Material Flows and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Potential of Decentralized Composting in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study in Tiassalé, Côte d’Ivoire. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (19): 7229, DOI: 10.15480/882.2993
(2019): 31. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. Hrsg. Behrendt, J.; Rechtenbach, D.; Otterpohl R., Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Band 100. GFEU e. V. ISBN 978-3-942768-25-2
Amare, D.E., Ogun, M.K. & Körner, I. (2019): Improving Methane Yields of Semi-continuous Anaerobic Digestion of Deinking Sludge from Wastepaper Recycling.. Waste Biomass Valor
Amare, D.E.; Ogun, M.K.; Körner, I. (2019): Anaerobic treatment of deinking sludge: Methane production and organic matter degradation. Waste Management 85 (2019) 417-424
Büning, B.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2019): Konzept und Versuchsergebnisse zur Elimination von Mikroschadstoffen aus kommunalem Abwasser durch Nanofiltration und Festbettreaktor (MicroStop). Begleitbuch zur 13. AACHENER TAGUNG WASSERTECHNOLOGIE 29. - 30. Oktober 2019, Hrsg: J. Pinnekamp, M. Wessling,S. 153-160 ISBN 978-3-95886-305-7,
Carmesin, T.; Buchspies, B.; Schaldach, R. (2019): Energy Access for Sustainable Rural Development: Literature Review on Distributed Renewable Energy for Rural Electrification in Africa. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 4, Hamburg, pp. 8–38
Chen, Z.; Shah, T. M. (2019): An Introduction to the Global Soil Status. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 5, Hamburg, pp. 7–17
Heerenklage, J.; Rechtenbach, D.; Atamaniuk, I.; Alassali, K.; Raga, R.; Koch, K.; Kuchta, K. (2019): Development of a method to produce standardised and storable inocula for biomethane potential tests e Preliminary steps. Renewable Energy Volume 143, December 2019, Pages 753-761, Elsevier.
Khalid, U.; Orozco Garcia, C. (2019): Integrated Decentralised Wastewater Treatment for Rural Areas with a Focus on Resource Recovery. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 4, Hamburg, pp. 39 – 64
Lüssenhop, P.; Hagel, S.; Bastidas Jurado, C.; Fernández Moreno, L.; Saake, B.; Körner, I. (2019): Landschaftspflegeholze als Bioressource zur stofflichen Verwertung. In: Tagungsband zum 13. IHD Holzwerkstoffkolloquium, Hrsg.: Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden gGmbH (IHD), 12.- 13.12.2019 in Dresden
Lüssenhop, P.; Körner, I. (2019): Landschaftspflegeholze als Bioressource zur stofflichen Verwertung. Vortrag auf dem 13. IHD Holzwerkstoffkolloquium, 12.- 13.12.2019 in Dresden
Ogun, M.K & Körner, I. (2019): Verwertung von Deinking-Schlamm aus dem Altpapierrecycling. In : Tagungsband zum 8. Internationale Tagung, MBA, Sortierung und Recycling: ICP Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Czurda und Partner mbH . 14.-16. Mai 2019 in Hannover
Ogun, M.K & Körner, I. (2019): Biogas potential of deinking sludge from Wastepaper Recycling Industry: Influence of dewatering degree and high calcium carbonate. In conference proceedings of the 14th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo. 06.-07. June 2019 in London, UK
Ogun, M.K & Körner, I. (2019): Improvement of the process efficiency in Wastepaper Recycling by anaerobic digestion of deinking sludge and its ash utilization as a construction material. In conference proceedings of the 3rd Internatiomal conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environment. 29.-31. July 2019 in Boston, USA
Ramaswami, S.; Jalal Uddin, F. M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2019): High-rate nitrification of saline wastewaters using fixed-bed reactors. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 243, 1 August 2019, Pages 444-452
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T. (2019): OER (Open Educational Resources) als Instrument der Abwasserwirtschaft am Beispiel des digitalen Lernprojektes der HOOU (Hamburg Open Online University): RUVIVAL. in Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwitschaft, Band 100, Seiten 165-173, ISBN 978-3-942768-25-2
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T.; Busch, P.; Lehmann, J., Olariu, S.; Onken-Menke, L.; Engelbrecht, F.; Ladwig, T.; Lüdemann, K. (2019): Spielerisch lernen. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 21-22 November 2019
Schaldach, R.; Ladwig, T. (2019): Revive the Rural: An E-learning Project for Sustainable Development. Virtual Exchange – Borderless Mobility between the European Higher Education Area and Regions beyond, 11 Dezember 2019, Berlin.
Seoane Dominguez, A.; Schaldach, R. (2019): A Literature Review on Soil Erosion Quantification and Measurements. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 5, Hamburg, pp. 18 – 31
Tasawwar, S.; Kassaye, R. B. (2019): Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK): Rainwater Harvesting Methods – A Review. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series, vol. 5, Hamburg, pp. 32–47
Villagra Mendoza, K. (2019): Effect of biochar amended soils on infiltration processes. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd.101, Hrsg. GFEU e. V., ISBN 978-3-942768-26-9
Walk, S.; Wardle, D.; Deegener S.; Körner I. (2019): Improving the quality and quantity of source-separated household food waste in areas of different socio-economic characteristics: A case study from Lübeck, Germany. In: Proceedings CEST 2019 - Solid waste management, 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece
Zahedi, A. (2019): Towards Sustainable Development by New Town Planning - Case Study of Mazandaran Province of Iran. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd.99, Hrsg. GFEU e. V., ISBN 978-3-942768-24-5
(2018): 30. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft. Hrsg. Behrendt, J.; Rechtenbach, D.; Otterpohl R.. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Band 96. GFEU e. V. ISBN 978-3-942768-22-1
Behrendt, J-; Deegener, St.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, Ul; Tettenborn, F.; Otterpohl, R. (2018): Nutrient Recovery from Toilet Waste. Presentation at Technical University of Beijing Beijing, China (March 16th, 2018)
Büning, B.; Löhn, S.; Rechtenbach, D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2018): Konzept und erste Ergebnisse zur Elimination von Mikroschadstoffen durch Nanofiltration und Festbettreaktor (MicroStop). In Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 97, S. 15-27, ISBN 978-3-942768-22-1
Carmesin, T. (2018): RUVIVAL – OER Produktion als Lehr-Lernkooperation an Universitäten. OERcamp West, 8-9 Juni 2018, Hattingen.
Carmesin, T. (2018): Erfahrungen bei der OER-Produktion durch Studierende/Schüler*innen. OERcamp West, 8-9 Juni 2018, Hattingen.
Carmesin, T.; Nestler, M. (2018): Transfer und Dokumentation von Projekterfahrungen. OERcamp Nord, 15-16 Juni 2018, Hamburg
Fröndhoff, D.; Schaldach, R. (2018): A Review of Terra Preta Sanitation with a Focus on the Research Outcomes of the Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection (AWW). in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 3, Hamburg, pp. 19–29
Hapke, T.; Hagen, F.; Schaldach, R.; Schmeink, L.; Orozco Garcia, C.; Carmesin, T. (2018): Hochschule öffnen – gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten. OERcamp Nord, 15-16 Juni 2018, Hamburg
Heerenklage, J.; Raga, R.; Moretta, F.; Rechtenbach, D.; Atamaniuk, I.; Alassali, K.; Kuchta, K. (2018): Development of a method to produce standardised and storable inocula for biomethane potential tests. VENICE 2018, 7th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, organized by Eurowaste SRL - via Beato Pellegrino, 23 - 35137 Padova - Italy.
Munoz Ardila, A. Rueda, M. Schaldach, R.; Behrend, J. (2018): Literature Review on the Utilisation of Urine as a Fertiliser in Agriculture. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 3, Hamburg, pp. 8–18
Orlina, M.; Schaldach, R. (2018): Literature Review on Water Efficiency in Agriculture: Sustainable Irrigation Methods. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 3, Hamburg, pp. 30–49
Ramaswami, S. (2018): High-rate nitrification of membrane-filtrated saline landfill leachate using fixed-bed biofilm reactors. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 98, Hrsg. GFEU e. V.
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Kalyanasundaram, S.; Eggers, S. Otterpohl, R. (2018): Experiences from an investigation on the potential of packed bed reactors for high rate nitrification of mature landfill leachates. Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 22, April 2018, Pages 59–65
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2018): Comparison of NF-RO and RO-NF for the Treatment of Mature Landfill Leachates: A Guide for Landfill Operators. Membranes, 8(2), 17. doi: 10.3390/membranes8020017
Schaldach, R.; Ladwig, T.; Dürkop, A.; Yildirim-Krannig.; Y, Bogan, L. (2018): Diversität. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 22-23 November 2018
Schaldach, R.; Orozco Garcia, C.; Carmesin, T. (2018): Stop Motion Videoproduktion. OERcamp Nord, 15-16 Juni 2018, Hamburg
Schermuly, J.; Walk, St. Oyedele, V.; Arroyo Cuara, A.E.; Körner, I.; Deegener, St. (2018): Report on results for household food waste collection and decentralised shredding in the “Lübeck-case”. DECISIVE Deliverable D3.6 : a decentralised management scheme for innovative valorisation of urban biowaste DOI: 10.15480/882.1706
Shah, Tavseef M., Otterpohl, R. (2018): Resilience through aroecology and ecological restoration : the system of rice intensification with intercropping,. IFAT Umweltmesse, 14 May 2018, Munich, Germany
Vrbavac, I.; Carmesin, T. (2018): RUVIVAL: collaborative e-learning for sustainable rural development. IFAT - World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, 14-18 Mai 2018, München
(2017): 29. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft. Hrsg. Behrendt, J.; Rechtenbach, D.; Otterpohl R.. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Band 96. GFEU e. V.
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, C.; Möller, J,; Otterpohl R. (2017): The detection of Entamoeba histolytica and Toxoplasma gondii in wastewater. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2017 Nov 27:1-5. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2017.1392399
Carmesin, T. (2017): Open Access & OER. OERcamp Ost, 27 November 2017, Berlin
Carmesin, T.; Schermeier, S.; Stelzer, S.; Ladwig, T. (2017): Kollaboration von Schüler*innen und Studierenden in OER-Projekten. OERcamp Ost, 28 November 2017, Berlin
Factura, H.; Ascaňo, C.; Apuan, D.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Heavy metal uptake of corn irrigated with human urine. J. Bio. Env. Sci. 11(5), 56-62, November 2017
Heerenklage, J.; Rechtenbach, D.; Atamaniuk, I.; Kuchta, K. (2017): Development of a method to produce standardized and storable inocula for biomethane potential tests. Proceedings Sardinia 2017 / Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium/ 2 - 6 October 2017, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy / Ed.: Cossu, R. et. al, CISA Publisher, ISSN 2282-0027
Heerenklage, J.; Sahm, K.; Rechtenbach, D.; Röske, I.; Antranikian, G.; Kuchta, K. (2017): Development of a method to produce standardized inocula for biomethane potential tests. International Conference "Progress in Biogas IV", 08.-11.03.2017, Stuttgart
Hügel, S. (2017): A Review of Agroforestry Practices with an Introduction to the Arba Minch Slope Farming Project. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 1, Hamburg, pp. 6–13
Hügel, S. (2017): Living Terraces as Practices in Erosion Prevention and Rainwater Harvesting. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 1, Hamburg, pp. 14–19
Hügel, S. (2017): Productive ponds as part of rainwater harvesting systems in the context of the slope farming project Arba Minch, Ethiopia. RUVIVAL Book Series, Library Hamburg University of Technology
Lasprilla Pina, C.; Kassaye, R. (2017): Literature Review on the Rainwater Harvesting Research Landscape, In-Situ and Domestic Design Examples and Best Practice Projects in China and Brazil. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 2, Hamburg, pp. 19–35
Lopez Mendez, B.; Huhn, L. (2017): Literature Review on Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Context of Water and Soil Restoration Methods. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 2, Hamburg, pp. 6–18
Mehl, V.; Oloruntoba, A.; Gonzalez Alvarez, A.; Möller, J.; Ho, S.; Al Baff, A.; Kassaye, R. (2017): A Review of Land-Based Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Micro and Macro-Catchments. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 2, Hamburg, pp. 36–49
Podleschny, N.; Vosgerau, K.; Schaldach, R.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Kompetenzorientierte Lehre digital unterstützen. Technische Bildung im Spannungsfeld zwischen beruflicher und akademischer Bildung: die Vielfalt der Wege zu technischer Bildung; Referate der 11. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung 2016 am 23–25 Juni 2016, pp. 258–261
Ramaswami, S. (2017): Waste management scenario in Bangalore: Scope for in-situ valorisation of biowaste. Sardinia 2017, Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 2 – 6 October 2017 (accepted)
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Kalyanasundaram, S.; Eggers, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Nitrification of mature landfill leachate in packed bed biofilm reactor. Sardinia 2017, Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 2 – 6 October 2017 (accepted)
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Treatment of mature landfill leachate – RO-NF or NF-RO? Sardinia 2017, Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 2 – 6 October 2017 (accepted)
Ramaswami, S.; Gulyas, H.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Measuring nitrate concentration in wastewaters with high chloride content. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Taylor & Francis, 18 Jan 2017, ISSN: 0306-7319 S. 1029-0397
Schaldach, R. (2017): RUVIVAL – Sustainable Rural Development and Highly Productive New Towns. in K Mayrberger (ed.) HOOU Content Projekte der Vorprojektphase 2015/16 der Hamburg Open Online University: Sonderband zum Fachmagazin Synergie, pp. 198–201
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T.; Hapke, T.; Ladwig, T. (2017): Open Access. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 23-24 November 2017
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T.; Vrbavac, I.; Ladwig, T. (2017): Flucht und Migration. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 23- 24 November 2017
Shah, T. M.; Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2017): Simultaneous removal of organics and ammonium-nitrogen from reverse osmosis concentrate of mature landfill leachate. Journal of Water Process Engineering, Elsevier, 19(10), S. 126-132
Shah, Tavseef M., Otterpohl, R. (2017): Agricultural resilience-sustainability and food security in South Asia in the context of changes in global climate,. Ireland India Postgraduate Conference on South Asia, 26 May 2017, Dublin, Ireland
Timillero, G.; Schaldach, R. (2017): Review of Check Dams as an Erosion Control Practice with a Special Focus on the Loess Plateau, China. in R Schaldach & R Otterpohl (eds), RUVIVAL Publication Series vol. 1, Hamburg, pp. 20–27
Ajonina, C., Gallas-Lindemann, C., and Sotiriadou I. (2016): Bioaccumulation of waterborne parasites Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis in freshwater bivalvia. J Bacteriol Parasitol. 7: DOI: 10.4172/2155-9597.C1.019
Ajonina, C.; Gallas-Lindemann, C.; Noack, M.J.; Otterpohl, R.; Sotiriadou I. (2016): Application of the Loop mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis in freshwater bivalvia. 2nd International Conference on Parasitology, August 1-3, 2016, Manchester, UK
Behrendt, J. (2016): Saneamiento ecológico y con Terra Preta como alternativas para un saneamiento sostenible. Presentation at Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC)
Behrendt, J.; Ramaswami, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Treatment options for wastewater from licorice processing. Beijing International Environmental Technology Conference, 21-24 October 2016.
Espinosa Gutierrez, Gabriela (2016): Material flow analysis of the urban water system in Tepic Mexico: Integral evaluation and improvement options. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd.93, Hrsg. GFEU e. V., DOI 10.15480/882.1331, ISBN 978-3-942768-18-4
Gulyas, H.; Ogun, M.K.; Meyer, W.; Reich, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Inadequacy of carbamazepine-spiked model wastewaters for testing photocatalysis efficiency. Science of the Total Environment, 542, Part A <>, Pages 612–619. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.116 <>
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Meyer, W.; Reich, M; Beyer, S.; Behrendt, J.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Measured and predicted environmental concentrations of carbamazepine, diclofenac, and metoprolol in small and medium rivers in northern Germany. Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 487. doi:10.1007/s10661-016-5481-2
Ogun M.K.; Steffen F.; Janzon R.; Saake B.; Körner I. (2016): Anaerobic digestion of deinking sludges from wastepaper recycling in batch test systems. In: Abstract book ORBIT 2016- Circular Economy and Organic Waste Management, 10th International Conference on ”Circular Economy and Organic Waste” Heraklion, Crete, Greece, ISBN: 978-960-93-8149-9, 200 pages; S 36
Otterpohl, R. (2016): Lokale Produktion auf dem Land durch das Neue Dorf im Gartenrin. In: M. Herbst, F. Dünkel, B. Stahl, Daseinsvorsorge und Gemeinwesen im ländlichen Raum, Springer VS 2016 pp 163 – 178, ISBN 978-3-658-11768-9
Podleschny, N.; Vosgerau, K.; Schaldach, R.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Kompetenzorientierte Lehre digital unterstützen. 11. Ingenieurpädagogische Regionaltagung, Hamburg University of Technology, 23-25 Juni 2016
Ramaswami, S. ; Ahmad, Z. N.; Slesina, M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Nanofiltration for Safe Drinking Water in Underdeveloped Regions – A Feasibility Study. In proceedings of: 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation, 14-16th September 2016, Athens, Greece.
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Pretreatment of wastewater from licorice processing - a preliminary evaluation. Water Environment Research, 88(11) 2032-2039
Ramaswami, S.; Behrendt, J.; Wang, G.; Eggers, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Combining Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) precipitation with membrane processes for ammonia removal from methanogenic leachates. Water and Environment Journal. Print ISSN 1747-6585, doi:10.1111/wej.12210
Schaldach, R. (2016): Sustainable Rural Development and Highly Productive New Towns. Synergie, no. 2, pp. 50–51
Schaldach, R.; Carmesin, T. (2016): Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU): Projektentwicklung entlang des Markenkerns. Workshop, Campus Innovation Hamburg, 17 November 2016
Schaldach, R.; Vosgerau, K.; Otterpohl, R. (2016): Forschungsnahes Lernen in studentischen Entwicklungs- und Beraterteams im Modul „Resource Oriented Sanitation Systems” der TU Hamburg. forschen@studium, Konferenz für forschungsnahes Lehren und Lernen, Oldenburg University, 10 Juni 2016
Schlüter, Th. (2016): Analytical Framework and Management Strategy for Large-Scale Sustainable Sanitation. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Band 95, GFEU e. V., ISBN: 978-3-942768-20-7
Shah, Tavseef M., Otterpohl, R. (2016): Building resilience to climate change induced extreme weather events through agriculture with a focus on the system of rice intensification. 4. Workshop des FSP „Klimaschonende Energie- und Umwelttechnik“, 30 November 2016, Hamburg, Germany
(2015): Terra Preta Sanitation 1 - Background, Principles and Innovations. Hrsg. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Ed. Otterpohl, R.; Bettendorf, T.; Wendland, C., ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Ajonina, M.U.; Apinjoh, T.O.; Atanga, S.N.; Ayim, M.; Akomoneh, E.A.; Ajonina, C. (2015): Practices Regarding the Use of Antimalarial Medications among Inhabitants of the Buea Health District, Southwestern Cameroon: Implications for Malaria Treatment Policy. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 21: 86-95
Bettendorf, T.; Wendland, C.: Schuetze, Th. (2015): Terra Preta Sanitation Systems and Technologies. In Terra Preta Sanitation 1, Hrsg. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4, S. 62-85
Buzie. Ch.; Körner, I. (2015): Composting of Bioresources for Terra Preta-inspired Products. In Terra Preta Sanitation 1, Hrsg. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4, S. 86-119
de Trincheria, J.; Nissen-Petersen, E.; Leal Filho, W.; Otterpohl. R. (2015): Factors affecting the performance and cost-efficiency of sand storage dams in south-eastern Kenya. E-proceedings of the 36 th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands
Deegener, S.; Otterpohl, R.; Behrendt, J.; Braun, U. (2015): High-tech water-and nutrient-recycling - The blackwater-loop. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 151
Deipser, A.; Körner, I. (2015): Process simulation of biological degradation processes in waste management. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Dhas, P.G.T.N.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Impact of powdered activated carbon and anion exchange resin on photocatalytic treatment of textile wastewater. Journal of Environmental Protection, 6, 191-203.
Esfandiari, E.; Khazaei, N.; Kochaknejad, E. (2015): Investigating different methods of dredging and its environmental effects on Mahshahr port. GMP Review, 18(1)
Espinosa G.; Evers. M.; Otterpohl, R.; Paredas, J.; Zambrano, R.; González, L. (2015): Evaluación de las infiltraciones al sistema de drenaje mediante análisis comparativo de la concentración de contaminantes en agua residual. Caso de estudio en Tepic, México. (Assessment of the infiltrations to the sewer by comparison of pollutant concentrations on wastewater. Case study in Tepic, Mexico). Rev Int Contam Ambie 31 (1)
Factura, H.; Bettendorf, T.; Buzie, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Reuse potential of urine as a source of plant micronutrients. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 44
Grace, P.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Is photocatalytic oxidation and its combination with adsorbents feasible for treatment of textile wastewater? National Conference on Environmental Pollution, Urban Waste Management and Public Health Security, Botany Department of Christ University in collaboration with the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), Bangalore, Karnataka, India, February 13-14, 2015
Gulyas, H.; Türk, S.; Torkzadeh. H. (2015): Revisiting the Synergistic Effect of Powdered Activated Carbon on Photocatalytic Oxidation of Phenol Solutions. The 3rd International Conference on Photocatalytic and Advanced Oxidation Technologies for the Treatment of Water, Air, Soil and Surfaces (PAOT-3), Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, September 1-4, 2015
Heerenklage, J.; Sahm, K.; Rechtenbach, D.; Röske, I.; Voss, T.; Antranikian, G. and Kuchta, K. (2015): Development of a method to produce standardized inocula suitable for storage before biomethane potential tests. In: CD-Proceedings Sardinia 2015, 15th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 5-9 Oct. 2015, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Ed.: Cossu, R. et. al, CISA Publisher, Sardina, paper 778, ISSN 2282-0027
Hertel S., Navarro P., Deegener S., Körner I. (2015): Biogas and nutrients from blackwater, lawn cuttings and grease trap residues - experiments for Hamburg's Jenfelder Au district . Energy, Sustainability and Society.2015, 5:29; DOI: 10.1186/s13705-015-0057-5
Kahazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Ecological restoration approaches for degraded forrests in landscape scale – Functional roles of corridors. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 188
Khazaei, N.; Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Ecological restoration approaches for degraded forests in landscape scale: functional roles of corridors. Proceedings of the 16th International conference, rural- urban symbiosis(RAMIRAN).Hamburg
Körner, I. (2015): Civilization Biorefineries: Efficient Utilization of Residue-Based Bioresources. Chapter 7 of Industrial Biorefineries & White Biotechnology, Editor(s): Ashok Pandey, Rainer Höfer, Mohammad Taherzadeh, K. Madhavan Nampoothiri, Christian Larroche; Elsevier,p 295-340, ISBN 9780444634535, DOI:
Lazić, D.; Körner, I. (2015): Methodology for geo-based bioresource inventory shown on a case study of the town of Beočin, Serbia. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. S. 190
Madichati, D. (2015): Determination of Activation energy of Leaching of a metal from the ore. In abstract book, OYCE 2015- Outstanding Young Chemical Engineers, 13th & 14th March 2015, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers Mumbai Regional Centre. India
Madichati, D. (2015): Processing of Aqueous Solutions by Membrane Bio Reactor and Forward Osmosis Techniques. The 68th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON 2015, December 27th-30th 2015, Indian Institute of Guwahati, India
Meyer, W.; Gulyas, H.; Behrendt, J. (2015): Theoretisch vorhergesagte und tatsächlich bestimmte Konzentrationen von Pharmazeutika in kleinen norddeutschen Fließgewässern. In: Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 91, ISBN 978-3-942768-16-0
Ogun, M.K.; Amare, D.E.; Badri, A.; Körner, I. (2015): Treatment of deinking sludge from wastepaper recycling by anaerobic digestion. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 178
Ogun, M.K.; Gulyas, H.; Meyer, W.; Reich, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Comparative Study on Carbamazepine Removal by Heterogeneous Photocatalysis from Model Wastewaters and Unspiked Municipal Secondary Effluent. The 3rd International Conference on Photocatalytic and Advanced Oxidation Technologies for the Treatment of Water, Air, Soil and Surfaces (PAOT-3), Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, September 1-4, 2015
Otterpohl, R. (2015): Introduction: Synergistic Systems for Living Soil, Water, Food and Energy. In Terra Preta Sanitation 1, Hrsg. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4, S. 10-15
Otterpohl, R. (2015): Die Heilung des Bodens. Fachzeitschrift für Neurobiologie 02-2015, 17. Jahrgang, Hrsg. INK Institut für Neurobiologie nach Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt
Otterpohl, R. (2015): Synergistic Interaction of Sanitation, Biowaste utilisation and Energy Systems towards Water and Food security. Keynote Lecture - Proceedings of RAMIRAN 2015, TUHH, Hamburg, Germany, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference page Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8 -10 September 2015, Hamburg, Germany
Otterpohl, R. (2015): Healing The Soil. Fachzeitschrift für Neurobiologie – Hier&Jetzt 02-15 Translation of: 17. Jahrgang, Hrsg. INK Institut für Neurobiologie nach Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt
Ramaswami, S.; Selabi, S.D.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Struvite recovery from methanogenic landfill leachate by chemical precipitation. In proceedings of RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, ISBN: 9783946094029 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 22
Rechtenbach, D.; Heerenklage, J.; Sahm, K.; Röske, I.; Voss, T.; Antranikian, G.; Kuchta, K. (2015): Entwicklung standardisierter Inokula. Posterpräsentation, FNR/KTBL-Biogaskongress „Biogas in der Landwirtschaft – Stand und Perspektiven“, 22.-23.09.2015 in Potsdam
S. Ramaswami, J. Behrendt, G. Wang, S. Eggers, R. Otterpohl (2015): Evaluation of chemical precipitation in combination with membrane processes for ammonium removal cum recovery from methanogenic leachates . Proceedings Sardinia 2015, Fifteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 5 – 9 October 2015, CISA Publisher, Italy (Ref. No. 280) ISBN: 9788862650212
Schaldach, R. (2015): The water-energy-food-nexus and international trade – Australia’s water trade offs through energy and virtual water exports. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 194
Soroosh, H.; Duan, S.; Hügel, S. (2015): Nutrients removal capacity of the green microalgae isolated from wastewater treatment plant in Hamburg. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 156
Yemaneh, A. (2015): Evaluation of Lactic Acid Fermentation Process n Terra Preta Sanitation Systems and Application in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Hamburg Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Bd. 90, 978-3-942768-15-3
Yemaneh, A.; Bulbo, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Resources recovery and economic aspects in the application of terra preta sanitation system in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. In Abstract book, RAMIRAN 2015 – 16th International Conference, Rural-Urban Symbiosis, 8th-10th September 2015, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, S. 177
Yemaneh, A.; Itchon, G. (2015): Stabilization and Hygienization of Organic Matter. In Terra Preta Sanitation 1, Hrsg. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4, S. 120-133
Zahedi, A.; Otterpohl, R. (2015): Towards Sustainable Development by Creation of Green Social Entrepreneur's Communities. Procedia CIRP,Volume 26, 196–201 (12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing – Emerging Potentials)
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, Ch.; Rubiandini, R.F.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Microbial pathogen in a wastewater Treatment plant in Hamburg. Germany. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health A: Current Issues, ID UTEH-2014-0321
Bettendorf, T; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Terra Preta Sanitation - Neue Wege durch historische Funde im Amazonas. fbr-wasserspiegel, 1/15, S. 3- 6
Bettendorf, T.; Stoeckl, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Vermicomposting of municipal solid organic waste and fecal matter as part of Terra Preta Sanitation - a process and product assessment . Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Bulbo M.; Yemaneh, Y.; Amlaku, T.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Assessment of availability of Terra Preta Sanitation precursors in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Assessing material flows in urban systems: an approach to maximize the use of incomplete data sets. Water Science and Technology, 70(6), 1135–1142
Ezebuiro, N.C. (2014): Optimization of anaerobic digestion: influence of trace elements on methanization processes. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Bd. 87, GFEU e. V. ISSN 0724-0783
Factura H.; Medalla J.; Masgon M.; Miso, A.; Itchon G.; Gensch R.; Buzie, C. ; Otterpohl, R. (2014): The Implementation and Practices of Terra Preta Sanitation in the Tropics - The Experiences from Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Franke-Whittle, I.H.; Confalonieri, A.; Insam, H.; Schlegelmilch, M.; Körner, I. (2014): Changes in the microbial communities during co-composting of digestates. Waste management (in press)
Gulyas, H. (2014): Solar heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation for water and wastewater treatment: Problems and Challenges. Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering 4(2), Article ID 1000108
Gulyas, H., Zhang, S.D., Otterpohl. R. (2014): Pretreating Stored Human Urine for Solar Evaporation by Low-Technology Ammonia Stripping. Journal of Environmental Protection, 5(11), 962-969.
Husemann, J.; Espinosa-Gutiérrez, G.; Tadesse, Y.B; Srinivasan, S.; Al Janabi, F.; Zhang, L. (2014): Towards nexus approach: case studies at local and national levels. In United Nations University - Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (Ed.): Advancing a nexus approach to the sustainable management of water, soil and waste. Proceedings of the international kick-off workshop. Dresden, Germany, pp. 119–142
Liriano-Jorge, C.F.; Sohmen, U.; Özkan, A.; Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): TiO2 Photocatalyst Nanoparticle Separation: Flocculation in Different Matrices and Use of Powdered Activated Carbon as a Precoat in Low-Cost Fabric Filtration. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering *2014*, Article ID 602495, 12 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/602495
Mersch, I.; Meyer W., Rechid, D.; Urban, B. (2014): Ergebnisse und abgeleitete Handlungsempfehlungen für das Modellgebiet Lüneburger Heide. In: Urban, Brigitte; Becker, Jürgen; Mersch, Imke; Meyer, Wibke; Rechid, Diana; Rottgardt, Elena (Hrsg.) (2014): Klimawandel in der Lüneburger Heide – Kulturlandschaften zukunftsfähig gestalten. Berichte aus den KLIMZUG-NORD Modellgebieten, Band 6, TuTech Verlag, Hamburg, S. 81-92, ISBN: 978-3-941492-72-1
Meyer, W., Otterpohl, R. (2014): Pharmazeutika aus Kläranlagenabläufen in kleinen Fließgewässern. In: Urban, Brigitte; Becker, Jürgen; Mersch, Imke; Meyer, Wibke; Rechid, Diana; Rottgardt, Elena (Hrsg.) (2014): Klimawandel in der Lüneburger Heide – Kulturlandschaften zukunftsfähig gestalten. Berichte aus den KLIMZUG-NORD Modellgebieten, Band 6, TuTech Verlag, Hamburg, S. 38-40, ISBN: 978-3-941492-72-1
Meyer, W.; Barth, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Potential der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung von Kläranlagenablauf in Deutschland. gwf-Wasser-Abwasser, (155), Nr. 3, 2014, S. 350-327
Meyer, W.; Reich, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Sind die Ökosysteme kleiner Fließgewässer aktuell und zukünftig durch den Eintrag von Pharmazeutika besonders gefährdet? KW (7) Nr.5 S.273-277
Meyer, W.; Schulz, E. (2014): Möglichkeiten der Wiederverwendung von gereinigtem Abwasser in der Landwirtschaft. In: KLIMZUG-NORD Verbund (Hrsg.) (2014): Kursbuch Klimaanpassung. Handlungsoptionen für die Metropolregion Hamburg, TuTech Verlag, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-941492-66-0
Meyer, W.; Schutz, E. (2014): Bereitstellung von Beregnungswasser durch Klarwasserversickerung. In: Urban, Brigitte; Becker, Jürgen; Mersch, Imke; Meyer, Wibke; Rechid, Diana; Rottgardt, Elena (Hrsg.) (2014): Klimawandel in der Lüneburger Heide – Kulturlandschaften zukunftsfähig gestalten. Berichte aus den KLIMZUG-NORD Modellgebieten, Band 6, TuTech Verlag, Hamburg, S. 30-33, ISBN: 978-3-941492-72-1
Prabhu, M. ; Horvat, M.; Lorenz L.; Otterpohl R.; Bettendorf, T.; S.Mutnuri, S. (2014): Effect of terra preta compost on growth of Vigna radiate. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Prabhu, M. ; Horvat, M.; Lorenz L.; Otterpohl R.; Bettendorf, T.; S.Mutnuri, S. (2014): Terra Preta as an Alternative for the Management of Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plants. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
R. Janzon, F. Schütt, S. Oldenburg, E. Fischer, I. Körner, B. Saake (2014): Steam pretreatment of spruce forest residues: Optimal conditions for biogas production and enzymatic hydrolysis. Carbohydrate Polymers 100 (2014) 202– 210
Soewondo, P.; Febriana, A.; Handajani, M.; Firdayati, M. (2014): Faeces Treatment By Lactic Fermentation Process and Future Perspectives of Terra Preta Sanitation Concept in Indonesia. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Stöckl, M.; Roggentin, P.; Bettendorf, T.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Assessment of hygienisation of faecal matter during terra preta inspired vermicomposting by qualitative identification of Salmonella spec.. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Vom Eyser, C.; Palmu, K.; Otterpohl, R.; Schmidt, T. C.;Tuerk, J. (2014): Determination of pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge and biochar from hydrothermal carbonization using different quantification approaches and matrix effect studies. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407(3), 821–830. doi:10.1007/s00216-014-8068-1
von Eyser, C.; Palmu, K.; Otterpohl, R.; Schmidt, T.; Tuerk, J. (2014): Product quality of hydrochar from sewage sludge in terms of micropollutants. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Walter, A.; T. Bettendorf, T.; Stöckl, M.; Franke-Whittle, I.; Insam, H. (2014): Screening of the microbial community in charcoal and microbe- amended vermicomposts. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Yemaneh, A. ; Bulbo, M.; Schmale, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2014): Investigation of Low-Cost Sugar Supplement for Lactic Acid Fermentation in Terra Preta Sanitation System. Terra Preta Sanitation, Ed. Bettendorf, T., Wendland, C., Otterpohl, R. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, ISBN 978-3-00-046586-4
Ajonina-Ekoti, I.; Kurosinski, M.A.; Younis, A.E.; Ndjonka, D.; Tanyi, M.K.; Achukwi, M.; Eisenbarth, A.; Ajonina, C.; Lüersen, K.; Breloer, M.; Brattig, N.W.; Liebau, E. (2013): Comparative analysis of macrophage migration inhibitory factors (MIFs) from the parasitic nematode Onchocerca volvulus and the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Parasitol res, 112: 3335-3346
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, Ch.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): The detection of Giardia cyst in a large scale wastewater treatment plant in Hamburg, Germany. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health A, 76: 509–514
Behrendt, J,; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Braun, U.; Deegener, St.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F.; Wendland, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Saneamiento con respeto a los recursos. Presentación en el Curso de Urbanismo y Arquitectura Girona, Cataluña, España (5 de Junio 2013)
Candra Dewi, O. (2013): A Decision Support Model for Waste Management in Support of Developing Low Carbon, Eco Region: Case Studies of Densely Populated Kampung Settlements in Urban Areas in Jakarta. Hamburger Beriechte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Babd 85, ISBN 978-3-942768-10-8
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G.; Bardou, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Improving stormwater management in the context of Mexican middle-sized cities. Case study in Tepic, Mexico. International Conference on Climate Change and Regional Response 2013. Dresden, Germany, 29/05/2013
Ezebuiro, N. C., Techamanoon, K. and Körner, I. (2013): Role of Trace Elements in Methanization Processes and Associated Factors of Influence. International Trade Exhibition for Biogas Technology and Decentralized Energy Supplies, Biogas World 2013, Berlin. Internationales Biogas und Bioenergie Kompetenzzentrum (IBBK)
Ezebuiro, N. C., Techamanoon, K. and Körner, I. (2013): Influence of Nickel, Cobalt, Selenium and Molybdenum on Volatile Fatty Acids Degradation. Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering Workshop. TuTech Innovation, GmbH. Hamburg. 1st March, 2013
Ezebuiro, N. C., Techamanoon, K., Ezinma, J. and Körner, I. (2013): Optimizing Methanization of Agricultural Residue- Role of Nickel, Cobalt, Selenium and Molybdenum. Waste Management to Ecosystem Services: 15th RAMIRAN International Conferences: Recycling of Organic Residues for Agriculture. Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvellines, Versailles. 3rd -5th June 2013
Ezebuiro, N.C., Techamanoon, K., Körner, I. (2013): Optimization of anaerobic treatment of organic residues: The Role of trace elements in volatile fatty acids degradation and methane yield optimization. In: RAMIRAN 2013 –Recycling of organic residues for agriculture: from waste management to ecosystem services, 15th- International Conference, Section S7 – Treatment processes for energy production; S7.04; Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvellines, 03.-05.06.2013, Versailles, France
Ezebuiro, N.C., Techamanoon, K., Körner, I. (2013): Optimizing methanization: Process and Kinetic Implications of Trace Elements. In: Bioenergy IV: Innovations in biomass conversion for heat, power, fuels and chemicals. M. Garcia-Perez, D. Meier, R. Ocone, Heriot; P. deWild (Eds.), 09.-14.06, Otranto, Italy
Gulyas, H.; Liriano Jorge, C.F.; Reich, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Reclaiming Biologically Pretreated Greywater for Reuse by Photocatalytic Oxidation. Qualitative Study on the Removal of Trace Organics. Journal of Water Resource and Protection *5* (6), 568-584; DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2013.56058
Gulyas, H.; Oria Argáez, A.S.; Kong, F.; Liriano Jorge, C.F.; Eggers, S.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Combining activated carbon adsorption with heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation: Lack of synergy for biologically treated greywater and tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether. Environmental Technology. Volume 34, Ausgabe 11, S. 1393-1403. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2012.751129
Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. Hrsg. (2013): 25. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Wasserwirtschaft. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 84, ISBN978-3-942768-09-2
I. Körner, S. Hertel, S. Deegener, K. Boltz (2013): Schwarzwasser von Vakuumtoiletten zur Biogaserzeugung – Aspekte zur Integration in ein Bauprojekt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Co-Substraten. In: 7. Rostocker Bioenergieforum, Tagungsband, Schriftenreihe Umweltingenieurwesen, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Bd. 36, Nelles, M. (Ed.), 20-21.06.2013,Universität Rostock, ISBN 978-3-86009-207-1, 483-492
Kai Lüersen, Dirk Stegehake, Jens Daniel, Mike Drescher, Irene Ajonina, Caroline Ajonina, Patrick Hertel, Christian Woltersdorf, Eva Liebau (2013): The Glutathione Reductase GSR-1 Determines Stress Tolerance and Longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS ONE 8: e60731. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060731
Körner, I., Amon, B., Amon, T., Balsari, P., Bioteau, T., Dach, J., De Buisonje, F., Deipser, A., Fabbri, C., Kupper, T., Malico, I., Marques, I.P., Mata, J., Roshani, E., Schnurer, A., Scholwin, F., Soldano, M., Verdoes, N., Ward, A. (2013): A survey system to present the status of anaerobic digestion in Europe in different sectors – Agriculture, industrial, urban waste and waste water sector. In: RAMIRAN 2013 –Recycling of organic residues for agriculture: from waste management to ecosystem services, 15th- International Conference, Section S11 – Integrated and social factors; S11.04; Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvellines, 03.-05.06.2013, Versailles, France
Körner, I., Hertel, S., Deegener, S. (2013): The transformation of blackwater, lawn cuttings and grease trap residues into biogas and fertilisers in neighbourhood of Hamburg – an integrated approach on the territorial scale. In: RAMIRAN 2013 –Recycling of organic residues for agriculture: from waste management to ecosystem services, 15th- International Conference, Section S11 – Integrated and social factors; S11.06; Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvellines, 03.-05.06.2013, Versailles, France
Körner, I.; Visvanathan (2013): Perspectives of composting and anaerobic digestion technologies for the treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid waste in Europe and Asia. Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2013 193-212
Meyer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Einfluss des Klimawandels auf das Vorkommen ausgewählter Pharmazeutika in Fließgewässern. Vortrag: KLIFF Vom globalen Klimawandel zu regionalen Anpassungsstrategien 2. und 3. September 2013 in Göttingen
Narodoslawsky, M.; Körner, I.; Krause, A.; Saracco, G.; Silveira, S.; de Winde, H.; Bridgwater, T.; Leahy, J.J.; Karlsson, M. (2013): SET PLAN Energy Education & Training - Assessment Report of the Bio-Energy Working Group. Niemetz, N. (Ed.); Contribution to the SET-Plan education and training roadmap of the European Commission; Draft from 17.06.2013
Otterpohl R. and Buzie C (2013): Treatment of the solid fraction. In: Source Separation and Decentralization for Wastewater Management Editor(s): Tove A. Larsen, Kai M. Udert and Judit Lienert Feb 2013 • ISBN: 9781843393481 Pages: 520 • Hardback, IWA Publishing, London
Otterpohl, R. (2013): Gründer-Gruppen als Lebensentwurf: "Synergistische Wertschöpfung in erweiterten Kleinstadt- und Dorfstrukturen". Kap. XII: Regionales Zukunftsmanagement Band 7: Existenzgründung unter regionalökonomischer Perspektive, Pabst Publisher, Lengerich 2013, S. 108 bis 116
Otterpohl, R.; Paulenz, H. (2013): Barfußhäuschen im Gartenringdorf . OYA 18/2013
Scheurer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): Es stinkt zum Himmel - Abwasser in Nebenflüssen. Vortrag an der Seniorenuniversität, 24.01.2013, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
Scheurer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2013): The impact of climate change on the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in small rivers in Germany. European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2013, 18.03.2013 - 20.03.2013, Hamburg, Germany
Voss, Th.; Bettendorf, T.; Kuchta K. (2013): Need-Based Treatment of Digestate. Plant-Design and Utilization-Concepts. 1st German-Italian Waste Dialog 2012, Verlag Abfall aktuell; ISBN: 978-3-9812867-8-6
Wieczorek, N.; Rechtenbach, D.; Heerenklage, J.; Kücüker, M.A.; Kuchta, K. (2013): Thermophilic 2-stage Fermentation of Microalgae for Hydrogen and Methane Production. In: Proceedings of Sardinia 2013, Four-teenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy, 30 September – 4 October 2013, CISA Publisher, ISBN 9788862650281
Adwiaah, H., Körner, I. (2012): Die Zivilisations-Bioraffinerie. In: Euractiv -Yellow-paper - Stadt der Zukunft, Wragge, A., König, E. (Hrsg.), S. 30
Adwiraah, H.; Oldenburg, S., Körner, I., Stegmann, R. (2012): Bioresources Inventory - GIS-based identification, quantification and characterization methods. In: ORBIT 2012 - Global assessment of organic resources and waste management. 8th International conference, Tremier, A.; Dabert, P.; Druilhe, C; Maudet, M.N.; Bartg, J., Siebert, S., Bidlimgmaier, H.W. (Hrsg.); Verlag ORBIT, Weimar, Germany, ISBN 3-935974-35-3, S. 41 und Proceedings-CD, Nr. 2-114
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, Ch.; Ajonina, I.; Basner, A.; Reinhardt, H.; Guyas, H.; Liebau, E.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Occurrence of Cryptosporidium in a wastewater treatment plant in North Germany. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health A, Vol. 75 (22-23) 1351-1358
Ajonina, C.; Buzie, Ch.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): The detection of Giardia cysts in a large scale wastewater treatment plant in Hamburg Germany. (in press): Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues
Antholz, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Biologische Behandlung von Urin und Schwarzwasser. Presentation at the DWA "Wasser und Umwelt" at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany March 08th, 2012
Beier, S (2012): Energetische Betrachtungen zur weitergehenden Abwasserbehandlung. BDEW-Fachtagung Trinkwasser & Abwasser Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 8. Oktober 2012, Teschow
Beier, S., Cramer, C., Mauer, C., Köster, S., Schröder, H. Fr. and Pinnekamp, J. (2012): MBR technology: a promising approach for the (pre-)treatment of hospital wastewater. Water Science & Technology Vol 65 No 9 pp 1648-1653
Bettendorf, T.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Treatment and utilization of source separated urine and faecal matter in urban areas. 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
Candra Dewi, O and Ismoyo, A.D (2012): Climate Change Neoliberalims: Some financial Schemes for Emissions Reduction. Journal of Transformative Social Science 27/XIV/2012 p. 37-47
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G. (2012): Retos presentes y futuros del sector agua en México. II Symposium of CONACyT scholarship holders and alumni in Europe. European Parlament, Strassburg France, 29/11/2012
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G.; Otterpohl, R.; Kuchta, K. (2012): Assessment of urban water management systems by Material Flow Analysis. Seminar at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples Italy, 29/02/ 2012
Fruman, Y.; Samwel, A.; Wendland, C.; Deegener, St. (2012): Acceptance of UDDTs in eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
Gayh, U. (2012): Process intensification of biological desulphurisation of biogas. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 80, Hrsg. GFEU e. V., ISBN 978-3-942768-05-4
Hertel, S., Hartmann, M., Kleeberg, K., Körner, I. (2012): Schwarzwasser: Inhaltsstoffe energetisch und stofflich nutzen. In: KREIS - Versorgung durch Entsorgung - Koppelung von regenerativer Energiegewinnung mit innovativer Stadtentwässerung. Hamburg Wasser (Ed.), Eigenverlag, Hamburg, S.11-12
Keil, F., Beier, S (2012): Mikroschadstoffe: Bewertungsunsicherheiten in Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. 24. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Band 81, Hrsg. Beier, S., Gulyas, H., Köster, S., Otterpohl, R., Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-942768-06-1
Koester, S., Beier, S., Zhao, F. F., Sui, Q., Yu, G. and Pinnekamp, J. (2012): Organic trace pollutants in the aquatic environment - regulatory and technical problem-solving approaches in Germany and China. Water Science & Technology Vol 66 No 5 pp 942-952
Körner, I. (2012): Generation of N-Balances to describe N-flows and N-transformations - The example of composting. In: 17th international NITROGEN WORKSHP - Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources, Richards, K.G.; Fenton, O., Watson, C.J. (Hrsg), Print Depot, Wexford, Ireland, ISBN: 978-1-84170-588-0, S.116-117
Körner, I., Hertel, S., Adwiraah, H. (2012): The civilisation biorefinery - Inventories for efficient utilization of local waste and waste water based bioresources for material and energy generation. In: ORBIT 2012 - Global assessment of organic resources and waste management. 8th International conference, Tremier, A.; Dabert, P.; Druilhe, C; Maudet, M.N.; Bartg, J., Siebert, S., Bidlimgmaier, H.W. (Hrsg.); Verlag ORBIT, Weimar, Germamy, ISBN 3-935974-35-3, S. 55 und Proceedings-CD, Nr. 3-8
Köster, S., Beier, S., Schermann, A. (2012): Micropollutants in the Water Systems on Passenger Ships. 6th International Syposium on Treatment of Wastewater and Waste on Ships, November 16th, 2012, Hamburg
Kuchta, K.; Rechtenbach, D.; Heerenklage, J.; Wieczorek, N. (2012): Anaerobic thermophilic fermentation of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris for hydrogen production. Venice 2012; Fourth International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, Italy, 12-15.11.2012, Proceedings
Ndzana, J.E.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Human urine boosts bamboo biomass yield (Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens). In: Proceedings of the 9th World Bamboo Congress - Belgium 2012. The World Bamboo Organization (WBO) Antwerp, April 10 - 15, 2012 (1) 195-206
Ndzana, J.E.; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Essay on bamboo nutrient uptake. Posted presented at the 9th World Bamboo Congress - Belgium 2012, the World Bamboo Organization (WBO), Antwerp April 10 - 15, 2012
Otterpohl, R. (2012): Boosting compost with biochar and bacteria. Nature, 486, 14 June 2012, S. 187-188
Otterpohl, R.; Mindachew, A.; Behrendt, J. (2012): Integration of Sanitation, Bio-Waste-Management, Local Energy Production and Agriculture. 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
Palmu, K.; Eyser, C.; Türk, J. (2012): Nutrients Recovery and Removal of PPCPs Through HTC. Poster: ANS-Biochar-Tagung 19.9.12, Berlin
Ulrich, L.; Deegener, St. (2012): How (not) to design and construct UDDTs - A comparative guide to functionality. 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
Veltmann, K., Palmowski, L., Beier, S., Pinnekamp, J. (2012): Energieverbrauch und -optimierung von Membranbelebungsanlagen. Tagungsunterlagen zum DWA-Seminar Energieoptimierung auf Kläranlagen, 22. März 2012 , Rüsselsheim
Yemaneh, A.; Bulbo, M.; Factura, H.; Buzie, C,; Otterpohl, R. (2012): Development of systems for waterless collection of human excreta by application of lactic acid fermentation process in terra preta sanitation. Proceedings of the 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland
Antholz, M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Treatment of highly concentrated ammonium containing wastewater at high salt concentrations. Proceedings of the IWA Microbes in Wastewater Conference (MWT 2011) Goa, India January 24th, 2011 - IWA-5364, 57-60
Antholz, M.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Treatment and recycling of highly concentrated ammonium containing wastewater. Presentation at the University of Technology Hamburg, Germany March 11th, 2011
Armanious, A.; Özkan, A.; Sohmen, U.;Gulyas, H. (2011): Inorganic greywater matrix impact on photocatalytic oxidation: does flocculation of TiO2 nanoparticles impair process efficiency? Water Science & Technology *63*(12), 2808-2813
Behrendt, J.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): The Loo Loop System for Water Saving and Nutrient Recovery. Presentation at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China February 27th, 2011
Behrendt, J.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): Nutrient Recovery from Toilet Waste. Presentation at the University of of Sciences and Technology Beijing, China March 8th, 2011
Behrendt, J.; Antholz, M.; Bettendorf, T.; Gayh, U.; Tettenborn, F. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): New Developments in Resources Orientated Sanitation. Contribution at the Sino-German Scientific Seminar: Technical, financial and political solutions for energy generation from urban waste and its contribution to climate protection Xiamen, China (February 29th to March 6th, 2011)
Beier, S., Cramer, C., Köster, S. Mauer, C., Palmowski, L., Schröder, H. Fr., Pinnekamp, J. (2011): Full scale membrane bioreactor treatment of hospital wastewater as forerunner for hot-spot wastewater treatment solutions in high density urban areas. Water Science & Technology Vol. 63 No 1 pp. 66-71
Bettendorf, T., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R. (2011): Prozesskaskaden zur Verwertung häuslicher Abwasserströme zur Energie-und Düngemittelproduktion. Vortrag: Berbion Symposium: Die Stadt der Zukunft, Die Zivilisationsbioraffinerie - Effiziente stoffliche und energetische Verwertung von städtischen organischen Abfällen und Abwässern, 24. - 25. August 2011, Hamburg
Bettendorf, T.;Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl R. (2011): New concepts for wastewater treatment in urban context with respect to nutrient recovery. In Proceedings: International Water Week Amsterdam 2011, Conference: Water related to sustainable energy (1.-2.11.2011)
Elmitwalli, T.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Grey water treatment in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor at different temperatures. Water Science & Technology Vol 64 No 3 pp 610
Elmitwalli, T.; Zeeman, G.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Modelling anaerobic digestion of concentrated black water and faecal matter in accumulation system. Water Science & Technology Vol 63 No 9 pp 2039
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G.; Otterpohl, R.; Kuchta, K. (2011): Improving decision making for Mexican urban sanitation systems by means of Material Flow Analysis (MFA). Poster presentation during the IWRM 2011. Dresden, Germany, 12/10/2011
Factura, H.; Yemaneh, A.; Bulbo, M.; Buzie, C.; Gensch, R,; Otterpohl, R (2011): Lactic acid fermentation of urine and faeces through Terra Preta Sanitation. Poster presented at: the Conference on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) for Urban Environments in Asia, 25-28.05.2011, Manila, Philippines
Firdayati, M.; Indiyani, A.; Prihandrijanti, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Greywater Treatment System as New Solution for Urban Wastewater Problem in Indonesia. Proceeding of IWA International Conference Cities of the Future V Xian, 15-18 of September 2011, Xian. China
Gulyas, H.; Liriano Jorge, C.; Armanious, A.; Sohmen, U.; (2011): Technical-Scale Application of Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Oxidation for Greywater Treatment - Which are the Obstacles? Photocatalytic and Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air, Soil and Surfaces (PAOT), Gdansk Technical University. Gdansk, Poland, July 4-8, 2011
Gulyas, H.; Reich, M. and Otterpohl, R. (2011): Organic micropollutants in raw and treated greywater: a preliminary investigation. Urban Water Journal 8(1), 29-39
Körner, I.; Visvanathan (2011): Perspectives of composting and anaerobic digestion technologies for the treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid waste in Europe and Asia. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, im Druck
Köster, St. (2011): Zukunftsfragen des städtischen Wasserkreislaufs. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 77, 23. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft, ISBN 978-3-942768-02-3, S. 1-5
Ndzana, J.E.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Bamboo biomass production as a function of human urine fertilization. Poster presented at the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - from Research to Industry and Markets, Jg. Berlin, June 6 - 10
Ndzana, J.E.; Schmitt, V.E.M; Otterpohl, R.; Kaltschmitt, M. (2011): Bamboo pellets from urine-fertilized bamboo plants. Poster presented at the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition - from Research to Industry and Markets, Jg. Berlin, June 6 - 10
Nuengjamnong, Ch.; Chiarawatchai, N.; Polprasert, Ch.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Treating swine wastewater by integrating earthworms into constructed wetlands. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 46: 7, 800 - 804
Otterpohl R. (2011): Fruchtbarer Boden, unsere wichtigste Energiequelle: Terra Preta. erneuerbare energie 2-11, 26-29
Otterpohl, R.; Buzie. Chr. (2011): Wastewater: Reuse-Oriented Wastewater SystemsdLow- and High-Tech Approaches for Urban Areas. Waste: A Handbook for Management, 1st ed, Elsevier, 2011, pp. 127-136, ISBN: 9780123814753 Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Ova Candra Dewi, Ahmad Gamal (2011): Sustainable Regional Decision Support Model on Waste Management, Case Study Report from Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta and Cikini Ampiun, Central Jakarta. Seminar Low Carbon Eco City Development, Hamburg
Ova Candra Dewi, Ahmad Gamal, Paula Querioz de Aquino, Ina Koerner (2011): Introducing Sustainable Consumption at the Household Level . In: 12th International Conference on Quality in Research (QIR), Bali, 4-7 July 2011
Palmu, K. (2011): Future Sludge Treatment: Hydrothermal Carbonization. Conference proceedings, Workshop on Sustainable Sludge Handling, project on urban reduction of eutrophication(PURE), 7.09.2011 in Lübeck, Germany
Palmu, K., vom Eyser, C., Glasner, C., Behrendt, J., Otterpohl, R., Tuerk, J. (2011): Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) of Sewage Sludge. Conference proceedings, Water related to sustainable energy, 1.-2.11.2011 IWW Amsterdamm
Prihandrijanti, M. and Firdayati, M. (2011): Domestic Wastewater Treatment System for Big Cities in Developing Countries (case study, Surabaya and Bandung, Indonesia). Proceeding of IWA International Conference Cities of the Future V Xian, 15-18 of September 2011, Xian. China
Schaldach, R. (2011): Water grabbing for energy: Globalisation of Energy, Unconventional Resources and Water. 1st oikos Young Scholars International Economics Academy 2011 Management of Natural Resources and International Trade accessible
Scheurer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe in kleinen norddeutschen Fließgewässern und Kläranlagenabläufen. 23. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft, Hamburg, Germany, ISBN-Nr. 978-3-942768-02-3
Scheurer, W.; Otterpohl, R. (2011): Pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe in kleinen norddeutschen Fließgewässern und Kläranlagenabläufen. Vortrag im Seminar Technik & Umwelt, 18.11.2011, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Adwiraah, H.; Oldenburg, S., Körner, I.. (2010): Biomass potential from urban areas for energy generation - Biomass inventory for the Hamburg city district Bergedorf. In: VENICE 2010
Anasuron, D.F.D.; Bade, O.; Körner, I. (2010): Nitrogen recovery from biogas plant digestates via solid-liquid separation and stripping. In: RAMIRAN 2010
Antholz, M., Behrendt, J., Bettendorf, T., Braun, U., Gayh, U., Otterpohl, R. (2010): Der Schwarzwasserkreislauf - eine Neukonzeption zum effizienten Umgang mit Abwasser und seinen Inhaltsstoffen. gwf Wasser/Abwasser, 151(3), 294-307
Ayele Shewa, W.; Kassa Ayano, K. & Meinzinger, F. (2010): From pilot units to large-scale implementation - the case of Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Sustainable Sanitation Practice, EcoSan Club, issue 4, 9-13
Behrendt, J.; Deegener, St.; Espinosa, G.; Gajurel, D. R.; Shalabi, M.; Wendland, C.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Tecnologías adaptadas para el tratamiento de agua residual en regionales rurales y peri-urbanas. Foro de Innovación 2010: Investigación en Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, Buenos Aires, Argentina 23 al 25 de Junio de 2010
Beier, S.; Cramer, C.; Köster, S.; Mauer, C.; Palmowski, L.; Schröder, H. Fr.; Pinnekamp, J (2010): Full scale MBR treatment of hospital wastewater as forerunner for hot-spot wastewater treatment solutions in high density urban areas. Proceedings of IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, 19
Beier, S.; Köster, S.; Veltmann, K.; Schröder, H. Fr.; Pinnekamp, J. (2010): Treatment of Hospital Wastewater Effluent by Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis. Wat. Sci. Tech. 61 (7) 1691
Bettendorf, T.; Cai, W.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Aufkonzentrierung von Phosphaten mittels Nanofiltration zur Herstellung von P-Düngemitteln. In Proceedings: Bremer Colloquium produktionsintegrierte Wasser/-Abwassertechnik; "Selektive Trenntechniken" vom 5.-6.10.2010, Bremen, Germany
Boldrin, A.; Körner, I.; Krogmann, U.; Christensen, T.H. (2010): Composting: Mass balances and product quality. Waste technology and management, Christensen, H.T. (Hrsg.); Wiley Verlag, London, Großbritannien, ISBN 978-1-405-17517-3, Kap. 9.3, S. 569-582
Buzie-Fru, Ch. A. (2010): Development of a continuous single chamber vermicomposting toilet with urine diversion for on-site application. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 76. Hrsg. GFEU e.V. ISBN 978-3-942768-01-6
Buzie, C. (2010): Treatment of human organic waste by vermicomposting. 1st International Workshop on Terra Preta Sanitation, INEP international Oldenburg, Groß Ippener (near Bremen), Germany, 27. to 30. September, 2010
Buzie, C. (2010): Better links between Sanitaion and Agriculture. 1st International Workshop on Terra Preta Sanitation, INEP international Oldenburg, Groß Ippener (near Bremen), Germany, 27. to 30. September, 2010
Chiarawatchai, N. (2010): Implementation of earthworm-assisted constructed wetlands to treat wastewater and possibility of using alternative plants in constructed wetlands. Dissertation, TUHH. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlugswasserwirtschaft, Bd. 72, Hrsg. GFEU e. V. ISBN 978-3-941492141
Drewko A. and Otterpohl R. (2010): Potential and Limitations for the Private Sector Involvement in Sanitation in Ethiopia. Proceedings of the 5^th International Young Water Professional Conference, 05.-07.07.2010, Sydney, Australia
Drewko, A.; Martinez Neri, I. F.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Closing the Loop- Ecological Sanitation Supply Chain on the Example of Accra and Kade, Ghana. Proceeding of S2Small 2010 Sustainable Solutions for Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems. 19.04.2010 - 21.04.2010. Girona, Spain
Espinosa Gutiérrez, G. (2010): Kleinkläranlagen in Deutschland. Anforderungen und Erfahrungen (small sewage plants in Germany). 22. Hamburger Kolloquium zur Abwasserwirtschaft. Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg. Hamburg, 26.08.2010
Factura, H. (2010): Terra Preta Sanitation: Combating Poor Sanitation, Land Degradation and Food Insecurity. 1st International Workshop on Terra Preta Sanitation, INEP international Oldenburg, Groß Ippener, Germany, 27 to 30 September, 2010
Factura, H. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Terra Preta Sanitation: Combating Poor Sanitation, Land Degradation and Food Insecurity. Presentation given at the World Toilet Summit, 02.11.2010, Philadelphia, USA
Factura, H.; Bettendorf, T.; Buzie, Ch.; Pieplow, H.; Reckin, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Terra Preta sanitation: re-discovered from an ancient Amazonian civilisation . Water Science & Technology, 61(10), 2673-2679
Factura, H.; Buzie, C. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Integrating Sanitation, Biowaste Management and Agriculture through Terra Preta Sanitation. Poster presented at: the World Water Week 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Firdayati, M.; Handajani M.; Buzie, C.; Otterpohl R. (2010): Greywater Reuse for Green Vertical Garden : Possible or Impossible (Case Study : Bandung City, Indonesia). Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization.15-17 December 2010. Hongkong, China
Gayh, U., Hüppop, W., Tang, J., Toprak, M., Behrendt, J. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Einsatz von Huminstoffen in der Biogasentschwefelung. gwf - Gas/Erdgas, S. 624--629
Gayh, U., Stooß, A., Behrendt, J. and Otterpohl, R. (2010): Desulphurisation of Biogas - Analysis, evaluation and optimisation. In Proceedings of Venice 2010. Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. 8.11 - 11.11.2010
Gayh, U.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Optimising Biological Desulphurisation of Biogas by Addition of Humic Substances. Proceeding 041-A of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation May 17-19, 2010
Gayh, U.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Efficient biological desulphurisation of biogas . Proceeding of the 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010, S. 590 - 598, 29.6 - 3.7.2010, ISBN 978-960-6865-28-2
Gayh, U.; Behrendt, J.; Otterpohl, R. (2010): Efficient Biological Treatment of Biogas. In: Odour Control, Verlag Abfall aktuell, Stuttgart, Hamburger Berichte, Bd. 36, ISBN 978-3-9812867-4-8, S. 53-68
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Röper, H.; Körner, I.; Stegmann, R. (2006): Low Tech options for composting poultry manure in South East Asia. In: ORBIT 2006
Shalabi, M.; Gulyas, H.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Temperature influence on vermicomposting of separated faecal solids by earthworm Eisenia Fetida. 7th IWA Specialty Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems, 7 - 10 March 2006, Torre de Ingenieria, Mexico Ciy, Mexico
Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Exemplary Treatment Processes For Yellow Water - Nutrients and Pharmaceutical Residues. In IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, IWA
Tettenborn, F., Behrendt, J., & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Extraktion von Reinsubstanzen aus Gelbwasser und Elimination enthaltener Mikroschadstoffe. In 18.Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft 57, 150-155. GFEU, Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung und Entwicklung der Umwelttechnologien an der TU Hamburg.Harburg e.V.
Tettenborn, F.; Lindner, B.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2006): Decolourising yellow water, for its reuse in sustainable sanitation. Water and Environmental Management Series (WEMS), vol 10
Tränkler, J.; Cossu, R.; Gadia, R.; Körner, I. (2006): Hazardous waste management. In: TETRAWAMA - Teaching and training modules in the waste management sector, Modul 1, Solid waste management in Asia, Körner, I.; Stegmann, R.; Visvanathan, C.; Tränkler, J.; Cossu, R.; Hassan, M.N. (Hrsg.); DVD, Eigenverlag, Hamburg, Deutschland, S. 186-220
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Lindner, B.; Tettenborn, F.; Otterpohl, R. (2005): Dezentrale Abwasserbeseitigung im Hamburger Raum - Probleme, Gefahren und Lösungsansätze. Uponor-Meeting, Uponor Klärtechnik GmbH, Edewecht, Germany, 14.03.2005
Malisie, A., Prihandrijanti, M. & R. Otterpohl (2005): The potential of nutrient reuse from a source separation domestic wastewater system in Indonesia . In: Bulletin of Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Surabaya, 2005(16)
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Tettenborn, F.; Otterpohl, R. (2005): Urinbehandlung. Stahnsdorf-Workshop „Wie lassen sich Urin und Fäkalien als Düngemittel in der Landwirtschaft nutzen?, Berlin, Germany, 29.06.-30.06.05
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Wendland, C.; Tettenborn, F. & Otterpohl, R. (2005): Resource efficient wastewater concepts . In: Zer0-m Conference, March 2005, Istanbul
Windberg, C.; Otterpohl, R.; Nkurunziza, A.; Atukunda, V. (2005): Linking Ecological Sanitation and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings, Tropentag 2005: The Global Food & Product Chain- Dynamics, Innovations, Conflicts, Strategies, October 11 - 13, 2005, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
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Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): The international experience on wastewater as a resource for recycling and reuse-technology and costing. In: Workshop on Industrial Wastes and Urban Water Security, June 1st to 3rd of 2004, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Behrendt, J.; Heine, W. (2004): Automatische Bilderkennung zur frühzeitigen Bekämpfung von Blähschlamm. 16. Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft, Hamburg, 07. bis 09. September 2004, ISBN 3-930400-58-8
Behrendt, J.& Heine, W. (2004): Anwendung und Nutzen von Bildanalyse bei der Untersuchung vom Belebtschlamm. In: Aktuelle Analytik für Kreislaufwasser- und Abwasseruntersuchungen, G. Weinberger & J.
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Blume, T. & Neis, U. (2004): Improving Chlorine Disinfection of Wastwater by Ultrasoud Application. In: 4th IWA World Water Congress, 19.-24.09.2004, Marrakech
Blume, T. & Neis, U. (2004): Improved Waste Water Disinfection by Ultrasonic Pre-treatment. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 11, pp. 333-336
Blume, T. & Neis, U. (2004): Combined chlorination/sonication for disinfection of wastewater effluents. In: 11th International Gothenburg Symposium on Chemical Treatment of Water and Wastwater, November 8-10, 2004, Orlando, FL, USA
Blume, T. & Neis, U. (2004): Ultrasonic Disinfection of Wastewater Effluents for High-Quality Reuse. Water Supply, 3, (4), pp. 261-267
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Eikmann, T., Köster, St., SEITZ, H. (2004): Bewertung von Bio­aerosol­emissionen aus Abfallbehandlungsanlagen . Karl J. Thomé-Kozmiensky, TK Verlag Karl J. Thomé-Kozmiensky, Neuruppin, S. 291-316
Freudenthal, K.; Fenski, M.; Otterpohl, R.; Behrendt, J. (2004): Investigation of Odour Abatement by Absorption with adapted Oils as Washing Liquids. International Conference "Environmental Odour Management", Cologne, VDI-Berichte, 1850, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 503-514
Freudenthal, K.; Otterpohl, R & Behrendt, J. (2004): Entwicklung eines selektiven Absorptionsverfahrens zur Reinigung geruchsbeladener Abluft aus Lebensmittelbetrieben. In: Messung und Minimierung von Gerüchen. In: Messung und Minimierung von Gerüchen, Hamburger Berichte Abfallwirtschaft, Niemeyer, Robers, & Thiesen (eds.), Verlag Abfall aktuell, pp. 221-238
Freudenthal, K.; Otterpohl, R. & Behrendt, J. (2004): Improvement in Odor Reduction by Air Scrubbers Using Adapted Washing Liquids. In: Enviro 04 Convention & Exhibition, Sydney
Freudenthal, K.; Otterpohl, R. & Behrendt, J. (2004): Prediction of Sulfide Formation in Sewer Pressure Mains Based on the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1). In: IWA 4. World Water Congress, Marrakesh
Freudenthal, K.; Reh, M. & Otterpohl, R. (2004): H2S-Messung im Abwasserkanal: Interpretationsmöglichkeiten und -grenzen. In: 17. Fachtagung: Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz, Lübeck
Gajurel, D.R.; Moataz Shalabi, M.; Otterpohl, R. (2004): Preliminary Investigation of Effectiveness of Vermicomposting for Ecological Sanitation. Paper presented at the 4th IWA World Water Congress, Marrakech, 19-24 September, 2004
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Otterpohl, R. (2002): Options for alternative types of sewerage and treatment systems directed to improvement of the overall performance . Water Science & Technology, 45, (3), pp. 149-158
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Otterpohl, R. & Oldenburg, M. (2002): Innovative Technologien zur dezentralen Abwasserbehandlung in urbanen Gebieten . Korrespondenz Abwasser, 49, (10)
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Stürmer, R.; Hintze, L.; Nemsmann, U.; Jahn, M.; Wacker, C. & Gulyas, H. (2002): Einfache Methode zur Auslegung von Stegplattenreaktoren zur photokatalytischen Oxidation farbstoffhaltiger Abwässer unter Ausnutzung des Sonnenlichts am Beispiel des Azofarbstoffs "Acid Orange 7" . gwf-Wasser/Abwasser, 143, pp. 337-348
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Li, Z.; Gulyas, H.; Gajurel, D. R.; Behrendt, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2001): Appropriate Technologies for Greywater Recycling in Urban Areas. In: Second World Congress of the International Water Association (IWA), 15.-19. Oktober 2001, Berlin
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Neis, U. (2001): Steigerung der Faulgasausbeute durch Ultraschallbehandlung. In: ATV-DVWK-Energietage "Biogas", Essen-Hennef
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Otterpohl, R.& Behrendt, J. (2001): Von der Teilstrombehandlung zur abwasserfreien Fabrik. In: Von
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Neis, U. (2000): Ultrasound in water, wastewater and sludge treatment. Water21, Magazine of the International Water Association, 02, pp. 36-43
Neis, U. (2000): Sonochemische Abwasserreinigung. In: Tagung über die Behandlung hochbelasteter Prozeßabwässer in der klein- und mittelständischen Industrie, 14.-15.03.2000, Haus der Technik, Essen
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Niederste-Hollenberg, J. & Otterpohl, R. (2000): Innovative Entwässerungskonzepte. wwt Wasserwirtschaft Wassertechnik, 2, pp. 23-26
Schumacher, G.; Ike, A.; Patzhold, V. & Sekoulov, I. (2000): Enabling the reuse of treated wastewater by bacteria reduction with the aid of an algal biofilm . In: The 3. International Symposium on Wastewater Reclamation Recycling and Reuse, 03.-07.07.00, Paris
Schumacher, G.& Sekoulov, I. (2000): Verbesserung des Ablaufs einer kommunalen Kläranlage durch ein Algenbiofilm-Verfahren . In: 12. Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft, 30. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Gulyas H., Otterpohl R., GEFEU e.V.
Tiehm, A. & Neis, U. (2000): Ultrasound enhanced biodegradation of phenantrene . In: 7th Meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry, 14.-18.05.2000, Biarritz
Tiehm, A.; Kohnagel, I. & Neis, U. (2000): Removal of chlorinated pollutants by a combination of ultrasound and biodegradation . Water Science & Technology, 43, (2), pp. 297-303
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Heine, W.; Sekoulov, I.; Burkhardt, H. & Behrendt, J. (1999): Biologische Phosphor-Elimination von Industrieabwasser mit erhöhter Phosphor-Konzentration und der Einfluß der Verfahrensweise auf des Schlammbild. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, GFEU
Heine, W.; Sekoulov, I.; Burkhardt, H. & Behrendt, J. (1999): Das digitale mikroskopische Belebtschlammflockenbild -Ein Parameter zur Regelung von Belebungsanlagen. In: DECHEMA/GVC-Tagung "Wechselwirkung zwischen Biologie und Prozeßführung", 11./12. Mai, Erfurt
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Herwig, V.; Tiehm, A. & Neis, U. (1999): Halbtechnische Versuche zur Optimierung der Abwasser- Raumfiltration mittels Partikelgrößenanalytik. In: Fachtreffen Umwelttechnik, 27. - 29.04.99, Wiesbaden
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Ladiges, G.; Günner, C. & Otterpohl, R. (1999): Optimisation of the Hamburg Wastewater Treatment Plants by dynamic Simulation. Water Science & Technology, 39, (4), pp. 37-44
Latarius, U.; Gulyas, H. & Sekoulov, I. (1999): Sorption refraktärer organischer Abwasserinhaltsstoffe an Biofilmen und Belebtschlamm am Beispiel Huminsäure. gwf-Wasser/Abwasser, 140, (3), pp. 165-172
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Neis, U.; Nickel, K. & Tiehm, A. (1999): Enhancement of anaerobic sludge digestion by ultrasonic disintegration. In: Specialised IAWQ Conference on Disposal and Utilisation of Sewage Sludge, 13.-15.10.99, Athens, Greece
Nickel, K. (1999): Improving anaerobic degradation by ultrasonic disintegration of sewage sludge. In: Ultrasound in Environmental Engineering, Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, GFEU
Nickel, K.; Neis, U. & Tiehm, A. (1999): Verbesserung der Klärschlammstabilisierung durch vorgeschaltete Desintegration mit Ultraschall. In: DECHEMA Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, 27.-29.04.99, Wiesbaden
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Otterpohl, R.; Albold, A. & Oldenburg, M. (1999): Differential Management Resources of Water and Waste in Urban Areas. In: Internet Conference on Integrated Biosystems
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Schumacher, G.; Patzhold, V.; Ike, A. & Sekoulov, I. (1999): Bacteria Reduction of Secondary Effluent with an Algal Biofilm . In: IAWQ/IWA Conferences on Biofilm Systems, 17.-21. Oktober 1999, New York City, USA
Schumacher, G.; Patzhold, V.; Ike, A. & Sekoulov, I. (1999): Weitergehende Abwasserreinigung mit Hilfe eines Algenbiofilms . In: ZATsolar`99 "Zukunftsfähige angepaßte Technik zur Nutzung von Sonne und Wasserkraft für Umwelt und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit", 3./4. September 1999, Hamburg
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Tiehm, A. & Neis, U. (1999): Ultrasound enhanced biodegradation of phenanthrene . In: Applications of power ultrasound in physical and chemical processing, 2nd conference, 06.-07.05.99, Toulouse
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Barjenbruch, M.; Behrendt, J.; Boll, R.; Flemming, H.-C.; Sieker, C. (1998): Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen bei der Abwasserreinigung mit Biofiltern. Korrespondenz Abwasser, 4, (5), 1998, S. 929 - 935
Behrendt, J. (1998): Auslegung von Festbettreaktoren. 22. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. Seminars: Neue Technologien in der Abwasserreinigung. Hrsg. Behrendt, J.; Sekoulov, I., GFEU e. V., Hamburg, 08.09.1998
Behrendt, J. (1998): Modellierung und Auslegung nitrifizierender Biofilter. Vortrag anläßlich des Kolloquium Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft der TU München am 3. Februar 1998
Behrendt, J.; Dalhoff, S.; Trautwein, J.-P.; Ike, M. (1998): Stickstoffentfernung mit immobilisierten Bakterien. 23. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft: Eigen- und Fremdüberwachung von Kläranlagen. Hrsg. Gulyas, H.; Sekoulov. I.: GFEU e. V., Hamburg, 7.-11.09.1998
Brinke-Seiferth, St.; Behrendt, J.; Sekoulov, I. (1998): Kostenoptimierung durch flexible Abwasserreinigungssysteme am Beispiel des Biofilm-Filter-Sequencing-Batch-Reaktors (BFSBR). Vortrag anläßlich des Kolloquiums zum Schwerpunkt "Wirtschaftlichkeit der Abwasserentsorgung" des Arbeitsbereiches Abwasserwirtschaft der TU Hamburg-Harburg, 18.-19.09.08 in Hamburg
Deipser, A. (1998): Biodegradation of volatile CFCs, H-CFCs and VC in compost and marl. Management & Research, Vol. 16, No. 4, 330-341
Heine, W.; Sekoulov, I.; Burkhardt, H.; Behrendt, J.. (1998): Automatische mikroskopische Bildanalyse von Belebtschlamm zur Bestimmung von Störungen. 23. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft: Eigen- und Fremdüberwachung von Kläranlagen. Hrsg. Gulyas, H.; Sekoulov. I.: GFEU e. V., Hamburg, 7.-11.09.1998
Hintze, H.; Koning, M.; Sekoulov, I.; Stegmann, R.; Lüth, J.-C.; Reifenstuhl, R.; Behrendt, J. (1998): Erhöhung der Bioverfügbarkeit organischer Bodenkontaminationen durch kombinierte chemisch/biologische Behandlung. Vortrag anläßlich der 16. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, 26. bis 28. Mai 1998 in Wiesbaden
Hintze, H.; Sekoulov, I.; Behrendt, J. (1998): Beschleunigung der Ozonierung von Prozeßwässern durch Einsatz eines Sprühreaktors. awt, (3), (1998) S. 26 - 29
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Oldenburg, M. (1998): Einsatz von Gemischen aus Zeolith und Trägermaterial zur Stickstoffelimination. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, vol 26, GFEU
Behrendt, J. (1997): Statistische Auswertung und Darstellung von Meßdaten. Vortrag anläßlich der 1. Lübecker Abwassertage des PIK, 6. bis 8. August 1997
Behrendt, J.; Brinke-Seiferth, St.; Sekoulov, I. (1997): Sauerstoffeintrag in begaste Festbettreaktoren. Wasser Abwasser Praxis, (3), (1997) S. 46-53
Behrendt, J.; Günter, H.-O.; Oldenburg, M.; Brinke-Seiferth, St.; Sekoulov, I. (1997): Auslegung von belüfteten Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation. Vortrag anläßlich der 15. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, 4. bis 6. März 1997 in Münster
Behrendt, J.; Hintze, H. Sekoulov I. (1997): Behandlung von Prozeßwässern der Altlastensanierung sowie von kontaminierten Feinkorn mit Ozon im Sprühreaktor. Probleme und Lösungen. Vortrag anläßlich des Seminar des SFB 188 "Reinigung kontaminierter Böden", Hamburg 30. September 1996. In "Neue Technologien der Bodenreinigung", Hamburger Berichte zur Abfallwirtschaft, Band 10, Economica Verlag, 1997, S. 15-26
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Deipser, A.; Stegmann, R. (1997): Deponiegas: Biologischer Abbau von teilhalogenierten H-FCKW und Vinylchlorid unter aeroben Bedingungen bei Anwesenheit von Methan. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, Band 9, Heft 6, 309-3168
Sekoulov, I.; Brinke-Seiferth, St.; Behrendt, J. (1997): Technische Grundlagen von Festbettreaktoren. In "Biofilmtechnologie zur Reinigung kommunaler Abwässer: Mode oder Moderne?" Berichte aus Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft der Technische Universität München. Band 130, 1997, S. 25-58
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Deipser, A.; Poller, T.; Stegmann, R. (1996): Emissions of Volatile Halogenated Hydrocarbons from Landfills. Landfilling of Waste: Biogas, Christensen, T. H., Cossu, R., Stegmann, R. (Hrsg.), E&FN SPON, ISBN 0- 419-19400-2, 59-72
Sekoulov, I.; Brinke-Seiferth, St.; Behrendt, J. (1996): SBR-Kläranlagen als Vorbehandlungsstufen in Industrie und Gewerbe. Wasser Abwasser Praxis, (1), (1996), S. 43 - 45
Behrendt, J. (1995): Biologisch-chemische Behandlung eines kontaminierten Grundwassers von einem Gaswerksgelände. gwf-wasser/abwasser, 136, (1), (1995) S. 18 - 24
Cuno, M.; Weigert, B.; Behrendt, J.; Wiesmann, U. (1995): Biologischer Abbau von Öl/Wasser-Emulsionen und polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen. Vom Wasser, 84, (1995) S. 105 - 116
Behrendt, J. (1994): Biologisch-chemische Behandlung von Prozeßwässern der Altlastensanierung sowie von kontaminierten Grundwässern. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte, Reihe 15: Umwelttechnik, Nr. 119. VDI Verlag Düsseldorf (1994), ISBN 3-18-141915-x
Deipser, A.; Stegmann, R. (1994): The Origin and Fate of Volatile Trace Components in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. Waste Management & Research, No. 12, 129-139
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Deipser, A.; Stegmann, R. (1993): Untersuchungen von Hausmüll auf leichtflüchtige Spurenstoffe. Müll und Abfall, Heft 2, 69-81
Saupe, A.; Behrendt, J.; Wiesmann, U. (1992): Biologisch-chemische Grundwasserreinigung in einer mehrstufigen Versuchsanlage. IWS-Schriftenreihe Bd. 15, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, Hrsg. Institut für wassergefährdende Stoffe an der TU Berlin, S. 149-170
Behrendt, J. (1991): Aerobe Verfahren der Industrieabwasserreinigung. Umweltschutz; Konzepte & technische Lösungen. VII. Internationales Weiterbildungsseminar Berlin (27.05.1991 bis 14.06.1991). Hrsg. TU-Berlin ZTZ Heft 18 (1991) S. 162 - 185
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