Bachelor-, Master- and Project Works

On this side you can find an overview of project works/master thesis and Studien-/Vertiefer-Diplomarbeiten offered currently at our institute. These topics are out of our ongoing research projects. For details, please check the table below or contact the tutor mentioned.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Explanation of shortcuts:
PW = project work
MT = master thesis
MA = Masterarbeit
SA = Studien-/Vertieferarbeit
BA = Bachelorarbeit
DA = Diplomarbeit

MT, MA Modeling and simulation of the ANNAMOX process using OpenModelica
Possible start: 06-01-2024 to 02-28-2025
Contact: Dana Tamim, Tel.: 2417 e-mail:
and Joachim Behrendt, Tel.: 3440 e-mail: