What does the Examination Office do?

The Examination Office of the TUHH is the intersection between the students, the examination board, the examiners and the lecturers.

In addition to the general administration of the examination files of all students, the advising of students with regard to the examination regulations and the support of the examination boards in their responsibilities, the following tasks, among others, are performed in the Examinations Office:

  • Processing of applications for recognition by students who have changed universities or courses of study
  • Processing of recognition concerning studies abroad
  • Organization of exam registration periods
  • Approval of withdrawals or late registrations
  • Receipt and entry of certificates in case of illness
  • Invitation to the obligatory subject specific counseling
  • Carrying out the change of examination regulations ex officio
  • Admission to Bachelor / Master Thesis and monitoring of the relevant deadlines
  • Receipt of final theses and dispatch to examiners involved
  • Entry of the grades of the final theses
  • Preparation and issuing / sending of final documents
  • Certification of documents issued in the examination office, e.g. certificates and diplomas
  • Determination of the final failure

Das Examination Office is not responsible for: