CampusLAB Circular Economy

The CampusLAB Circular Economy will showcase various processes and products developed at TUHH and established startups, to advance towards a more sustainable future. The core principles of circular economy will be represented by the product chain from biomasses over high performance materials to their recycling. The CampusLAB will be accessible to various visitor groups (e.g., students, politicians, businesses, school classes). As a platform set between science communication and active workspace, the CampusLAB will offer the opportunity to experience and conduct product development and material handling first-hand.


Prof. Irina Smirnova, Institute of Thermal Separation Processes

Dr. Baldur Schroeter, Coordinator of Campus Lab, Institute of Thermal Separation Processes

Prof. Kerstin Kuchta, Institute for Circular Resource Engineering and Management

Prof. Benedikt Kriegesmann, Institute for Structural mechanics in lightweight design

Prof. Kaline Furlan, Institute Advanced Ceramics

Prof. Bodo Fiedler, Institute of Polymers and Composites

Prof. Christian Thies, Resilient and Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management Group