DEMOLONG Long numbers and intervals


The purpose of the long toolbox was to compute rigorous bounds for the value of certain standard functions. Those values are needed to initialize the INTLAB system. The long toolbox is slow, but fast enough to do the job.

setround(0)                 % set rounding to nearest
longprecision(0);           % default option

Recently I decided to make a true toolbox out of it supporting matrices, and many matrix operations.

Definition of long numbers

Long numbers are stored in midpoint radius representation. The midpoint is stored in an array of precision to be specified, the error is stored in one number. Long numbers or vectors are generated by the constructor long:

x = long(7)
V = long([ -1 , 3 ])
long x = 
long V = 
    -1     3


Conversion of double to long by the constructor "long" is always into the current internal precision.

The internal precision may be specified by "longprecision". The call without input parameter gives the current working precision in decimals, the call with input parameter sets working precision.

p = longprecision
p =
ans =

Now, the statement "x = long(7)" generates a long number with approximately 50 decimal digits. These are approximately 50 digits because the internal representation is to some base beta, a power of 2.

Output of long numbers

Output is usually to a little more than double precision. If you want to see more digits, say k, use "display" with second parameter equal to k. To see all digits, use k=0.

x = 1/long(7)
ans =
long x = 
long x = 
long x = 

Output of long numbers is not rigorous. All but a few of the last digits are correct.

Arithmetic operations

Long operations +,-,*,/ and ^ are supported. For example

format longdouble
x = long(reshape(1:6,2,3))
p = x'*x
===> Display long-variables as doubles
long x = 
     1     3     5
     2     4     6
long p = 
     5    11    17
    11    25    39
    17    39    61

The output has been changed to double precision; when printing as long numbers, always the vectorized data is seen:

format longlong
===> Display long-variables by long representation
long p(:) = 
  5.000000000000 * 10^+0000
  1.100000000000 * 10^+0001
  1.700000000000 * 10^+0001
  1.100000000000 * 10^+0001
  2.500000000000 * 10^+0001
  3.900000000000 * 10^+0001
  1.700000000000 * 10^+0001
  3.900000000000 * 10^+0001
  6.100000000000 * 10^+0001

Matrix operations

The determinant of the Pascal matrix is known to be always 1:

n = 5;
P = pascal(n)
P =
     1     1     1     1     1
     1     2     3     4     5
     1     3     6    10    15
     1     4    10    20    35
     1     5    15    35    70
ans =

When increasing the dimension, inevitable rounding errors may change the result, eventually producing negative results:

N = 1:20;
D = zeros(size(N));
for n=N
  D(n) = det(pascal(n));
[ N ; D ]
ans =
  Columns 1 through 7
    1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000    7.0000
    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
  Columns 8 through 14
    8.0000    9.0000   10.0000   11.0000   12.0000   13.0000   14.0000
    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
  Columns 15 through 20
   15.0000   16.0000   17.0000   18.0000   19.0000   20.0000
    0.9997    1.0131    1.1568    0.8003    3.7724 -131.2330

This is avoided when changing to long precision:

format short
N = 1:20;
D = zeros(size(N));
for n=N
  P = long(pascal(n));
  [L,U,p] = luwpp(P);
  D(n) = double(parity(p)*prod(diag(U)));
[ N ; D ]
ans =
  Columns 1 through 7
    1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000    7.0000
    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
  Columns 8 through 14
    8.0000    9.0000   10.0000   11.0000   12.0000   13.0000   14.0000
    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
  Columns 15 through 20
   15.0000   16.0000   17.0000   18.0000   19.0000   20.0000
    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000

Still some rounding errors can be seen; that is avoided by increasing the precision:

N = 1:20;
D = zeros(size(N));
for n=N
  P = long(pascal(n));
  [L,U,p] = luwpp(P);
  D(n) = double(parity(p)*prod(diag(U)));
[ N ; D ]
ans =
  Columns 1 through 13
     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
  Columns 14 through 20
    14    15    16    17    18    19    20
     1     1     1     1     1     1     1

We use the universal routine "luwpp", LU-decomposition with partial pivoting, which can be used with a variety of data types, among them intval, affari, gradient, hessian, fl, or gfp. The latter is another possibility to produce the correct determinant - at least modulo the given prime:

N = 1:20;
D = zeros(size(N));
for n=N
  P = gfp(pascal(n));
  [L,U,p] = luwpp(P);
  D(n) = double(parity(p)*prod(diag(U)));
[ N ; D ]
Galois field prime set to 67108859 
ans =
  Columns 1 through 13
     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
  Columns 14 through 20
    14    15    16    17    18    19    20
     1     1     1     1     1     1     1

Output of long intervals

The display routine takes uncertainties into account. Only the correct digits plus some extra are displayed.

x = long(1)/37;
for i=1:100
  x=x*x; x=x*37;
long x(:) = 
  2.702702702702702702702702702702702702702702702702480790 * 10^-0002
long x(:) = 
  2.702702702702702702702607 * 10^-0002

Interval and non-interval operations

Computing with uncertainties may be switched off by

x = long(1)/37;
for i=1:100
  x=x*x; x=x*37;
===> Long arithmetic computations without error terms
long x(:) = 
  2.702702702702702702702702702702702702702702702702480790 * 10^-0002
long x(:) = 
  2.702702702702702702702607059944376258877795697765239694 * 10^-0002

In this case all digits including incorrect ones are displayed. Computing without error term is a usual long precision arithmetic with specified precision. Note that scalar operations suffer from quite some interpretation overhead.

Conversion between long and double

Conversion from long to double is approximately to nearest, conversion to interval is rigorous.

For example, in the following the function "longpi" calculates "pi" to the specified longprecision, "IntPi" is a true inclusion of the transcendental number "pi".

Pi = longpi;
flptPi = long2dble(Pi)
IntPi = long2intval(Pi)
format long
===> Long arithmetic computations with error terms, i.e. valid long error bounds
long Pi(:) = 
  3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406 \
    286208998628034825342116 * 10^+0000
flptPi =
intval IntPi = 
intval IntPi = 
[   3.14159265358979,   3.14159265358980] 

Long numbers with error term

Long numbers may be specified with an explicit error term. For example,

x = long(-1.5)
x = addlongerror(x,1e-40)
long x(:) = 
 -1.500000000000 * 10^+0000
long x(:) = 
 -1.500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 * 10^+0000
long x(:) = 
 -1.500000000000 * 10^+0000
long x(:) = 
 -1.500000000000000000000000000000000000000000 * 10^+0000

defines x to be an interval with midpoint -1.5 and radius approximately 10^(-40). Only meaningful digits are stored and displayed.

Specifying extremely small errors

For very small errors leaving the range double precision floating point numbers, the error may be specified by the mantissa and the exponent of the error:

x = long(2^-1000)^2;
x = addlongerror(x,1,-620)
long x(:) = 
  8.709809816219 * 10^-0603

The final x, which is 2^(-2000), is afflicted with an error of 10^(-620).

Taylor series: an example

As an example, the following code computes the value of E = exp(x) by a Taylor series:

p = 100; longprecision(p);
x = -30;
t = 1; T = long(1); E = T; k = 0;
while abs(t)>10^(-p)
  k = k+1;
  t = t*x/k;
  T = T*x/k;
  E = E + T;
k =
ans =
long E(:) = 
  9.357622968840174604915832223378706744958322688935880416413318619960842833 * 10^-0014

Note that for large negative values of x there quite some cancellation. This can be seen by

x = 30;
t = 1; T = long(1); E = T; k = 0;
while abs(t)>10^(-p)
  k = k+1;
  t = t*x/k;
  T = T*x/k;
  E = E + T;
k =
ans =
long ans(:) = 
  9.357622968840174604915832223378706744958322688935880416413318619960842833 \
    767616873665639476198700545791 * 10^-0014

Ill-conditioned polynomials

Consider the following polynomial:

P = inline(' 4999*x.^6 - 200*x.^5 + 102*x.^4 - 2*x.^3 - 2500*x.^2 + 100*x - 1 ')
P =
     Inline function:
     P(x) = 4999*x.^6 - 200*x.^5 + 102*x.^4 - 2*x.^3 - 2500*x.^2 + 100*x - 1

This is an example of a Bugeaud-Mignotte polynomial. The general form is

( X^n - aX + 1 )^k - 2X^(nk-k)(aX-1)^k

where a>=10, n>=3 and k>=2.

Those polynomials are constructed to have a pair of very close real roots near c=1/a+1/a^(n+1). A graph using floating-point arithmetic near c looks as follows:

e = 3e-8;
c = 1/50+1/50^4;
x = c*(1+linspace(-e,e));
Ill-conditioned polynomials

From the graph it is not clear whether the polynomial has no, a double or two real roots in the interval c*[1-e,1+e]. An evaluation using the long package yields the following:

y = long2dble(P(long(x)));
Ill-conditioned polynomials

Sample programs

For sample programs using long numbers, see for example the source codes of long\longpi.m or long\@long\exp.m .


INTLAB was designed and written by S.M. Rump, head of the Institute for Reliable Computing, Hamburg University of Technology. Suggestions are always welcome to rump (at)