Research group on Theoretical Computer Science

The research group for Theoretical Computer Science is dedicated to the investigation of questions related to the nature of computation and its complexity. The main focus points are constraint satisfaction problems, complexity theory, and algebraic and logical methods used for their study.


A new paper with the title "Promise and Infinite-Domain Constraint Satisfaction" by Mottet has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the international conference Computer Science Logic (CSL) and will be presented this February in Napoli.
The institute is recruiting 3 teaching assistants for the DAS course in WiSe 23/24.
A new paper by Barto, Bodor, Kozik, Mottet, and Pinsker will be presented this summer at the Logic In Computer Science (LICS) conference. The paper was one of the few papers receiving a distinction this year.
The 84th Workshop on Algorithms and Complexity of the Gesellschaft Informatik is jointly organized by the research group on theoretical computer science and the institute for algorithms and complexity of TU Hamburg and will take place at TU Hamburg on March 6, 2023.