Visit of Gymnasium Oberalster study group "Nature and Technology"

In context of their project week students from the Gymnasium Oberalster in Hamburg-Sasel visited our institute in September 2015 and gained insight into the perspectives of studying electrical engineering and its importance in everyday life.


The day began with an introduction by Prof. Gerhard Bauch about the study courses offered by our university. Additionally, the talk gave a lot of inspiration where electrical engineers can be found and will be needed in industry. In a second talk titled "MIMO and Turbo Processing – Informationtheory for Smartphones" Prof. Bauch showed some recent research results and their connection to the everyday life of the students.

After a lunch break in the Mensa, the students were offered a tour on the campus. They had a look at different institutes and had the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of a lecture hall.


The second part of the day was devoted to a hands-on session on QR codes. After a short theoretic introduction on how QR codes work, the students had the possibility to discover the error correcting properties of QR codes experimentally with scissors and laser scanners. The day ended with a visit from two master students of our institute who talked about their motivation for studying electrical engineering and their personal experiences.