
Das Institut für Nachrichtentechnik trauert um seinen langjährigen Leiter Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Norbert Joachim Fliege. Er verstarb am 2. Februar 2025 im Alter von 81 Jahren. Fliege war einer der Gründer des Instituts für Nachrichtentechnik (damals noch Arbeitsbereich für Nachrichtentechnik).
Jasper Brüggmann received the Karl H. Ditze award for his master thesis on “Turbo Equalization with Coarse Quantization using the Information Bottleneck Method”, written at the Institute of Communications under supervision of Philipp Mohr. The award ceremony took place in the Karl H. Ditze lecture hall at TUHH on July 03, 2024.
From 08.07. till 12.07.2024 a group of students from the Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium in Heimfeld spent their project week at the Institute of Communications. The motto of their project week this year was "Kultur trifft Technik". In light of that motto, the goal of the project group at our institute was to build a synthesizer from discrete electronic components.
At the TUHH graduation ceremony, which took place on the 28th of June 2024 in the Friedrich-Ebert-Halle in Heimfeld, Dr.-Ing. Jan Brumm received the prize for one of the best-designed doctoral hats. Colleagues and fellow doctoral students at the Institute of Communications spent a lot of time, effort and creativity in creating the hat which depicts the topic of his dissertation, conferences visited as well as workplace habits and his private life.
The HafenCity Run is the biggest charity run in northern Germany. On 1st of June nearly half of the Institute of Communications took part in this 4.5 km long run. It led through the modern waterfront district showcasing the newest and most beautiful landmarks of this growing area. In temperatures of around 24 degrees and lots of sunshine, in total 181 TUHH members showed team spirit and ran for a good cause.
At this year's Girls' Day, a group of 15 science-loving schoolgirls were visiting the Insititute of Communications for the workshop "Wie kommt eigentlich die Musik in mein Handy?". In this workshop they learned the basics of how information is stored on a smartphone and what the challenges are to store analog signals like pictures or music. Additionally, they had the chance to experiment on how the process of analog-to-digital conversion works and test the results with their own smartphone.
On January 9, 2024, Jan-Christoph Brumm successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis Channel Modeling and Performance Analysis of Ultra Wideband In-Body Communication. The Ph.D. examination committee was formed by Prof. Dr. habil. Sybille Fröschle (Institute for Secure Cyber Physical Systems) and the reviewers Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Bauch and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher (Kiel University).
Jannik Jacobsen received the Karl H. Ditze award for his master thesis "Optimization of Parity-Check-Matrices of LDPC-Codes". The award ceremony took place on July 19, 2023 in the Karl H. Ditze lecture hall at TUHH. The thesis was written as part of a cooperation between the Institute of Comunications (E-8) and the Institute of Mathematics (E-10).
Maximilian Stark received the Tesat-Spacecom Science Award for his Ph.D. thesis „Machine Learning for Reliable Communication Under Coarse Quantization.” The award ceremony as part of the GOSATCOM conference took place in Munich on March 28, 2023. The laudatory speech was given by Tesat-Spacecom CTO Siegbert Martin.
Gerhard Bauch, head of the Institute of Communications was elected to the Board of Governors of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society for the term 2023-2025 and as Executive Vice President of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society for the term 2023.