[158545] |
Title: Tracking heart surface features to determine myocardial contrast agent enrichment:. |
Written by: J. Sprenger and J. Petersen and N. Neumann and H. Reichenspurner and D. Russ and C. Detter and A. Schlaefer |
in: <em>Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering</em>. (2021). |
Volume: <strong>7</strong>. Number: (1), |
on pages: 53-57 |
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DOI: doi:10.1515/cdbme-2021-1012 |
URL: https://doi.org/10.1515/cdbme-2021-1012 |
Abstract: Fluorescent cardiac imaging can be applied for intraoperative quality control after a coronary bypass grafting surgery to ensure the myocardial perfusion by evaluating the increasing contrast agent enrichment in the heart. The motion due to the beating heart impedes the interpretation of the contrast agent enrichment in the vessels and leads to noisy enrichment curves. We propose tracking of the heart surface features to compensate for the motion of the beating heart and thereby improve the analysis of the contrast agent enrichment. Furthermore, we propose a vessel segmentation pipeline for a local evaluation of contrast agent enrichment directly in the vessels